"That Inoue Orihime has the ability to heal and is quite strong against the sky. I heard that it is not inferior to Captain Unohana, and it is only natural that Aizen Soyousuke values ​​him."

"Damn, we must not let Aizen Sosuke get Inoue Orihime, otherwise we will be more dangerous in the future. Aizen Sosuke already has invincible strength. If we have invincible healing power, we will be helpless!"


Wuchen silently listened to a group of captains discussing, and couldn't help whining. These idiots are not suitable for subordinates. Looking around, there were as many as a dozen captains, but now there are only a few people left.

Those who were pitted were pitted to death, those who defected defected, and there were only those few people left.

"How could Aizen Sangyousuke really care about the little ability to heal merely? This is obviously a tactic to get rid of the tiger and leave the mountain, you brainless idiots!"

"However, Aizen Sosuke has acted, and it seems that the final decisive battle is just around the corner."

The pupils turned over, the crimson blood light beating in the dust-free eyes, which was very terrifying. There was no need to stay in this world. The power of the Spirit King was already in hand, except for the few subordinates of Youhabach who did not swallow everything else. Everything gets what you want, and dust-free will naturally not be left to waste time.

"Since you choose to die, then I will do as you wish. After all, everyone is a colleague, and you will go to the underworld to wear small shoes for me in the future."

Wuchen said with a sneer in his heart, his face was full of energy, his face was righteous, and he said impassively: "Everyone, the day of the war with the virtual circle is coming, everyone must be full of confidence and defeat Aizan Suoyousuke, the scourge of the world. Evil people!"

"Understood, Captain Chief!"

The captains of the death gods nodded their heads and assured, all of them blushing and secretly having hair that wanted Alan Ranxue Yousuke to look good, and being suppressed by Alan Ranxuan Youxue for so long, they already had a resentment in their hearts, and they didn't vomit unhappy.

"Okay, that's it for today, let's all go."

After a while, Wuchen waved his hand to end the meeting, his eyes dimmed and he looked rather tired.


"You are too greedy, Lord Chen."

In the fourth team, Mao Zhihualie's tone was dissatisfied, and he said solemnly: "If it wasn't for your strange body structure, I'm afraid you would have been blown up by the power of the Spirit King."

Wuchen responded with a wry smile, and vaguely saw the dense bloodshot oozing out of xiongtang, which was caused by the power of the Spirit King, which instinctively rejected Wuchen, or in other words, rejected all the gods of death.

"It doesn't matter, this kind of small injury is harmless to me, it won't work."

Handing a consoling look, Wuchen smiled brightly, and could see the internal organs in a blur, and even the beating heart could be clearly seen.

All of them have been corroded and soaked by the power of the Spirit King. If it wasn't for the dust-free life, I'm afraid I would have kicked the fart with both feet!

"Are you really going to fight Aizen Sousuke?"

Carefully holding a towel to dry the blood on Wuchen's back, Uzhihualie asked softly.

"It's almost time to fix everything."

Wuchen nodded and didn't hide it: "The captains are scrambling to die, then I'll do it for them. I really think Aizen Soyousuke is muddy? The naivety is unbearable!"


Looking at Wuchen with a displeased face, Uozhihualie couldn't help laughing and laughing, and suddenly felt that her lover was occasionally naughty and would play a little temper.

"Hehe... In fact, I wish all the captains were dead! Those flies buzzing around all day long, in fact, they are not the enemies of Aizen Soyousuke, and now they are still posing My eldest son deserves to be killed!"

Wuchen suddenly changed his face and explained with a smile: "Although I don't know where Yuhabach is hiding, at least one thing is certain, he needs a lot of souls to recover, so when we fought with Aizen Souyousuke , that old boy will definitely be unable to hold back and come out to collect souls, after all, war is the fastest time for creatures to fall."

Mao Zhihualie looked at Wuchen with a gloomy smile on his face, and seemed to feel Youhabach's grievance in the dark!


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Chapter 1209 Collapsed Jade Manufacturing Failure [First Update]

Uno Hana Lie was silent when he heard the words. The captains of the Soul Society regarded Aizen Sosuke as the biggest enemy, but Aizen Sosuke himself regarded these captains as clowns.

"You can't even count as cannon fodder in front of Aizen Soujie."

Wuchen is very contemptuous, these captains who have seen Aizen Sosuke's "Kyoka Shuiyue" are not his enemies at all, and the gap between the two sides is huge.

"I just hope that with the help of the souls of those people, I can hook up Youhabach behind the scenes..." Wuchen muttered to himself and lowered his head silently.

"Boom boom boom!"

Intense spiritual pressure fluctuations swept through the soul world, and two violent spiritual pressures impacted, grinding the sky into a creaking sound.

"This is……"

A flash of surprise flashed in Wuchen's eyes. Those who dared to make trouble near the fourth division were courageous enough, and the scale of Reiatsu was not weak.

"It's Madarame and Ayasegawa Yukino, really, I'll go..."

"Forget it, Lie."

When Mao Zhihualie was about to rush out the door, Wuchen stretched out her hand and pulled her out, and said with a smile: "They have already killed their captain Zeraki Kenpachi, and soon these two guys will also suffer a great disaster. For our superiors, we must be considerate to our subordinates, and let those two little devils slowly enjoy the next time."

Not only Madarame and Ayase Chuan Yujin's spiritual pressure, but also the sixth division's vice-captain Renji Asanjing, even Kuchiki Rukia and Hinamori Momo, are all in their own way of missing the captains who have passed away. .

The entire corpse and soul world is gloomy and bleak, without the slightest fighting spirit.


At the same time, there is a fierce quarrel in the other direction,

"Get out of the way, don't stop me, I'm going to save my partner!"

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