Wuchen laughed, and in one sentence, Shutara Qianshoumaru was thrown into hell. For this cold iceberg woman, the policy pursued by Wuchen has always been a strong crush until one day she completely surrendered!

"Miss Hizune, aren't you going to avoid it?"

Ambiguously looking at Hizune Kiryu, Wuchen smiled and joked: "Although most scientists don't have a basic understanding of men and women, it's not good for you to watch the two of us carry out the man-making movement with such a big fanfare?"

"Human Movement?"

Hearing this, Hibune Kiryu was stunned first, his face full of doubts, and then he looked at Shutara Senjumaru's blushing face, and immediately understood what it meant, and cursed in his heart: "Shameless!"


Inside the Palace of Void Night.

On the throne, Aizen Sousuke looked down at the turbulent Daxu below, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and finally he exerted his god-level talent for interpretation.

"Everyone's broken faces..."

The voice containing the magic power spread quietly, and the restless broken faces suddenly fell silent, and all their eyes hit Aizen Soyousuke who was standing on the altar!

"The full-scale war with the god of death is imminent. I hope you all pack up your mentality and completely defeat the god of death. There is no enemy in front of us, and the whole world is what you step on!"

Aizen Soyousuke raised his voice bewitchingly, his impassioned tone made blood boil.

"Kill all the gods of death!"

"Tread the world of corpses!"

"Sweep the gods of death and eat them all!"


Seeing this, a smug arc swept across the corner of Lan Ran's right mouth. It was extremely obscure and no one saw it. Most people were immersed in the joy of trampling on the Soul World.

"A group of chess pieces, even delusionally want to set foot on heaven... Even if you follow me, you can really set foot on heaven, but it is only a short moment. When you fall, you will be shattered."

Aizen Soyousuke smiled without saying a word, quietly watching the scene in front of him.Since a group of over-the-top bugs chose to go to hell for him, Aizen Soyousuke certainly wouldn't reject their kindness!


At this moment, Lan Ran Suo Yujie's brows suddenly lightly wrinkled, merged with Beng Yu, his strength has reached a world-shattering realm, the entire virtual circle is under his control, and he said with great interest: "It seems that someone has already Invaded into the virtual circle..."

"Is it to save that little girl?"

Aizen Sangyousuke muttered to himself, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to Ulquiorra: "Ulquiorra, that little girl will be handed over to you, don't let me down.

"Understood, Aizen-sama!"


The person who invaded the virtual circle was naturally Ichigo Kurosaki and his group. Although he lost to Sifengyuan Yeyi in the end, by chance, he also learned the ability of the virtual circle.

At the same time, when Wuchen and others from the Soul Society were about to rush to the world, an unimaginable change occurred.


The sky above Soul Soul Realm burst, revealing a deep black cavity, and groups of Kilian stepped out of it, and the earth-shattering roar resounded through Soul Soul Realm.

"Strange, the first place to make [Wang Jian] should be the present world. What are you doing in the Soul Soul World? Are you planning to directly kill the Death God in the Soul Soul World?"

Wuchen secretly speculated about the purpose of Aizen Sosuke, and at the same time, the gods of death in the corpse soul world began to face Daxu one after another, and the tragic war started directly.

"Let's go to the virtual circle, no, let's go to the world, Lie. The other captains stay in the corpse soul world to meet the big virtual!"

Wuchen gave a brief order, and then he and Mao Zhihualie left the Soul Soul Realm and rushed to the world. These little pawns left the Death God of Soul Soul Realm to solve them.

Aizen Soyousuke's main purpose is the Spirit King!That is, it is now dust-free.

"Understood the commander-in-chief!"


In this world, it should have been a cloudless sky. At this moment, the clouds are dense, and an endless stream of Daxu comes out of the black cavity. The Kylians who spit red flashes wantonly destroy the city. Where the Kylians walked, A messy, well-rounded city faced the ravages of the Kylians, but turned into a group of fragments and ruins!

At the same time, a bright white light flashed across the sky, and Wuchen and the others walked out of the gate.

"Well? Aizen Sou Yousuke doesn't seem to be here."

Putting the whole world into his eyes, Wuchen muttered to himself, but found no sign of Aizen Souyousuke, only Kirian in groups.

"It's really weird, what do you mean by Aizen Sousuke..."

Looking at the messy world below, Wuchen couldn't help frowning, searching for a long time, not to mention Aizen Suoyousuke, there was no trace of the virtual circles.

There was only Kylian in groups, neither Vastord nor Achukas, and everyone was stunned by this scene.


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Chapter 1211 The one to die is coming [Chapter Three]

The present world has turned into ruins, braving the black smoke of gunpowder, and the mere human beings have no resistance at all in front of Kilian, and they are extremely fragile.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, the sharp sound of breaking the air came towards him, and Wuchen narrowed his pupils lightly, ponderingly looking at the blue arrows coming from afar, and the cold light at the corner of his mouth flashed away.

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