"You go to Soul Soul World first, we may be put together by Ai Ran Sou Yousuke, and he may turn around and attack Soul Soul World with all his strength."

Mao Zhihualie turned his head towards several people.

"But you..."

Hearing this, Mao Zhihua Liedai frowned, looked at the arrows coming from afar, and instructed: "Be careful."

"You haven't died after all these years... God is really blind!"

After seeing the visitor clearly, Wuchen's expression became colder, the spiritual pressure in his body surged, and a huge cold light shot out.

"The Sixty-Three Thunder Roar Cannons of Destruction!"

The beam swept across the world, forming a large-scale energy tide that overwhelmed the sky with momentum.


Before the arrow touched Wuchen, it was melted by the fiery temperature emitted by the "Thunder Roar Cannon", and the liquid spirit floated around.

"Damn, how unfair God is! You have become stronger again."

The man with white hair stayed in the sky, the space he was in was obviously slightly higher, and he looked down at Wuchen with a downward gaze.

"I haven't seen you for so many years...you're still as weak as ever!"

With a contemptuous smile, Wuchen opened his mouth and sarcastically said: "What? Why are you looking for me now? Kill me for revenge? Or do you want to die with me?"

The visitor is Ishida Yulong's father, Ishida Longxian!

"Where is Masaki?"

Forced to suppress the hostility in his heart, Ishida Longxian asked hoarsely.

"No comment!"

Raising his eyelids, Wuchen said indifferently. In fact, he also knew that when he sent Cantis and Bambi Aita to look for traces of Kurosaki Masaki, but in the end he didn't get any news, not even the least clues.

Years passed, and it was gone.

"If that's the case, then you're going to die!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Another dense array of arrows is coming towards you, causing death, almost all of them are aimed at the vital parts of the body.

"Quixiere... Except for a few of them, it's better to die!"

Seeing this, the dust-free defense has no defense, let the oncoming arrow hit the body, completely ignore it, this kind of fragile attack is superfluous.

"Clang clang!"

As if hitting the steel skin, the dust-free skin swept out a little spark.

"This guy...."

Seeing this, Ishida Longxian's eyes widened. He knew that Wuchen was a monster before. Who would have thought that he had not seen it for a few years, and now it has evolved into a divine beast!

The golden iron and steel bones cannot be broken at all!

"Oh, you are indeed a highly skilled doctor. Where are the shoe prints on your face? I spent a lot of effort to keep them here. Could it be that you used your own medical skills to remove the footprints on your face? Ah ah ah ah Lie... It's rare for a doctor like you to operate on yourself."

Wuchen smiled recklessly, and even an idiot could tell that it was intentional to sprinkle salt on the scar, not to mention the talented and intelligent Ishida Longxian.

"You guy,..."

Ishida Longxian had a black face, and he could naturally hear the sound of the dust-free overtones, and there were countless blue veins overflowing from his forehead, as if there were insects surging in it, which was very scary.

"Who is pretending to be like this? You think you can scare me?"

With a sneer, Wuchen disappeared, but his voice resounded throughout the space, like an invisible ghost, and his voice echoed in the sky.

"Bastard, where are you, there is something for me, don't hide!"

Ishida Longxian's eye sockets bulged, the entire eyeball seemed to fall out, and the bloodshot was clearly visible, looking left and right looking for traces of dust-free.

"The response is still slow."

At this moment, there was another indifferent tone from the sky.

"I found you, full of flaws!"

His pupils twitched, and Ishida Longxian shot the arrow in his hand at the fastest speed in his life, hitting Wuchen like a ray of light.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The heart, the head, and the throat were each hit by an arrow, and then the internal organs were also filled with various arrows, and they were almost fatally hit by one blow, and there was no possibility of surviving!

"You should definitely die now, damn monster."

Ishida Longxian, who has excellent eyesight, naturally sees the dust-free state, his heart is shattered, and the immortals cannot be saved.

"Finally put this..."


The smug smile suddenly subsided, and the stinging pain seemed to run down the nerves in an instant. Ishida Longxian lowered his head in surprise, and what caught his eye was a luminous golden sword.

"I really don't know, what's so happy about you? Everyone is an old friend. Let you kill me once to relieve your anger. Now you not only don't thank me, but you are staring at me. It's really a wolf-hearted thing!"

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