"Isn't it Aizen Sousuke?"

He raised his brows lightly, and there was a hint of disappointment in Wuchen's eyes, his annoyed expression looked very depressed, and he didn't know where he picked up a tender grass and threw it in his mouth, and then chewed boringly: "I have heard of Zanpakutō's betrayal. , the culprit seems to be called Muramasa, and if you want them to return to their obedience, the only way is to submit to Zanpakuto again."


As soon as he finished talking about the method of subduing Zanpakutō, a hole opened in the sky, and several familiar figures came out of it.

"Urahara Kisuke?"

Calm's eyes flashed with surprise, and noticed that Wuchen's expression was slightly wrinkled, and his frivolous expression also restrained. Even if this kid is not as terrible as Aizen Suoyousuke, his scheming Chengfu is also extremely terrible.

"Could it be that..."

Looking at the messy soul world, an incredible thought suddenly appeared in Wuchen's heart, especially the cunning arc outlined by Urahara Kisuke's mouth, and the eyes that changed at that time, Wuchen began to reverie, he said that it was difficult not to think about it!

Urahara Kisuke was actually forced to cooperate with Wuchen before.If there is a way to resist Wuchen one day, he will never mind stabbing a black knife in the back.


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Chapter 1213 Kisuke Urahara's Hole Card [First Update]

Looking at Kisuke Urahara with great interest, Wuchen couldn't help but start to think about it.

"What kind of way will Kisuke Urahara take revenge on me?"

Wuchen was quite curious, and he was also expected to betray Urahara Kisuke. After all, he had done that kind of thing to Sifengyuan Yeichi and openly molested her. It was normal for Urahara Kisuke to hold a grudge. Snoring to sleep, every man absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to happen.

"Ranju, let me deal with it here, you can go back to Jingling Court temporarily." Xiang Matsumoto Ranju showed a faint smile, and Wuchen said easily.

"Captain, you..."

Looking at Wuchen's smiling face, Matsumoto Ranju's heart couldn't help but clenched. Ichimaru Gin was very important to her, but now that she has betrayed the Soul Society, there is only Wuchen in her heart who saved her from trouble.

"Forget it, what am I worried about?"

Matsumoto Ranju laughed at himself, thinking of Wuchen's strength, all confusion immediately disappeared.The graceful carcass turned into a breeze and disappeared with the wind.


"By the way, the Zanpakutō materialization must have been created by this kid, right?" Tong Ren squinted, and there was an old-fashioned ray of light in Wuchen's eyes.

If it was in the past, this kind of thing would never happen. After all, the captain of the thirteenth team of the Guardian was originally Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai. Now Wuchenjiu occupies the magpie's nest and becomes the second captain. The thirteenth team was naturally hostile to Urahara Kisuke.

"Yo, store manager Urahara, it's a rare sight to see. Now that the Soul Society is suffering, are you here to help?"

Stretching, floating in front of Kisuke Urahara, Wuchen yawned and asked in a long voice, "Or are you here to take advantage of the fire?"

"You should understand this."

After seeing Wuchen appear and staring at him carefully for a few seconds, the strange color in Urahara Kisuke's eyes flashed away.

"In other words, you want to be my enemy?"

Wuchen sighed and said with great disappointment: "I pay great attention to our cooperative relationship, and now you have violated our original cooperation agreement and cancelled the cooperation agreement in advance, which is really shocking..."

"Stop lying there."

Urahara Kisuke shook his head and said with bright eyes: "Byakuya Kuchiki, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Kenpachi Zaraki, and Shirou Ukitake should all be killed by you!"

Although it was an unfounded guess, Urahara Kisuke said with full determination: "I am always monitoring Aizen Souyu's every move, it is impossible for him to kill, so the only person I can think of is you."

"Thinking is really quick, but being too smart can be troublesome very quickly!"

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled and did not deny it, admitting: "It was indeed me who did it, but it was all for justice!"

Urahara Kisuke was stunned by the sudden sentence, and his puzzled eyes had an incomprehensible meaning. It was not difficult to see that he did not understand Wuchen's meaning at all.

"Yuhabach, who hides behind the scenes, is more dangerous than Aizen Sousuke, but due to the reasons for the entire Star Crusader Knights in the past, even if he wants to resurrect all the Star Crusader Knights, he needs a lot of souls, so... Next You don't need to tell me, you should understand what it means."

"That's not an excuse for you to kill those captains!"

Urahara Kisuke, who understood the meaning, said hoarsely, and sighed heavily: "It seems that I am naive enough to work with a devil in the cloak of death..."

Urahara Kisuke laughed bitterly at himself. After a while, he changed the conversation and said awe-inspiringly: "After the war, countless souls died, and a large number of souls were also produced, which can indeed attract Yohabach to the surface, but you forgot Is it your identity? You are the commander-in-chief, not the executioner who is ruthless!"

"You are indifferent to watching the Great Void ravage the world and the world of corpses, which shows that your heart is cold!" He said that Urahara Kisuke already had spiritual pressure throbbing in his body.

"It's a big event, but what is the death of two captains?" Wuchen didn't care, his tone was very free and easy: "Only the more people die, the more souls are produced. The cat will come out!"

"It's because of this that our cooperation broke down, and you were the first to tear up the agreement!" Urahara Kisuke didn't give in and gritted his teeth: "Not only that, I will become your enemy and opponent!"

"Just you? And the props behind you? The props made by Team Zero can't suppress me, let alone you." Glancing at the props behind Urahara Kisuke, he was calm.

Ignoring Wuchen's ridicule, Urahara Kisuke was full of confidence and indifference, and replied, "To borrow a sentence from human beings, science changes the world!"

Hearing this, Wuchen's shining eyes couldn't help but stagnate, and cursed inwardly.

"It doesn't matter, it's better to kill you, the smiling tiger, and stab me with a black knife in the back at any time. Anyway, now that there are Kiryu Hikifune and Shutara Senjumaru, it doesn't matter if you are missing Urahara Kisuke, the world will still revolve around me. !"

Wuchen's heart was relieved, and then the whole body's Reiatsu began to run wild, turning into a dense offensive to sweep Kisuke Urahara, the whole void trembled, the boundless energy tide blocked the sky, and the clear sky was as dark as night.

Now the Wuchen after devouring the Spirit King is such a strength, the mountains and the earth are cracked at every turn, and the sun and the moon are dull!

"This pervert!"

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