Seeing this, Urahara Kisuke's pupils shrank, his old face changed drastically, and he hurried away with a loud curse, but sadly, endless waves of energy came from all directions, and the whole world seemed to be Urahara Kisuke's enemy, and no place was safe. of.


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Chapter 1214 What can you do to me? 【Second Update】

Urahara Kisuke saw such a scene, his old face turned green, and the fluctuation of Reiatsu around him made him shudder.

"The Ninety-One Thousand-Handed Cannons of the Breaking Way!!!"

The pink light from the sky invaded, there was no escape, there was no escape, and there was no space for Urahara Kisuke to escape.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

It was not until the pink light exploded that Urahara Kisuke, who had an ugly face, came out of the black cavity again.

"Yo, are you planning to clean me up like this? Going around? Could it be that you are a dog? Store Manager Urahara!" Wuchen's tone was sharp, his face full of ill will, no doubt this was intentional.

"No matter how strong the strength is, this mouth is not enough!"

Urahara Kisuke's expression became colder, and he took out a black hood and draped it over his body. Immediately, with Wuchen's stunned comment, Urahara Kisuke disappeared, and the Reiatsu was completely hidden.


Seeing such an incredible scene, Wuchen couldn't help but stunned, and then blinked his eyes, always feeling that this scene seemed familiar.

"By the way, in the original book, Aizen Sousuke and the three of them seem to have attacked Shiba Isshin with this cloak that can shield Reiatsu..."


At this moment, Wuchen suddenly felt a tingling pain in his wrist, and a tiny scar appeared inexplicably.

"Did Urahara Kisuke cut it?"

Wuchen guessed, looking at the shallow and negligible traces, pouted his lips and said disdain: "However, this strength is really fragile, haven't you eaten? Urahara Kisuke!!!"

"Damn, is this guy a Daxu? No, even if he is really a Daxu of the Vastord level, the steel skin shouldn't be so hard!"

Urahara Kisuke looked at the broken blade, with black lines on his forehead, and was extremely depressed. He attacked with all his strength, causing negligible skin damage to Wuchen.

The most embarrassing thing is that his Zanpakutō has a gap instead. You must know that Vastord Daxu's skin is not so hard!

However, this is not the most frightening.


The earth of the Soul Realm, without being attacked, actually opened a thick crack out of thin air, tens of kilometers long. The bottomless abyss is like the masterpiece of the gods, and the dark mouth is unbearable!

"what's going on?"

Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but startled, his face full of astonishment.

Wuchen looked around, noticing that there was no movement from Urahara Kisuke, he immediately opened his eyes and brought the whole thing under his eyelids.

"Even if my eyes are blinded, I can't avoid the perception of seeing and domineering."

Wuchen laughed secretly in his heart, and after a few seconds, he noticed the black shadow rushing behind him, and secretly gathered a powerful force.

"Bang bang bang!"

The moment Zanpakutō was about to slash Wuchen's head, his body turned around abruptly, revealing a cold profile face and a huge big foot!


Urahara Kisuke's chest cavity was suddenly smashed into a big hole, and the blood flowed continuously, and the ribs and various organs of the internal organs could be vaguely seen.


His body kept flying, and when he was about to hit a distant mountain, a figure stopped him.

"It turned out to be you, Miss Ye Yi, thank you."

Kisuke Urahara thanked him solemnly, with a painful expression on his face, he endured the stinging pain and asked solemnly, "Aren't you in a virtual circle? I remember fighting with Kurosaki Ichigo and the group."


Hearing this, Sifengyuan Yeyi's tone was stagnant, and he didn't know how to answer. Looking at the shocking crack on the ground, a terrifying thought flashed in his heart involuntarily.

The eyes that looked at Wuchen gradually changed, from disgust to complexity, and even a little awe.

"Let me make a long story short, the same situation happened in the virtual circle and the corpse soul world. After a tremor, a huge crack appeared. This is definitely not a coincidence!" Sifengyuan Ye Yi said silently, with an alternative meaning in his words.

"Could it be that... this guy... Could it be that..."

Urahara Kisuke, who has always been quick-thinking, his tone was trembling and full of shock. Realizing that something was wrong, he hurriedly asked Sifengyuan Yeyi: "Is this situation also happening in this world?"


Sifengyuan was silent for a while, and after a while, he nodded heavily to meet Kisuke Urahara's eyes.

"Could it be that you have become a spirit, spirit king?"

When mentioning the word Spirit King, Urahara Kisuke's tone was obviously stammered, his head lowered, like a mourning concubine, his eyes were dull, as if his soul had been taken away and turned into a walking corpse.

"My identity as the Spirit King has hit you so hard? I should have revealed my identity before I knew it." Wuchen complained regretfully, feeling quite disappointed.

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