The man in front of him was very different from before. His short orange hair grew longer, danced in the wind, and hung down to his waist. In an instant, a black hole in his chest was covered with black stripes.

Kurosaki Ichigo completely emptied, but he obviously did not lose his will.

"This is my power now!"

Seeing the calm expressions on Wuchen and Aizen Sousuke's faces, Kurosaki Ichigo burst out with confidence, and said softly, "As long as I wave it gently, I can..."

"As long as I wave it lightly and forcefully, you will be dead!"

Before Kurosaki Ichigo could finish speaking, Aizen Sousuke instantly moved behind Kurosaki Ichigo, and the Zanpakutō held high swept out, a ripple visible to the naked eye instantly shattered Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Are you surprised? That's right. As a human being, you have the power to keep pace with me. To be honest, I admire your tenacious perseverance, but..."

Aizen Sang Youjie's tone was very contemptuous, and the person he was talking to was even more worthless than garbage, and said indifferently: "But an idiot is always an idiot, just at your level, after cultivating for decades, you can only do it in me. Prostrate and trembling in front of him, even..."

"Kurosaki Ichigo is trash...but you are also trash!"

A ghostly voice resounded behind him, and the emotionless tone made Aizen horrified. He turned his head in an instant, but what returned him was a ruthless and cruel slash!


The tragic Aizen Soyousuke and Kurosaki Ichigo were equally tragic. They were directly cut in half by Wuchen, and their bodies began to fall slowly uncontrollably.

Looking at the cold dust-free sky in the sky, Lan Ran Suo Youjie was stunned. He has already evolved by Beng Yu, why is he still killed by a knife?This is as incredible as a dream!

With Bengyu, he will be instantly killed, and the blow to Aizen is no less than five thunders!


Asking for flowers, asking for a reward, asking for a variety of requests automatically and vaguely


Chapter 1221 Aizen, you are too superficial [second more]

Aizen's pupils widened to the largest extent in his life, and a special spiritual pressure erupted from the dismembered body, which reunited and repaired the broken body.

"Tsk tsk.... The vitality is really tenacious."

There were some unexpected ripples in the pupil, and Wuchen returned to calm again, always keeping the waves.

"Why is this guy so strong? I'm not reconciled!"

Aizen Sosuke was full of flames. Under his anger, Aizen Sosuke erupted with explosive power, distorting the space around him and turning it into debris all over the sky.He exhausted all his efforts and scheming, and in the end, he was brutally killed in seconds. Wuchen's casual eyes that ignored the common people and regarded himself as an ant made Aizen Soyousuke deeply affected.


Ai Ran Sang Yusuke clenched his fist tightly, his palms seemed to be bleeding, his five fingers were deep in the flesh, a great resentment and unwillingness drove his reason, his mind turned upside down, as if it was about to explode, causing Ai Ran Sang Yousuke's body was filled with a ferocity like a beast.

"If I can't even beat this guy, how can I kill King Spirit, how can I kill Team Zero..."

Aizen Suoyousuke roared in a low and hoarse voice, with a madness that looked like death.

"Aizen Suoyousuke, I thought you had a very high vision... But I just found out now that I am too naive, and you are just an ordinary person."

Wuchen shook his head, looking helpless.

"What do you mean..."

Noticing Wuchen's abnormality, Aizen Soyousuke asked with an ugly face.

"In the final analysis, the so-called spirit king is just a product created by the soul world, a little person who is not worth mentioning." Thoughts rolled over, Wuchen said: "The spirit king is the foundation of stabilizing all living beings, and the spirit king collapses so completely. The world will also disappear, and when the Spirit King dies, all living beings will be buried with them, and vice versa."

Aizen Suo Youjie frowned and asked hoarsely, "What do you want to express?"

"Don't know that?"

Hearing this, Wuchen's brows swept over the color of contempt, and smiled: "In other words, killing the King of Spirit is equivalent to killing any member of all living beings, and you are no exception!"

"In other words, killing the Spirit King is equivalent to killing yourself."

"Demon talk to confuse the public!" With a sneer, Lan Ran Suo Yousuke dismissed it.

"So you have little knowledge and think you know everything? What dreams are you doing? After all, you are just a pawn for me."

Glancing at Lan Ran Suo Yujie lightly, Wuchen gradually lost interest, and said coldly: "Your immortal body can obtain unlimited spiritual pressure, and the origin is nothing more than Bengyu, as long as you destroy him, you will And will be restored to mortal form."

"You are still vulnerable now!"

With a sneer, Wuchen turned into a storm and rushed towards Aizen Soyousuke.

"Can't see it?!"

Aizen Soyousuke was shocked. The dust-free in his eyes was simply space movement, and Aizen even felt that the use of witchcraft by the dust-free reduced his thinking ability.

After all, there are too many "witchcraft" that Wuchen knows!

"Bang bang bang!"

Without realizing it, a heavy foot fell into the sky, Lan Ran Suo Yusuke vomited blood, and was blasted away by the force of the destructive force.


The ground that was hit hard seemed to burst, and a huge hole was clearly visible, covered in blood, and the sunken face of Aizen Sosuke was deep in it. The same vulnerable, the strength of the two sides are completely different dimensions!

"Huh? It doesn't seem right."

He raised his brows lightly, Wuchen closed his eyes, and he saw the domineering spread out. He had seen Aizano Soyousuke's Jinghua Shuiyue before.

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