"No wonder it feels so strange, it turned out to be disguised."

Under the domineering detection, Aizen Sousuke's body on the ground turned into a Zanpakutō.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Behind him, a sharp edge suddenly attacked, and Wuchen, who closed his eyes, turned his head indifferently, and noticed the black figure that was coming. The distorted face of Aizen Soyousuke was clearly visible, and the black light visible to the naked eye was beating around him.

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"

The floating black gloss turned virtual into reality, forming a large and dense blade of blades, which stabbed one after another.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Aizen Soyousuke suffered a fatal blow, and there were countless loopholes in his entire body, hundreds of them in size, each of which was as big as a thumb, and looked extremely sinister.


In a trance, Wuchen heard the sound of glass shattering, and when he looked closely, Aizen said that the inlaid collapsing jade in his chest had turned into a pile of pieces!

"You shouldn't be able to be reborn now."

He smiled calmly, and was relieved.Looking at the dying Aizen Sou Yusuke, Wuchen's heart is happy and relaxed, and this stinky cockroach that can't be beaten is finally going to perish!

I am quite happy and comfortable in my heart. The power of Aizen Suoyousuke comes from Bengyu. Once Bengyu is destroyed, it means that he is about to fall completely.

"Let's die more thoroughly."

The earth was surging, and a giant knife handle was faintly formed, exuding scorching temperature and the power to destroy the world.

"Ninety-six and one-knife cremation of the broken way!"

With Wuchen's order, the fire broke out, forming a giant sword that covered the sky, which was shattered by Wuchen, and Aizen Soyousuke, whose consciousness was already blurred, was inevitably hit.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a violent explosion, the azure sky turned crimson, and the spiritual pressure of Aizen Sousuke completely disappeared, along with the fragments of collapsed jade.

Slowly the sky, only the dust is left alone in the sky.


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Chapter 1222 Will you tickle me again? 【First Update】


PS: Let me tell you about the recently updated question. Everyone knows that the Chinese New Year is coming soon. The author has returned to his hometown in the past few days. There are a lot of things. My family even forced me to go on a blind date. Very few, I can only say sorry for the slow down of the update, I’m sorry everyone, the update will definitely resume next Friday at the latest, and everyone knows the speed of the previous update.


The spiritual pressure extended to the entire soul world, and Wuchen was relieved when he found that Aizen Suoyoujie had completely fallen, and his tight-hearted heart also found his way safely.

"Want to kill me? Dreaming!"

An untimely sneer came, and the sky first showed some insignificant flesh foam, and then slowly expanded and expanded, and finally extended out of Aizen Sousuke's body.

"It's you who are superficial, I have completely merged with Bengyu, even you can't kill me, I am immortal, the ability to regenerate at a superficial speed has exceeded your cognition, and it is you who have superficial knowledge, even if it is destroyed. Even the most basic cells are not left, and I can reappear and condense a new body."

Aizen Suo Yusuke said proudly, with an arrogant expression on his face.

At the same time, Aizen Sousuke evolved again, not so much as one evolution, but two or three times, because his Reiatsu had increased three or four times compared to the previous level.

There was an eye-like gap on the forehead, and the face turned black. The previous facial skin was torn from the middle and located on both sides of the black face. There were 3 holes in the upper body. The right hand is fused, 6 huge butterfly wings, each of which grows a "skull" on the wing ridge.

"It's back to normal..."

Looking at the blue sphere-Bengyu, Wuchen was somewhat surprised.

"This state is really good."

Not only is the form completely different from before, but even the voice is similar to Daxu, and the hoarse tone is full of killing ~ slaughter, "This seems to be the final form of Bengyu."

"Is this the final form? It's just nothing."

Hearing this, there were ripples in Wuchen's calm eyes, which was quite unexpected at first. After all, Aizen Soyousuke and Kurosaki Ichigo fought several times to evolve to this state, but now they have evolved several levels one after another at one time. , Wuchen was really surprised.

However, after carefully sensing the level of spiritual pressure of Lan Ran Suo Yusuke, Wuchen shook his head, his face full of disappointment: "It seems that I was right to give up Bengyu at the beginning, this kind of vulgar thing is not suitable for me."

I touched the black bead on my chest. Compared with the power of the Spirit King, the mere Bengyu is not worth mentioning... Bengyu is only created on the basis of the souls of the god of death and the virtual, and the soul that is integrated is limited, while the blue dye Sou Yousuke The degree of evolution is also limited, but the power of the Spirit King is the soul that contains the entire world, which is self-evident.

The surging waves all over his body made him fascinated by the Reiatsu that made him unable to stop.

"Isn't it alright?"

Aizen, who had completely turned into a big virtual face, pouted and said contemptuously, "You are jealous that I stole the Bengyu that originally belonged to you. I have evolved several dimensions in succession. Do you think you are still my opponent?"

"is it?"

Seeing this, Wuchen's mouth curled into a contemptuous smile, and he asked with a smile, "Then can you feel my spiritual pressure?"

Lan Ran Sang Yousuke became rigid when he heard the words, and a sentence made his old face sullen, a haze flashed in his eyes, and he stared at Wuchen, and now he really can't detect Wuchen's Reiatsu.

The existence of different dimensions cannot feel the size of each other's Reiatsu.

"That's just a coincidence, you're just using magic!" Aizen's right interface retorted with red ears.

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