"Witchcraft? You are fooling..."


Without giving Wuchen a chance to speak, Aizen's wings vibrated, leaping over a full [-] meters in an instant, and the Zanpakutō slashed from Wuchen's left side.

"Sure enough, it is a temporary realm, and there is no even the most basic reaction."

Aizen Sosuke witnessed Wuchen being indifferent, the strength in his hand was even more three-pointed, and the wind of the Zanpakutō was even more stern, as if planning to kill with one blow, killing this freak who blocked the progress of the world!

"Clang clang!!!"

The intermittent echoes reverberated through the world, and Aizen Sosuke's arm stinged so much that he didn't even grasp the Zanpakutō, and almost fell to the ground.

"What is this guy's head made of, iron lumps? Or is it made of diamonds? No, at my current level, even diamonds can be easily shattered."

Aizen almost dropped his chin in shock. The direction of the dust-free right ear was intact and bright, without the slightest injury. Instead, Aizen Sosuke's right arm was trembling constantly.

"Are you tickling me? You're not a milk-fed child, you haven't eaten, give me some energy!" Wuchen ordered with a sullen face.

"You bastard, it's enough for me to look down on people."

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, Lan Ran Sang Youjie twitched all over by Wuchen's words, his pupils churned with astonishing cruelty, and the sharp roar of the sky-shattering power spread throughout the depths of the sky, reverberating inside the entire Soul Realm.

"Boom boom boom!"

The wings shook, and the boiling storm that wiped out the world swept through the Soul Soul Realm, the ground was burnt and scorched, the sky curled like a vortex, and a giant phantom flashed over the Soul Soul Realm.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sky was shattered, revealing the dark and cold cosmic space.

The dark purple flash annihilated the sky, and the expanding sphere seemed to be able to swallow even the universe, constantly annihilating the sky of the Soul Realm, revealing the brilliant stars in the depths of the Milky Way.


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Chapter 1223 Step on the Universe

Lan Ran laughed wildly, and even now, he didn't even want to kill the Spirit King, and his heart and mind just reverberated with a purpose that would last until his death.

Completely annihilate Wuchen's whole person, and completely evaporate and wipe out his cells!

"Boom boom boom!"

The aftermath of the virtual flash is still gradually expanding, and the tyrannical spiritual pressure fluctuations spread throughout the corpse soul world.

And the dust-free standing facing the sky.

"It seems to be very strong..."

After a while, I noticed the energy ball that devoured the starry sky, and the hurricane thrown out was as sharp as a knife.

"Are you afraid? This is as it should be. After all, you are also a creature, a living being. It is normal for any living person to be afraid of me now!"

Looking down at Wuchen, Aizen had a natural tone.

"Fear? It's just you? What are you!"

Piece of lips, Wuchen said with disdain: "Do you know the gap between us? My goal is the universe galaxy, and your goal is only limited to the current planet to be an indigenous god, pedantic, vulgar, and childlike. dream!"


Hearing this, Lan Ran rolled his eyes, and his murderous intentions increased sharply. His great dream was mocked by Wuchen as a child's dream. How could his proud heart endure it!

"Give me death, the tiny ants blocking my path to becoming a god!"

Aizen's life-shattering roar fell, the high-density energy sphere rotating in the void increased dozens of times, and the storm of Reiatsu even broke through the Soul Soul World, and the entire Soul Soul World wailed.

"Give me an instant vanishing, unsightly bug."

After saying that, the crazy Aizen threw out a giant energy ball, and the dust-free entire eyeball was occupied by him, and the world-destroying storm swept the entire world in an instant.

What came to Wuchen was not a phantom flash, but the whole world!

"Oops...my lovely soul world was destroyed by you like this, my captain...no, I'm now a spirit king, how can you let me get along, how can you let me get along with Wan Thousands of all living beings explain?"

Wuchen muttered to himself in annoyance, looking at the exaggerated giant virtual flash, his eyes always kept joking and ridiculing, without the slightest solemnity.

Even if the earth collapses, the sky shakes, even if the sky is dark, the mountains and rivers are broken, the dust-free heart always remains calm.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

The cold and unwilling roar resounded through the earphones, and Wuchen heard the weeping corpse soul world, heard the pain of flowers and trees, and heard the mourning of the whole world. In his ears, he didn't show the slightest emotion, not even a superfluous expression, and his heart always kept the ancient well without waves.

"The moment I became a spirit king... I began to ignore life. This may be the biggest gap between gods and other creatures. No matter how many ants die, they will not be moved or sad."

Wuchen muttered to himself, and simply retracted his gaze and looked up at the virtual flash that was pressing on his face. All he was thinking about was Maozhihualie and others, and there was no need to ask or worry about the lives and deaths of others.

"It's time for the kid fights to end."

Tenseigan swayed with ripples, and the surface of the skin swept the emerald-colored luster, wrapping the dust-free body, swallowing his entire body in the blink of an eye, and his appearance was like a human being.

It's the chakra mode of Tenseisha!

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

Behind him, six spheres swept to the front, embellished with a mysterious luster, and the dust-free hands were lightly grasped, and the spheres instantly became liquid, condensing into his slender arms.

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