"Haha....I am immortal, even if you smash my body, you can't kill me..."

"It will end you now."

The black sphere floated to the sky, and the boundless gravitational force swept across the soul realm, with no limit, and even power fluctuations penetrated the soul realm, and even the real world and the virtual circle were strongly affected.

"Earth Blast!"

The gravitational force that ravaged the world revealed his fierce appearance, the earth that had not moved for ten thousand years cracked in the blink of an eye, and was fragile, and the bright sky was also blocked by black light, which was not worth mentioning.

A small bead destroyed the whole world, and an unusual vibration spread to the whole world.


A large mountain rose up from the ground, floating in the sky in horror, approaching the bead, including Aizen Sousuke floating up uncontrollably.

"What the hell is this? How is that possible?"

The confident pupil swayed, and Aizen's tone was full of astonishment. It was the first time he had encountered such a strange situation in his life.

"Want me to stand still? Delusional!"

With a groan, Aizen Suo Yusuke's spiritual pressure began to increase sharply. The overwhelming spiritual pressure melted the fragments of the mountain floating around him, and he was fortunate enough to stand out from the gravitational circle for a while.

"Ninety-six and one-knife cremation of the broken way!"

The ground began to shake, and a giant knife-shaped flame was clearly visible. After the fusion of the collapsed jade, Aizen Sousuke became completely immortal, and it didn't matter if he damaged part of his body.

Seeing the flame of the big sword, Wuchen smiled contemptuously and was extremely calm.

"Round Grave Border Prison!"

In the invisible world, several shadows flew out one after another, like an iron wall resisting Aizen Sousuke's attack.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge blade body was cremated with a knife, and only half of the body was extended, and it exploded inexplicably, and the tumbling lava swept away.

"Bringing up the explosion? What's the situation..."

Aizen Sangyousuke was dumbfounded, his eyes widened, shooting out a shocking light, and the inexplicable explosion had not yet hit the Earth-Blasting Star, how could he not be surprised.

"It's time to stop here, you also get out of here for me."

He glanced at Lan Ran Suo Yousuke, and said indifferently, the insolent tone was like talking to a bug, which made Ai Ran Suo Yousuke's old face, which had been beaten several times, almost vomit blood.


With a low drink, the eruption of Chakra in Wuchen's body became more vigorous.


The void was torn apart by the strong gravitational fluctuations, vulnerable to a single blow, and the whole world seemed to be coming to an end.


Aizen Sosuke struggled to resist, forcibly resisting the floating gravity around him. Even if his body was torn apart, Aizen Sosuke insisted on gritted teeth. He knew that if he was sucked in, he would be finished.

"Want to catch me? What a joke!"

After a stalemate for a moment, Aizen obviously adapted to the harsh environment, temporarily resisted the attack of the Earth Blast Star, and shouted: "I am not what I used to be now... Put away your contemptuous eyes and your unpleasant eyes. ..."

"get out."

No dust hummed disdainfully, the chakra in the body erupted to the limit.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The floating mountain fragments all accelerated in an instant, and the slow momentum was gone forever, and all flew towards the expanding "Earth Burst" at the speed of sound.

In the blink of an eye, the palm-sized sphere becomes an unprecedented meteorite that covers the sky!

"This time you are an eye-catching bug, it should be finished."

Wuchen muttered to himself, while his pupil power continued to expand.The meteorites are getting bigger and bigger, occupying almost the entire starry sky.

"If that's the case, you won't be able to jump as an eye-catching cockroach."

Wuchen smiled lightly, and immediately drank under everyone's astonished gaze.

"Divine power!"

The void was suddenly torn out of a black hole, and dust-free meteorites were thrown into it.

"This is the end of it all!"


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! PS: Please forgive me on the train, and resume the update on Friday!


Chapter 1234 The one who seeks death is here again! 【First Update】(Part [-])

Being thrown into outer space, even if Aizen didn't die, he would have no good fruit to eat. The boundless abyss of the universe would be his only destiny.

"The fly has finally disappeared... The world is finally quiet."

The clear sky resounded with dust-free whispers.Looking down, the entire Soul World was in a mess, with gunpowder smoke everywhere, and the whole world was filled with a scorched, alien smell. A slight sniff was disgusting, and the head couldn't help but want to faint.

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