"It didn't even die..."

Turning his head to look at the gods of death who were passing through the shuttle, Wuchen was disappointed!

"Hmph, not dead? What do you mean by that?!"

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly came back to life, and even though he was cut in half by Aizen Sangyousuke, the tenacious repairing ability of his body Daxu still prompted him to be resurrected with full blood again, and stood in front of Wuchen in high spirits.

"I don't understand this meaning? Eh, the reaction is really slow enough."

There was a sad look in Wuchen's eyes, and he said honestly: "To put it simply, it means that those gods of death have not died, and I feel very uncomfortable. That's what I mean. Can you understand now? Idiot black Saki Ichigo!"

Wuchen mentally slandered that the scolding deserved to be used and used, obviously his head lacked a string, and his reaction was extremely slow!

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki was startled and angry after being stunned for a moment, Zanpakutō was rather a slaughtering knife, pointing at Wuchen with resentment, and shouted angrily: "If it wasn't for everyone scrambling to protect the Soul World, you might. ..”


The ruthless sword light pierced through Kurosaki Ichigo, even if he realized something was wrong at the first time and prepared to react, the powerful sword pressure still easily cut him in half.

The hard-working Kurosaki Ichigo is divided into two again!

"Ow ooh..."

The milky white spiritual pressure overflowed from the body, and the broken body was repaired. Kurosaki Ichigo covered Daxu's mask, and opened his mouth wide, and a foul smell came out.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The rolling red flash is infinitely powerful, easily shattering and distorting the void, the huge red light is infinitely magnified, and the reddish sky is shrouded in despair.

"Tsk tsk...you think I'm Killian? This level of fictitious flash...but it's against Killian!" Wuchen yin and yang laughed strangely, with endless irony and ridicule in his words.


Hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki was furious, gnashing his teeth towards Wuchen, and a strange voice came from his throat.

"Is this a dog barking?"

The bewildered dust-free pondered, and was quite confused about what Kurosaki Ichigo was saying.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The demon flash, which can be called crushing the world, came oncoming, the sky was smashed into pieces, fragile as snow, there was almost nothing to stop the invincible offensive, everything it touched was ashes, and even the insubstantial sky was poured with blood mold. , was smashed in half by a red flash.

Even if it healed later, it was shattered again by the remaining power of the flash.

"Ah, ahh... You look down on me so much, anyway, I'm also the captain of the soul world, the spirit king of the gods of death, to use this kind of ghost fire to fight flies to clean up me, damn Kurosaki Ichigo!"

Wuchen cursed fiercely, his face beating with murderous light.This fellow Kurosaki Ichigo is too despised!

"Boom boom boom!"

The demon's flashes whistled constantly, and at the moment when it was about to be shattered, a burst of invisible ripples shattered it!

"Get out of here!"

The simple three words contained thousands of powers, and the moment they jumped out of Wuchen's mouth, they turned into a powerful wave of destruction that annihilated the world.


The incoming flash was directly annihilated by Wuchen's words!

"how can that be?"

Kurosaki Ichigo said dumbly, wiping his eyes, he couldn't accept this scene for a long time.

"Kurosaki-san, hurry up and leave, that guy is very dangerous, maybe everything is under his orders now, we were used as gunmen by this bastard before, hurry up and stay away from him!"

The anxious urging resounded, Wuchen frowned slightly, and looked down.

"Ah, ah, ah... You little brats, originally planned to let you go, but one by one they had to queue up to die... You can't blame me."

The cold light condensed in the eyes, and the dust-free murderous intent was everywhere.

The people who reminded Kurosaki Ichigo on the ground were his so-called companions, namely Chato Taihu, Inoue Orihime, and Ishida Yuryu.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

There was a burst of explosions in the void, and as soon as the human image fell from the sky like a bolide, it was about to overwhelm the whole world.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The moment the dust-free landed, the whole world shook, the earth burst, and the dust storm that covered the sky blew towards several people.

"You bastard, did you do it on purpose?!"

After half a sound, Ishida Yulong and others who came out of the sandstorm were furious, and their teeth were still stained with a lot of sand, all of which were caused by Wuchen's foot on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, the ground is too brittle, I couldn't hold my strength all of a sudden, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Wuchen rubbed his head embarrassedly, rubbed his head embarrassedly, a look of me and innocent.

The apology on his mouth was indeed a playful and gloating expression, and it was obvious that Wuchen was deliberately trying to make a fool of them.

"You bastard...you must have an attitude of admitting your mistakes!"

Among the three, the best-tempered Orihime Inoue was also mad at Wuchen, obviously he did it on purpose!


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