
At this moment, the void burst, and several figures emerged from it.

"Beijing Band Leader, and Broken Bee Captain...and..."

Wuchen frowned and looked at the figure walking out through the gate, especially when he saw two young girls, he immediately became interested, and smiled at Ichigo Kurosaki: "They are your sisters, Shari Kurosaki and Ichigo Kurosaki. Kurosaki Yuko, when I killed Shiba Isshin, I promised him to take care of his two daughters..."

"You've been thought about, I won't give my sister to you!"

Kurosaki Ichigo's tone was full of madness, and his whole body was filled with astonishing hostility. The crazy eyes that seemed to pull everyone's backs were very deterrent, even the swept Uno Hanalie was pretty face wrinkled. on.

"The leader of the Jing band... why don't you bring the two of them over quickly?" He pointed at Jingle Chunshui, and Wuchen said lazily.

However, Jingle Chunshui was indifferent, looked at Wuchen with complicated eyes, took a breath and said: "There is no doubt that since you are the Spirit King, you are the object of my absolute loyalty, but before that, I have a question to ask first. "

"Does the death of floating bamboo have anything to do with you?"

After he finished speaking, Jingle Chunshui stared at Wuchen, which was the opposite of his usual dawdlings. His eyes were awe-inspiring. As long as Wuchen lied, he would be able to see it.

"It's really you!"

Jingle Chunshui trembled fiercely as if struck by lightning. He was usually calm and composed, but he was rarely panting, and a suffocating chill filled his body.At first, he felt that something was wrong with Shiruro Ukitake's death, and the sudden death of several captains was too strange, but since Wuchen was the captain at the time, it was not easy for him to review it to the end.

"So what? What are you going to do?"

Wuchen, who completely tore his face apart, was too lazy to say much, and shook the sharp sword in his hand, the meaning is self-evident.

"Does it even need to be said!"

Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui immediately pulled out his Zanpakutō, rolled over his body with spiritual pressure, and said hoarsely, "The whole corpse soul world knows about the relationship between me and Fuzhu, now that he was killed by you, we will definitely not die, naturally we want to ..."


Jingle Chunshui felt a pain in his chest, and the words at the corner of his mouth stopped abruptly. Looking at Wuchen who was close at hand, the big sword in his hand had smashed Jingle Chunshui's heart. also quickly dissipated.

"Never die? Sorry, you don't deserve it!"

"Fifty-Four Wasted Flames of Destruction!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A circular flame like a flying saucer flew out. Although it was only a trivial number [-], Jingle Chunshui, who was severely injured by Wuchen's blow, didn't have the extra strength to resist!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The flames involved Jingle Chunshui, and the high temperature melted everything. When the flames dissipated, Jingle Chunshui also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Ichigo Kurosaki and Yulong Ishida were both full of unwillingness. The so-called captain-level god of death was just an ordinary human being in front of him, and he would be destroyed when he raised his hand.

"Holy Slaying Arrow!"

The sky in the distance suddenly hit countless cold lights, all of which were arrows, belonging to the unique attack of Quincy, but the person who started it was not Ishida Yulong.

"The silver wheel is reborn!"

The majestic blade storm came to the fore, instantly disintegrating the incoming sharp arrow, without wasting any effort.

"You're here at last, with Habach!"

His eyes were fixed on the cloaked figure in the distance, and he saw his eyes were like torches, his eyes were deep, and his deep and raging red eyes were not angry and arrogant.

"of course."

You Habach smiled confidently and said calmly: "You can kill Yamamoto Motoyuki, but you can't do anything about me. If you don't have enough confidence, I won't come out."

There was a grin at the corner of Habach's mouth, he could feel the deadly pressure, but his expression was unmoved, his deep eyes were very gloomy and cold, "Bring me out and show this new Spirit King a look. !"

Wuchen was silent, he knew that he had the character of Habach, and he would never do anything he was not sure about. If he dared to run out and die, it showed that he had a life-saving trump card.


The void swept out bursts of white light, turning into a door, followed by two suppressed and bound figures stepping out from it.

"Want to use them both to threaten me? The means are bad enough..."

Wuchen said with no expression, no anger or sadness, and his expression was very straightforward. The two people who were caught were actually Kuchiki Rukia and Nilu.


There is a tension in Habach's heart, and there is something wrong with Wuchen's calmness. This is one of his methods to intimidate Wuchen.He didn't expect to threaten Yin Nature, but at least he showed some worried expressions!

"Do you really think I dare to kill?"

A fierce light flashed through Habach's heart, and he cast a strange look at the person who bound Rukia and Nilu, which obviously meant to kill one of them first.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sky suddenly exploded with a few blood mists of light, and before there was time to execute Rukia and Nilu, Habach's subordinates exploded and died inexplicably...

"Can you kill without doing anything?"

You Habach was shocked, and Hasward beside him was also confused, and Wuchen really didn't do anything.

"Two idiots!"

Wuchen was full of disdain in his heart, he activated the shadow gate of the wheel tomb, and was surrounded by Habach and Hasward!


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