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Chapter 1237 Death ending ([-])

You Habach couldn't help shrinking his neck, staring at Wuchen's cold face, his eyes involuntarily looking into the depths of the sky, he always felt an invisible guillotine staring at him, maybe as long as Wuchen gave an order, he would also follow. Corpse separation.

"It's too far off."

After staring at Habach for a few seconds, Wuchen gave such a striking remark.

"is it?"

Forced to suppress the strangeness in his heart, Habach said with a smile: "Then let me have a taste of trusting the captain..."

"I don't have time."

Wuchen does not give Habach a chance, and intends to destroy him in the shortest possible time. Now he is using one of his strongest tricks. The body floats with emerald light, and Wuchen seems to have changed into another form. Overcast light.

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

A gigantic lightsaber stood out from Wuchen's hands, and it extended unlimitedly, ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters... ten thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters!And it's growing endlessly, without boundaries.

"Pfft! quack! bang bang bang! bang bang bang!..."

All kinds of destroyed horns are intertwined with everything, and all living things and non-living things that come into contact with the light are crushed by the light.


Ichigo Kurosaki is the living halves!


The same is true for Ishida Yulong!

There were two more harsh sounds of "Puchi!", and when I looked up, there were two more fallen corpses.Looking down, there is Habach and his number one lackey - Hasward!

"Boom boom boom!"

The light slanted down, fell to the ground, and easily shredded it into a grand canyon that stretched across the world.


At this moment, Wuchen exclaimed, looked at the shocking corpse soul world, turned his head and explained: "Sorry, not long after I swallowed the spirit king, all aspects of strength have improved, I didn't pay attention, I smashed the corpse soul at once. The world was cut in half..."

"If apologies work, everyone's dreams will come true!"

Mao Zhihualie scolded angrily, and then smiled helplessly, looking at the scarred, smoke-filled corpse soul world, his eyes couldn't help but dim.


Witnessing Mao Zhihualie's sadness, Wuchen laughed heartlessly. He once told Maozhihualie that he would take her away, but Maozhihualie couldn't bear it, so Wuchen had no choice but to do it. Destroy the entire corpse world!Of course, this is definitely not just as simple as destroying the Soul World. There is some kind of connection between the virtual circle and the present world and the present world. The extinction of one of them will inevitably lead to the collapse of the whole world.

In other words, it is impossible for Uzhihualie to continue to live in the Soul World, or to live in this world, reluctantly.

"Aren't you two too complacent..."

The hoarse and gloomy tone came, and then I saw Habach emerge intact.

"It's not even dead, this is his ability - [Omniscient and Almighty]..."

Wuchen sighed in his heart, looking at You Habach's eyes full of fiery, I saw that his pupils were new and he looked very disgusting and uncomfortable, but one thing was undeniable, this ability is very defying.

"Being able to see through the future, and all the known skills are useless to him... Maybe he used [Omniscient and Almighty] to see through the future and understood my tricks, so [Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion] is useless to him." Wuchen said Meditate, realize that there is the ability of Habach.

"This world...there are so many invincible abilities!"

Wuchen sighed from the bottom of his heart, whether it is Bengyu Lanran or the current Habach, they belong to one of these characters, including Kurosaki Ichigo, almost all of them are immortal.

"Do you still want to heal? Ishida Yulong is dead. Since you attach so much importance to fetters, you should accompany him to death."

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo, who looked at the ground, the dust-free dark color was cold and cold, and the majestic strength was condensed in the palm of his hand. With a wave of his hand, the void quickly distorted.


The sky cracked, a black hole appeared, and the gravitational force of Wuchen's palm radiated a majestic gravitational force, grabbing Kurosaki Ichigo whole.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Wuchen used his hands to remotely control Ichigo Kurosaki's body, aiming his eyes at the depths of the black hole above the sky, suddenly throwing him into it, wandering alone in the depths of the universe, wandering and living without a goal, for some people It's sadder than killing them.

"Bastard, let me go!"

Ichigo Kurosaki, who had come back to his senses, roared loudly, his tone was full of endless hatred, and he locked onto Yuko Kurosaki and Charlie Kurosaki, saying, "The two of them are the only relatives I have left, absolutely not..."


Wuchen suddenly floated in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, with an ambiguous smile on his face, looking very abhorrent and evil, and promised: "Jie Jie... Your sister, hehe, I'm here, don't worry!"

"I am going to kill you!"

Hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki was furious, secretly thinking that it was because of your existence that he was worried.

"Always live in the shadow of your sister."

Glancing at Kurosaki Ichigo, high-density flashes gathered on the dust-free soles.

"Light speed kick!"

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