The ruthless big foot flew out, hit Kurosaki Ichigo without accident, kicked him into the abyss of the universe, and lived like an ant!

"After cleaning you up, it's time for me to change places..."

He looked away and landed on Habach, who was still lingering. His face was ridiculed with the joke of a cat playing a mouse. This was his last enemy. After killing him, he could get what he wanted and leave with Maozhihualie. To set foot in another unfamiliar world, there is no need to spend more time in a worthless world.

The fingertips were raised slightly, and the golden light flashed, and a beam of light swallowed Habach in the blink of an eye.


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Chapter 1238 The End of Death ([-])

Habach is not Kurosaki Ichigo, and the strength of the two sides is not the same dimension at all. After all, he is also a part of the Spirit King's body, and his strength is vastly different from Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Don't compare me to Kurosaki Ichigo, I'm not his idiot!"

You Habach said proudly, his crimson eyes flashing with cold light, beating the light of slaughter.Those overlapping eyes are particularly disgusting and disgusting, but they are the biggest trump card for Harbach to fight Wuchen.

"You are actually the same as him, there is no difference, you... No, you are not even as good as Ichigo Kurosaki."

Staring at You Habach, he shook his head without dust and praised: "Although Kurosaki Ichigo has a string in his head, at least he has the tenacity to fight hard and not give up, and you are just a clown who hides behind the scenes and lives in seclusion until today. Only dare to do the trash!"

"Hmph, this is called bearing humiliation!" Habach argued with a red face.

However, Wuchen ignored him directly.Gloomy eyes were fixed on Hasward.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing that Wuchen's eyes were not right, and there was a dim light that devoured people, Habach felt deeply bad, and Wuchen's hungry eyes made his soul tingling.

"Does this guy want to..."

Realizing that something was wrong, Habach was cold all over, and suddenly guessed Wuchen's terrifying intention. When he was about to swept to Hasward's side, it was too late.

A red barrier rises from the ground, and Habach will be bound within it.

"Six Scarlet Sun Formation!"

Among the enchantments, Habach was furious, and he mustered all his strength to bombard the enchantment.

"Boom boom boom!"

The saber was raised high, and when he raised his hand, it was a record close to invincibility. A gap was cut in the sky, but it couldn't shake the thin barrier.

Everything is in vain.

"Look at me quietly, the next one is you, there is Habach!"

Wuchen took a cold glance at Habach, and then came to Hasward's side. The latter was expressionless, and the whole person was very quiet, no different from the stone.

"Looks like you don't have any last words to explain..."

Haswald was silent, dust-free and no nonsense. His body was like a loophole, and countless black liquids fell, swept towards Hasward in liquid form.

"This is..."

Hasward's expression darkened slightly, showing caution, and said, "Is this the power of the Spirit King?"

"You actually know each other?"

This time, it was Wuchen's turn to be surprised, and said stunned: "You actually know that this is the power of the Spirit King?"

Even the captain-level Death God may not know what this is, and now Hasward actually knows his name and origin, and he also briefly explains one thing.

"It seems as I guessed... You are also the body of the Spirit King... Oh, no, you are also part of my power."

Wuchen smiled, which could also explain why Husward knew that this was the power of the Spirit King.

"Since you know that this is the power of the Spirit King, then you should quickly become part of my power!"

The dust-free voice fell, and the speed of the rushing spirit king on the pitch-black ground increased sharply.


Husward naturally won't wait to die, and waving his hand is a few powerful slashes.

However, the slash that gave high expectations brought back great disappointment. The jet-black Spirit King Rush was like rubber, extremely tough. The huge slash not only did not shred the Spirit King Rush, but smashed Hasward's torrent. go back!

"This... dammit!"

Rao is Haswald's temperament, and his face is also very fierce, and he hurriedly waved the knife again.

"Boom boom boom!"

The knife fell from the hand, and the slash that bounced back disappeared into ashes, and was completely destroyed by Hasward, splashing a lot of dust.

"Huh, there are five dangers."

Haswald breathed a sigh of relief, the spirits surged, and just as he was about to open the smoke and dust around him, the black light from the sky fell.

"Any chance? Are you an idiot? It's already GameOver."

Without giving Hasward a chance to open his mouth to refute, the continuous fire engulfed it and covered it.


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