"Jie haha... Want to kill me? How can it be that simple."

In the depths of the Spirit King's rush, there was Habach looking up at the sky, aware of Wuchen's puzzlement, and now he was showing bursts of arrogant smiles.

However, before Habach was complacent, a huge mutation occurred in his body, and the smile at the corner of his mouth stopped abruptly.

He was surprised to find that the floating spirit kings rushing around, endlessly invading his body, as if to burst his whole body, and Habach felt extremely uncomfortable for a while.

"Since you like the power of the Spirit King so much, I will give it all to you."

With a big wave of his hand, the torrent of Spirit Kings that spread to the entire Soul Realm began to churn again, as if being attacked by a tenth-level wind, setting off a huge wave, setting off a black wave tens of meters high, and the only one attacked was— There is Habach!

"Bang bang bang!"

Habach began to sway, and the waves continued one after another. Under such an intensive offensive, it was difficult for him to stabilize his body, let alone counterattack Wuchen, especially those who kept pouring into his body. The power of the Spirit King, he has almost reached the bottleneck, and he is very close to his death.


In the end, unable to withstand the powerful force, Habach finally burst, and the whole person turned into a pool of blood and disappeared without a trace.

"You bastard..."

There Habach roared hard, his voice full of endless hatred.

At the same time, the Spirit King Rush that occupied the ground also disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

On the other hand, there is Habach, only one head is left.

"Ah ah ah... save your life without saying a word of thanks, but instead tire me endlessly, you are really a beast."

Falling to the ground, there was a smile on the corner of Wuchen's mouth, "I've put a lot of effort into keeping you breathing. Do you have any last words to explain?"

All the spirit kings of Habach's corpse turned into one of the dustless powers, and they belonged to the black energy ball embedded in the chest cavity.

"Last word? My only last word is to pull you... uuuuu!"

The clamor of Habach is not over yet, and a big foot falls into the sky, revealing the dust-free

After that, the Spirit King Rushing on the dust-free feet began to get excited again. The head of Habach was like a black hole attracting the Spirit King Rushing, constantly eroding him until it disappeared!


Time flies, and in a flash, several days have passed, and the dust-free affairs of the Soul World have been dealt with, and it is time to leave.

In the system world at the moment, there are a few more confidantes, and all of them are on the list...

Wuchen doesn't care about their actions, there is no restriction, just walk around, and there is nothing impossible to get to know and communicate with other people.

"Ling'er, are you going to change to another world?"

On the green grass, Wuchen asked curiously with tender green grass in his mouth.


The girl nodded lightly, grabbed the hair by her ear, and smiled mysteriously: "The power system may not be as good as yours, but maybe you will find it very interesting."

"hope so."

Wuchen showed an expectant smile, rubbed his black and bright black hair, took a deep breath and said, "Then start as soon as possible."

"Although your strength is very strong now, you still have to be careful when passing through the space tunnel." Ling'er kindly reminded.

The universe is vast and there are too many mysterious creatures, so be careful.

"Don't worry about this, I will definitely pay attention."

Wuchen cast a look that you can be assured of, and patted his chest with assurance.


The update has been restored, shamelessly said all kinds of requests, by the way, the next world devil high school! ! ! !


Devil's High School

Chapter 1241 Kuwang Academy [Second]

Kuo Academy

In the endless black abyss, the surroundings are bottomless, leaving only eternal darkness and dead silence.

"That bastard Ling'er... Could it be another accident during the crossing process?"

In the deadly dark space, ripples were set off, and there was no dust and speechless looking around.


At this moment, a big hole suddenly cracked in the direction of the east, and a ray of light shot in, containing magical power, very warm, constantly tearing the surrounding space, and the dark universe finally had a little more vitality.

"What is this?"

Looking at it with extreme eyes, Wuchen found that he could not see through the white light completely even with Samsara Eye and Tensei Eye. He hesitated for a while. Although he was confident about his own strength, he was still far from the realm of sweeping the entire universe.

"That's a space tunnel, come and go."

At this moment, Ling'er's ethereal voice resounded in the dust-free mind, reminding: "I can't keep it for long. This kind of thing is a waste of energy. If it doesn't work, something unexpected will happen."

"Thanks a lot."

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