Wuchen thanked him sincerely, and immediately swept out thousands of photons from his body and drilled in at the speed of light.

"Huh, thanks to Ling'er, otherwise I'll be alone in the endless universe for the rest of my life."

In the stable space tunnel, the dust-free hanging heart landed on the ground and accelerated forward. Just when it was about to resist the exit, the stable space shook again.


Looking around, looking at the dense cracks, Wuchen's heart is cold, speed up, even if the space tunnel explodes, he will not die, and then there will definitely be a big problem.

"Boom boom boom!"

What should happen is still unavoidable. When it was about to escape, the space tunnel was swallowed by the firelight, resulting in violent energy fluctuations. Wuchen took a step back and was blasted out of the tunnel by a powerful air wave.


In this strange world, with thousands of dark clouds and clear sunshine, the whole world is full of vigor and vitality, which is far different from the world that Wuchen lived in before, and it is much more stable and harmonious.


The dark young man fell from the sky and smashed into the shade of the tree.

His face was black and black, like a miner who had just come out of the ground, but even so, the handsome features of the young man were hard to hide, the tall nose bridge, and the slashed face were particularly attractive. There is no doubt that this person is Wuchen, and as he expected, it is very difficult to kill him by the explosion of the space tunnel, and at most it will bring him some trouble.

The time is also coincidental, and two girls happened to pass by.

"Alala...Is it an unfamiliar face, a new student? But what's the situation with this dress? It doesn't seem like it looks like this."

The black-haired ponytail girl lowered her head, her perfect jade legs exposed to the air, and her bright jade-like face stared at Wuchen, her bright eyes turning, thinking about the origin of Wuchen.

"He doesn't look like a bad guy."

Beside the black-haired girl, there was a sound of heavenly sounds, which was very pleasant. The blood-red hair was like a waterfall, like the stars in the nine heavens. Wherever the girl went, her eyes would follow her.

The two are Rias Gremory, the head of the supernatural department, and her deputy head, Akeno Himejima.

"Let's put it in the academy for now."

Staring at Wuchen's face, after being silent for a while, Rias said decisively: "Get him a school uniform and become a student of Kuo Academy."

"Uh... Minister, this seems out of order, we..."

"Leave it all to me." Without giving Himejima Akeno a chance to refute, Rias's silver bell-like chuckle was intoxicating.

"This one……"

Himejima Zhu Nai Dai frowned, hesitant in his heart, looked at Rias's face, and finally said with gritted teeth: "Minister, although this young man doesn't look like a dangerous person, I still think it is necessary to monitor him and put him It's too dangerous to put in Kuo Academy."

"Haha... Putting him in Kuo Academy is the best surveillance, right? Even if something outrageous happens, we will be able to detect it immediately." said vigorously.

"Send him to the supernatural laboratory for the time being, Zhu Nai is sorry, you may have to work hard for a while recently, this guy will be taken care of by you, and I will compensate you for your vacation in the future."

"No problem, Minister."

Wuchen tried his best to open his eyes, and vaguely heard the conversation between the two girls. The energy condensed secretly dissipated, and he did not capture the hostility of the two, and he let it go.

Time flies, half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the dimly lit room, Wuchen's closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing deep eyes, looking at the busy girl, and murmured softly, "Miss Zhu Nai, do you have anything to eat?"

Hearing the vicissitudes of life, Akeno Himejima, who was cleaning, was taken aback for a moment. She certainly did not recognize this unfamiliar voice, but it was unexpectedly kind, and she subconsciously looked in the direction of Wuchen.

"You finally woke up."

Seeing Wuchen standing up and stretching, Jijima Zhu Nai breathed a sigh of relief. For the past half month, she has spent a lot of effort in taking care of the unconscious Wu Chen, and suddenly realized something, and asked: "You call me Zhu Nai? Strange, How do you know my name?"

"This is the day I accidentally overheard your conversation... As for my name, please call me Wuchen, and please take care of me in the future."


PS: The Devil's High School may be entering the harem mode. There is no way anyone can make us like too many girls. By the way, the author has only watched three seasons of anime, and I haven't read the novel.No matter how shameless it is to ask for flowers, rewards, evaluation tickets, all kinds of requests! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1242 Lias [Third]

Zhu Nai stared at Wuchen curiously. In all fairness, she was very curious about this unexpected guest.

"No dust? What a strange name."

Jade Finger tapped her chin lightly, Zhu Nai's playful look fell into Wuchen's eyes and was quite cute~lovely.

"This kind of name is really strange, but it seems that there is no need to care about such trivial matters."

Sitting on the sofa again, Wuchen began to carefully look at the layout of the room. It was very elegant and had a retro taste. The bookcase was filled with a lot of books, which had a refined artistic conception of books.

"Sorry, I didn't think I would care about such a small thing."

Zhu Nai apologized seriously, questioned other people's names at will, and said strange things, which is very rude.

"You said you were hungry just now, and I'll get you something to eat."

Wuchen lowered his head and said nothing, thinking about his current situation secretly, frowning slightly, and smiled bitterly in his heart: "Every time I come to a strange world, I will become a homeless here."

Those who are unfamiliar, have nowhere to go without dust, and can only die here at present.

"And... what's up with this outfit? How did I become a student again?"

Wuchen realized that the clothes on his body had become the school uniform of Kuwang Academy, he shook his body, and subconsciously walked to the mirror, walked left and right and swayed. It fits him very well.

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