"This one……"

Hearing this, Lias froze for a while, hesitating for a long time without saying why, she could only grit her teeth tightly, extremely embarrassed.

"I accidentally bit her hand just now, sorry." Wuchen took the initiative to stand up and admit, smiling embarrassedly.

"Pay attention to me in class in the future, all sit down."

Wuchen and Lias both took their seats. Lias blushed and looked at Wuchen, who was full of teasing, and said, "Is this guy a pig? Can you sleep like this?"

"No, no, no, I dreamed that when I was eating, I thought it was a chicken leg in my mouth..." Wuchen teased.


Hearing this, Lias glanced at Wuchen in surprise, and said with contempt, "I can't tell, you still have the attributes of a foodie..."

As if remembering something, the tone of Lias's mouth suddenly stopped, and she quickly realized that something was wrong. Wuchen dreamed that she was late for chicken drumsticks, which obviously implied that her fingers were drumsticks!

"You bastard...&"

Rias's pretty face turned black, and she didn't expect to fall into the dust-free trap without knowing it.

"I was complimenting you, your hand made me taste the taste of chicken legs, tsk tsk, it's really amazing." Wuchen exclaimed sincerely, full of admiration.

Lias rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and gave her a vicious glance, ignoring the existence of Wuchen.


In the room of the supernatural research room when school was close to noon.

The dim light has not changed, it is very dim, but a few silhouettes can still be vaguely seen.

Rias Gremory, Himejima Akeno, Kitten, and Kiba Yuuto... Of course, there is no dust with a condescending face.

At this moment, the scene was a bit depressing, everyone was silent, and their expressions were also a little serious. There were several photos of various occasions on the table. When I looked up, Wuchen realized that he knew him too.

"Hyoto Issei... This scum king has been noticed, maybe it's the so-called divine weapon in his body."

Wuchen pondered, and looked at Rias subconsciously, this little girl might have started to observe Hyoudou Issei long ago.

"Keep an eye on him for the time being, don't disturb his life." After a while, Rias said.

"But the Minister... what if he is killed? But let's pay attention to Hyouto Ise, maybe there are other people who pay attention to Hyouto Ise."

Kiba Yuto said rationally, the implication is that other people may also be paying attention to Hyoudou Issei.

"This blond boy is very smart."

Wuchen glanced at Kiba Yuto in amazement. Indeed, as Kiba Yuto said, Amano Yuma, the fallen angel, probably also realized Hyoudou Issei, not only Makoto, but Wuchen himself was also her target.

"Isn't it just right to be killed, so that he can become someone else's family, and some people need to die once to understand certain truths."

The cold voice broke the stiff atmosphere, and when I looked closely, it was astonishingly dust-free.

Hearing this, Lias had a cold smile on her face, nodded and said, "It makes sense."


Time passed quickly, and as it was approaching evening, it was time to dismiss school.

The students of Kuo Academy all went home, Wuchen was no exception, but this time he was not with Akeno, but stood alone.

"Standing at the school gate, if you can't see me, your eyes are too blind." Wuchen whispered to himself, saying inexplicable words.

At the same time, a young girl noticed the existence of Wuchen, with a happy face, and hurriedly ran with dexterous steps.

"Classmate Wuchen, are you waiting for me?" Amano Yima asked expectantly, with two small dimples on her face, which was quite cute.

"Of course I'm waiting for you."

Wuchen said with a smile, the corners of his mouth raised high.

"Xima, no one will disturb us this time, and we can continue the last unfinished activity."

Hearing this, Amano Xima's eyelids twitched, and there was a faint murderous intent in her eyes, but she nodded stiffly in the end, "I will accept all your orders."

"Hehe... I have to kill you this time!"

Wuchen smiled coldly.


3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation vote plus update! !


Chapter 1249 You are harder to serve than the devil [fourth more]

Looking at the girl's forced smile, Wuchen's heart was as indifferent as a stone, without the slightest sympathy. If Amano Yuma hadn't taken the initiative to approach him, she would definitely not be making fun of herself, since she didn't know whether to live or die. I came up and wanted to calculate Wuchen, so I'm sorry. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If someone offends me, I will pay back a hundred times. This is the principle of Wuchen's life.

"Let's go, Yuma-chan."

He blew a breath of hot air in Amano Yuma's ear, and Wuchen smiled and pulled her away.

While pulling Yuma Amano away, the dust-free fingers were not idle, and the warm and cool skin was like a beautiful jade. It felt very comfortable and had no flaws.

Wuchen felt more and more that he should take this fairy as his own.

"Hmph, this guy, I'll find a place where no one is there, kill him, save me alive!"

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