Amano Xima smiled, but she cursed in her heart. In just two days, she had become a dust-free private property and was squeezed in various ways.

"Then, where are we going, that dust-free classmate?"

Amano Yuma's face turned red, she pinched the corner of her clothes nervously, "I, are we going to open a room?"

When she said her own words, Amano Yuma could not wait to give herself a slap, looking at Wuchen's smiling face, she felt particularly ill-fated, even more disgusting than the hostile demon.


Wuchen was stunned for a moment, and locked onto Amano Yuma in a trance. After observing for ten seconds, he let out a sigh.

"Open a fart room, I guess she wants to test me. If there is a so-called magic in her body, she will kill me, and if not, she will kill me."

Capturing the dormant killing intent in the corners of Amano Yuma's eyes, Wuchen sneered again and again, and his eyeballs were turning dripping, secretly planning.

"If I go to have a room with her now, this drama will definitely end early, Jie Jie... This is not good, I haven't played enough.

Wuchen shook his head and loudly refused: "That's okay, am I that kind of person? I'm angry, I'm going home, go and play by yourself!"

Seeing this, looking at the back of Wuchen leaving, Amano Yima's small face twitched, and a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloped past.

"You are more difficult to serve than the high-ranking Demon King!"

Amano Xima complained frantically in her heart, and was extremely depressed. She resisted the rushing killing intent in her heart. After stomping her feet, she resolutely chased after her. She just wanted to find a suitable place to check if there was an artifact, and if not, kill it. , Now that Wuchen is so uncooperative, Amano Yuma can only continue to accompany her in acting, enduring Wuchen everywhere.

In other words, continue to be a maid!

"That dust-free classmate, I seem to have misunderstood what I meant."

Amano Yuma, who was being played, could only continue to act, her eyes were already full of tears, and she explained with a crying voice: "I mean, open a room, open a room..."

After hesitating for a long time, Yuma Amano couldn't explain what she meant. Compared with Wuchen, who would be sloppy, she was really not good at this.

"I'm going to take a shower!" Amano Yuma said perfunctorily after finding a lame reason.

"is it?"

Wuchen said suspiciously, keenly aware of the hatred deep in Amano Yuma's eyes, and immediately said, "I can forgive you, but you have to promise me a condition!"


Hearing this, a hint of hesitation flashed in Amano Yuma's eyes, but she was [-]% wary of Wuchen.

"Can you talk about the conditions later?"

"Then I'd better go home, goodbye!" Without giving Amano Yuma a chance to speak, Wuchen turned and left.

"You say it."

Amano Xima was helpless, and she was able to admit her failure in the face of the soft and hard dust-free.

"You must be able to help me."

Approaching Amano Yuma's ear, Wuchen said his conditions.

It's okay not to say it, after listening to it, Amano Yuma almost fainted! ! !

"Impossible, I can't accept your conditions, that kind of thing is too embarrassing, we are still very young, how can we do such unethical things!!!"

Amano Yuma persuaded with a crying voice, crying so much that pear blossoms were full of moon, which was pitiful, and even changed her previous shyness, and this time she took the initiative to rub Wuchen with her warm face.

Nai He Wuchen is not appreciative, like a stone, not only that, but also humming a little tune intensified.

"This, this guy is just a living beast, or is he not a human? I cried so hard, she didn't even respond at all!"

Amano Yuma continued to cry, but she had already begun to curse Wuchen viciously in her heart. The conditions that this fellow put forward were too shameless.

"You said we were still young? Where are we young? Your little, or mine?" Wuchen touched his head and asked pretending to be ignorant, but the corner of his mouth was a conspiracy-successful smile.

After half a sound, Wuchen suddenly slapped his forehead, giving people the feeling that he suddenly woke up.

"Huh, this guy finally got enlightened, it seems that he can still be saved."

Seeing this, Maoyue Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid of Wuchen's shameless force.

However, before she could be complacent for long, Wuchen's next sentence shattered Yuma Amano's hope, and she almost collapsed.

"You think I'm small, I'm so sad, in order to prove my innocence, I'll take it off and show it to you now!"

Hearing the words, Amano Yima immediately panicked, her face flushed red, and in public, she hurriedly stopped Wuchen's movements, and Wuchen was shameless and she wanted it.

"This guy...couldn't he be pretending to be stupid for me on purpose?"

Uyue Xiyan's face was full of suspicion, and her instinctive feeling of being dust-free was intentional.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1250 When you should throw it, you must throw it [Fifth Update]

Wuchen's shamelessness, despicableness, and insidiousness refreshed Yuma Amano's cognition. At first, looking at his embarrassed and disgusting look, he thought that although car-free was abominable, it was barely reliable, but now it seems that she is too naive.

Totally wrong!

"Never take off your clothes!"

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