"It turned out to be dead..."

Amano Yuma said sluggishly, Hyoudou Issei is also one of the objects she wants to pay attention to.

"You all blame you for killing my classmates!"

Wuchen shamelessly poured dirty water on Amano Yuma, keeping himself out of the matter.

"I killed it?"

Hearing this, Amano Xima was not stunned, her beautiful eyes were burning with flames, and her breathing became abnormally heavy.

This fellow is talking nonsense with his eyes open!

"Hmph, what about the one I killed, just a worthless little trash."

Amano Yuma snorted coldly and didn't care. Although the culprit who killed Hyoudou Issei was Wuchen, the spear of light that pierced his abdomen was made by Amano Yuma.

"Just admit it."

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled mysteriously, and suddenly released the hand that grabbed Yuma Amano.

"good chance!"

All the hidden power exploded, Amano Yuma broke free from the shackles of Wuchen and flew to the sky in one go.

"Run for your life."

Glancing at the far disappearing back, Wuchen did not follow, and Amano Yuma needed to take the blame.

"Is it finally here?"

The line of sight swept to the ground, and there was a burst of fluorescence on the ground, which was a special magic circle, and two figures drilled out of it.

"Yo, Rias, Akeno."

Wuchen raised his hand and called with a smile, pointing at Hyoudou Issei in the pool of blood, and said bitterly: "Sorry, Minister, I am useless, although I defeated the murderer who attacked Hingdou Issei, but I still can't catch her. , Ise-san is still... eh, it's all my fault, the person who killed him was a fallen angel, called Amano Yuma."

"It's not your fault."

Seeing Wuchen take the initiative to admit her mistake, Lias smiled and waved her hand: "The incident happened suddenly, this is unavoidable, and it's just a trivial matter. You can still find out about the enemy, which is still a credit. award."

Rias smiled like a flower, and her silver bell-like smile was very pleasant, and it was her principle to be rewarded for merit.

"That, I..."

Wuchen twitched in his heart when he heard the words, thinking about the reward that Lias said, and when it came to his lips, it came back.

Looking at Hyoudou Issei who died on the ground, Wuchen gave himself a thumbs up in secret, "I'm here to help you again, you can control the artifact in your body in the future, thank me."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1253 Gurefia [Second More]

Such strange things as guilt, Wuchen naturally does not have it, maybe it is the reason for doing all the bad things. In the face of such trivial things as "violating conscience", Wuchen can face it calmly.

"Reward, what kind of reward?"

Wuchen opened his mind wide, couldn't help staring at Rias' plump body, suddenly remembered a special habit of hers, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, two voices of concern came in succession.

"It turned out to be the two of them."

Watching the appearance of Kiba Yuto and Kitten, the dust-free brain cells were fully functioning.

"Minister, this Hyoudou Issei is too dangerous, why don't you let him become someone else's family." Wuchen suggested with a smile.

"Makes sense."

Zhu Naihao stood in the same trench and advocated this opinion.Said: "Rias, Hyouto Issei's reputation is really bad, proper precautions are necessary, people are separated from the belly, what kind of person he is, we all know, your habit of sleeping naked, and the requirement of revealing clothes It has to be changed!"

"Yes, what Zhu Nai said makes sense."

Wuchen nodded closely, looked at Zhu Nai with a serious face, and gave a thumbs up secretly, these words were in his heart, Hingdou Issei or something should hurry up and die.

"This... no problem, I'll remember it."

Lias brushed a touch of approval, and then nodded silently, believing that Wuchen and Zhu Nai thought.


There was a hint of cunning in Wuchen's eyes, and he instigated: "Lias, Hyoudou Issei is a well-known gangster, he is a complete pervert."

Lias frowned slightly, looking at Wuchen suspiciously, always feeling that there was something in his words, and there were thorns in his words.

"Just say something." Rias said.


Hearing this, Wuchen glanced at him in surprise, nodded, and said bluntly: "I mean, let Hyoudou Issei become someone else's family... There is no need to become a minister, for example, to become a wood. relatives of the field.”

Looking at Hyoudou Issei in the pool of blood, Wuchen said with a smile.

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