"If the president doesn't mind, I'll have no problem."

Kiba Yuto seemed accustomed to resignation, and after a slight smile, he agreed.


Rias shook her head stubbornly, her firm and high tone made people stubborn, and she was determined to win for Hyoudou Issei.

"Let him be my dependent, I will pay attention to some details in the future."

Wuchen heard the words, opened his mouth, and finally closed it, and closed his mouth wisely~ Ba, after all, Lias is the minister, and he has no right to interfere with other people's decisions.

Without the slightest hindrance, Hyoudou Issei successfully became a reincarnated demon, and he was also Rias's servant.


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is evening.

On the way home, Wuchen and Zhu Nai walked side by side.

"Wuchen-san seems to have a lot of opinions on Hyoudou Issei."

Zhu Nai broke the quiet atmosphere and smiled at Wuchen. The graceful and graceful figure was particularly eye-catching, especially the thrilling arc, which made Wuchen look a little dazed.

"Did youhuo me on purpose?"

Wuchen thought for a while, and at the same time said righteously: "I'm worried about your safety, after all, that guy is a maniac."

"is it?"

Blinking bright eyes, Himejima Akeno was obviously suspicious, and after realizing that Wuchen's expression was normal, he didn't ask any further questions.

"However, it's really amazing that classmate Wuchen can defeat that fallen angel." After a while, Zhu Nai suddenly started talking.

"Just a trivial lower-level fallen angel." With his head in his hands, Wuchen looked left and right, rather boring.


Zhu Nai glanced at Wuchen angrily when he heard the words, and finally sighed at himself. Different realms are destined to have different worldviews, which are very different.

On the way, the two talked and laughed, and after a while, they slowly got home.

The dinner is still made by Zhu Nai, and Wuchen has no attribute of cooking, so everything is left to Zhu Nai to complete.

Perhaps it was the reason why Akane was too tired. After dinner, she went to bed in a hurry after taking a bath.

At night, the dust-free lying on the chuang is quite boring, tossing and turning, unable to sleep for a long time, staring at the sky full of stars through the window.

"Find an opportunity to abolish Hyoudou Issei."

A stern killing intent flashed across his eyes, and Wuchen closed his eyes again. It was precisely at this moment that a burst of crimson light suddenly swept across the ground, and a pattern flashed out of thin air, ruddy like blood.

"It looks like a magic circle."

Squinting, Wuchen instantly understood what it was, and at the same time thought of who it was.

"It looks like Rias."

Wuchen lifted the quilt and looked at the magic circle curiously, but this time he was destined to be disappointed.

The person who emerged from the magic circle was a stunning woman with silver hair.

"What is she looking for me for? There shouldn't be any communication."

Wuchen said in surprise, this world is rich in beautiful women, and the silver-haired woman in front of her is also one of a kind, not only that, but also wearing a maid's uniform, her perfect and delicate jade face is flawless and can be broken by blowing bullets.

"My name is Gurefia, I think we can talk about some serious issues..."

The maid girl with the beauty of the sky and the country has the scent of pandan, which is very charming.


3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! PS: Cough, I said before that I have entered the harem mode, so Guleifeia will also accept it, even if it is not, I don’t like the upper right corner!


Chapter 1254 Looking For Trouble [Chapter Three]

serious question?

Hearing these words, the doubts lingering in Wuchen's heart are even more, and she looks at the graceful and graceful Gurelia in confusion, even though she has already stepped into the ranks of women, this closed moon and shy face, still It's no different from an energetic girl.

The fair skin is looming, the white is red, the temperament is noble and cold, with the temperament of a queen, full of aura.

"This guy…"

Wuchen's brows shrunk into a ball, and there was a flash of displeasure in his eyes. From the tone of Gurefia, he noticed a command, just like the disdain of the nobles for the commoners, and Wuchen's heart suddenly rose. indifferent.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to bed, there's no need to talk to you about anything." With a wave of his hand, Wuchen directly ordered the expulsion.


Hearing this, Gurefia's little face couldn't help but stagnate. It was the first time in her life that she had been treated like this, especially after becoming the wife of the Demon King and after winning the title of "Silver-haired Queen of Annihilation", no one dared to confront her. She spoke in a perfunctory manner.

"You can talk to me about certain issues if you want, but as the saying goes, you come to my house and you must abide by the rules." A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Wuchen took a step back.

"Your home, this is obviously the home of Rias's family member, Himejima Akeno, do you really think I don't know anything?"

Relentlessly debunking Wuchen's lies, Gulefiah suddenly found Wuchen to be very interesting, and then said generously: "Forget it, tell me your conditions, it's also a gift from me."

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