The slightly bored face shot out, and Wuchen found an unexpected figure, and his pupils instantly widened a little.

The silver hair is like a white ribbon, very soft, even though it has been slapped by the hot spring water at the moment, it should not be slender, the perfect outline is impeccable, and the tall nose bridge adds a little more cuteness to the girl, especially the face is also worn. With two groups of pink/red, it looks very shy and moving, making people can't help but want to take a bite and taste the fragrance.

"The speed of this guy changing women is too fast. He used to look at me with that wretched look, but now he ignores my existence and treats it like air..."

Rias' mother, Venirana, had a sour tone as she turned her head to look directly at the silver-haired girl in front of her, her eyes full of jealousy.

"Change is really hard to accept."

Gulei Feiya also nodded, a peerless big devil suddenly ignored her clothes and covered her body, just covering important parts of her and Vinylana, it was really unscientific.

"Cough cough... Roseweather didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence."

Wuchen came to Rossweisse calmly, and a young girl's fragrance rushed into his ears and nostrils.

"I was a little tired yesterday. Come and relax today. Who knew you were here too."

A red cloud swept across Roseweather's face, and she wanted to distance herself from the approaching Wuchen, but when she thought of the mission left by their Lord God Odin, she couldn't help but have a headache and felt extremely troublesome.

Rossweather finally compromised on the mission. Instead of keeping a distance from Wuchen, he deliberately got closer. Even because the distance was too close, the two could feel each other's body temperature and the skin touches they encountered from time to time. sense.

No way, who made the distance too close!

This abnormal behavior, both Gurefiya and Vinylana, frowned without a trace, and a touch of displeasure flashed in their eyes.


Chapter 1370 There is a cheap but not a bastard [second more]

Roseweather's pretty face was blushing, like a ripe apple, and her whole body was filled with a sinister scent. She seemed to sense the hostility that Vinylana and Grefia were emitting from the invisible, and her face flashed. A bit of embarrassment.

He whispered in his heart, "Lord Odin, none of the tasks you assigned can be easily accomplished."


Turn back time a few hours ago, in Odin's room.

Odin, the main god of Northern Europe, was sitting in front of the window, the bright early sun shone beside him, and the surroundings were warm, very comfortable, and sipping fragrant tea.

And standing beside him was Roseweather.

"What do you think of Wuchen, Roseweather?"

After a while, Odin opened his cloudy eyes, stared at Roseweather's little face for a few seconds, and asked.


Hearing this, Roseweather couldn't help frowning deeply, and said bluntly, "He's not bad, and his strength is also very strong. The only drawback... is that there are too many women."

"There are more women? This is not a problem, that is the privilege of the strong." Odin said disapprovingly. In his eyes, this is not a so-called disadvantage, but a trivial matter.

Everyone has a love for beauty. The only thing I can't compliment on is that Wuchen's heart is too broad. Women can gather together to form a strengthened company!

"I have a major task for you, which is related to the life and death of the Nordic mythology system." Putting down the teacup in his hand, Odin said solemnly.

"Lord Odin... Even if I die, I will explain the task you have completed!"

Roseweather nodded earnestly, and was moved to tears. He didn't expect Odin to value himself so much, and to entrust such an important task to her.

"very good."

Odin showed a satisfied smile, and said meticulously and earnestly: "Go and lure that kid Wuchen, I can tell from my fiery eyes that he is interested in you, if you lure him, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. ."


Hearing the words, Roseweather lost her balance, and she was hit so hard that she fell to the ground. Her beautiful eyes looked at the Lord God Odin speechlessly, and her eyes full of anger clearly said: I plan to die generously. I hooked/up with him?

"Lord Odin, what does the life and death of the gods in the Nordic mythology have to do with him? With your existence, is he stronger than you?"

Roseweather stood up and asked suspiciously.

Hearing the words, Odin's enjoyment expression instantly subsided, replaced by a solemn look.

"First of all... I'm already old, I'm not as good as a young man, and secondly, I faced him in his heyday. It is estimated that it was just a unilateral annihilation, without the slightest battle."

Odin sighed, his tone was filled with a few traces of desolation, time was not forgiving, and he also had a time to settle down.

There is no such thing as immortality.

"Huh... That means Lord Odin is still confident of defeating Wuchen."

Hearing this, Roseweather showed a happy expression, but there was a faint dissatisfaction in her heart.

"You misunderstood what I meant."

Odin rolled his eyes and smiled bitterly, opened the window and said something bright, "I mean, the one who was unilaterally annihilated in the end was me, not Wuchen. In other words, I was not his opponent."

Rossweisse's beautiful eyes widened, and her tone couldn't help but lower her head.

"Then why does he still respect Odin when he speaks..."

Roseweather asked inexplicably, if Wuchen's strength was far greater than Odin, there was no need to respect him.

After all, this world respects the strong.

"Maybe it depends on how old I am."

Odin said without hesitation, and then snorted, "Not everyone is like that Loki idiot, who thinks that if he is strong, he can be arrogant, and he is killed by himself."

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