"So it's very important to hook up / hook up without dust. You two are familiar with each other, and he has a good impression on you. The future world is changeable, and there are countless strong people in this world. If you can be one of his wives, the Nordic The mythical system can also provide an additional security guarantee in the future!" Odin said seriously.

The story of Loki taught Odin a lesson. There are too many powerful people in this world. Maybe someday some unsightly bastard will provoke an unprecedented character. Loki is an example. System, the role of the relatives of Wuchen is useful.


"Eh... The task given by Odin-sama... I'm really embarrassed."

Rossweisse in the hot spring was helpless, she and Wuchen could even feel the friction/rubbing of each other's skin.

"Fu/li came so soon?" Wuchen felt confused when he noticed Roseweather's abnormality.

"Hehe... No matter what, it's cheap and not a bastard. When you get to the fat around your mouth, swallow her first." Wuchen smiled brightly, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"The sequelae after the battle with Loki came out yesterday. My head hurts, and my body's strength is severely overdrawn. It's so uncomfortable!" Wuchen's face was pale and his body was swaying. .

Then he fell into Roseweather's arms.

"This is too fake!"

Vinylana and Gurefia were speechless. They both witnessed the fierce battle between Wuchen and Loki that day. Although Loki was known as a god, he was beaten by Wuchen.

He himself did not suffer at all, and the sequelae were nonsense.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1371 You Should Compensate Me [Chapter Three]

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled without saying a word, and lay comfortably in Rossweisse's arms.

"Oops...really, that bastard Loki is really ruthless, and now his body is still sore, the gods of your Nordic mythology system are really strong enough."

While complaining, Wuchen gently rubbed his sore right arm and made a painful expression.

Eyeballs swirled around Roseweather, and finally flashed a sly expression, staring at Roseweather's crimson cheeks, Wuchen deliberately lay in her arms and rubbed.


Roseweather exclaimed, and the towel she used to cover the important parts was ripped off by the tumbling dust-free.

One time spring/bright leak!

Even so, remembering the order given by Odin, Roseweather did not push Wuchen away.

"This guy must have done it on purpose. He obviously suppressed Loki's fight. Loki, who was far away in Huangquan, cried and fainted in the toilet." Roseweather was helpless, remembering Odin's order, and could only let it go.

She is for the gods of the Norse mythology system!

Not only that, but Roseweather's jade hand, which can be broken by bullets, also revolves around Wuchen, and actively rubs his shoulders for him. The appearance of Xiaojiabiyu is endearing.

"This bastard... Once you have a new love, you immediately forget your old love." Rias's current Venerana complained, with endless sourness in her words, "Don't you know that I am her mother-in-law? For my face and other... arrogant guys, I have to tell Rias to punish you!"

It sounds nice on the lips, but Vinylana is actually helpless, so she can only protest verbally. I believe that Lias is also helpless and tangled with such a character as Wuchen.

It is impossible for such a person to tame him!

"Odin's old fellow should have said something to you."

Wuchen, who was lying in Roseweather's arms, opened her eyes and asked her clear eyes. The bright eyes seemed to be able to see through everyone's inner thoughts.

"I want to hand over Lord Odin!"

Roseweather took a handful of silver, and then said bluntly: "Master Odin really wants to give me to you..."

Speaking of which, Roseweather stared at Wuchen with a slightly nervous expression.

"Ah Lie, Lie... Another one who wants to marry me..."

Wuchen made a distressed expression, and he also understood Odin's careful thoughts. That's how people are. Once they are strong, they will be coveted by everyone.

"What are your plans? Reject?" Roseweather asked.

"Of course not, our relationship is so strong, how could it be possible for you to suffer from that bad old man Odin!"

Wuchen put on a reassuring expression, and then said maliciously: "But more people means more mouths, and the family's expenses have already been seriously exceeded. At that time, I might be forced by Zhu Nai to work outside, And as the initiator, shouldn't you compensate me now..."

Staring at Roseweather's plump body, the dust-free smile sounded extremely wretched.

"Cough cough... You two should at least pay attention, don't take me and Lord Vinylana as air, especially if you are Lias' fiancé, you should pay more attention to your own image!"

Grefia stood up and scolded Wuchen with a serious face.

"This woman is really inhumane when she goes into work mode."

Wuchen looked at Gurefia with a puzzled look, and admired her professionalism. It was not easy to be able to enter work mode anytime and anywhere.

But this set is useless to Wuchen, not only it doesn't work, but he teased: "Miss Grefia, are you saying that you are jealous of Roseweather? If you don't dislike it... ok. Use my feet!"

"You are dreaming!"

Guleifei's face flashed sullen when she heard the words, and she felt uncomfortable when she saw Wuchen's teasing eyes, and her face was as red as an apple, as if it could drip blood.

"You are now the son-in-law of the Gremory family, representing the image of the Gremory family!" Gurefiya reiterated solemnly.

"This woman is always having a hard time with me, she has to teach her a lesson!" Being nagged by Gurefia every day, Wuchen's ears were almost calloused.

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