
A smug smile flashed across his pupils, and the dust-free and majestic spiritual power rushed into Gurefia's mind.

"I... do you need to rub your back? This is also one of my responsibilities as a maid." Grefia said in a surprising tone.

Gulei Feiya suddenly changed, the original stern expression also subsided, replaced by a gentle expression, and the eyes looking at Wuchen are also full of tenderness.

Wuchen uses illusion to change Gurefia's visual changes, treating himself as Sazex!

"Gurefia...are you uncomfortable? Or are you dazzled?"

Rias's mother, Vinylana, frowned and said, what an incredible thing. Usually, it's too late for Grefia to avoid Wuchen, so how can she help him rub his back now?

"I was really tired from working hard for a day yesterday, I'm really grateful for you to rub my back!" Wuchen replied with a smile, such a thing would be rejected by an idiot!

"Let's go together, Roseweather."

Regardless of the latter's panic, Wuchen hugged her without warning, and said softly, "Gurefia wants to rub my back, but I'm only used to lying on my stomach, if I sit, my back will hurt... There seems to be no place for me to lie down here, so I can only borrow your body... let me lie down, thank you so much!"

Without Roseweather's consent, Wuchen put her on the ground, climbed up again, and the two of them overlapped.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1372 Goodbye Tacheng Black Song [First More]

Roseweather stared blankly at the shameless Wuchen, her head was dizzy, and her whole body was dazed.

She opened her round/run small/mouth and stared straight at the dust-free lying on her body. Roseweather could feel that her proud career line was crushed into patties by the dust-free.

But at the moment she didn't care about it.

"How dare she, in front of her mother-in-law Vinylana, dare to let Rias' sister-in-law Gurefia rub her back, and most importantly, lie on top of me as a cushion..."

In such a case, Rossweisse didn't know how to express his emotions, this guy is simply a peerless great devil who is not afraid of heaven and earth!

In front of her mother-in-law's face, she even flirted with Vinylana, even belittling herself, Roseweather raised her thumb silently and sighed inwardly—hang!

"Well, yes, it's very comfortable, Grefia, worthy of being my maid."

Wuchen praised with a smile, ignoring Roseweather's dementia.

He smiled inwardly, "What can I do like this, even if Sazex himself and Daddy Rias didn't dare to talk nonsense when they saw it with their own eyes, who made me the biggest fist!"

He is exactly the same as the evil god Loki who was killed before, arrogant and ignoring the existence of ethics/reason, but the only difference is that the dust-free strength is far more than Loki.

Time passed quickly, and before she knew it, she fell into a deep sleep under the careful care of Grefia and Roseweather.

This made Vinylana on the side stare at the blowing beard and slump her chest, feeling resentful in her heart.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.


It's almost evening, when it's almost dark.

People from the dust-free and paranormal research department go out for a walk, walk in the dense forest with fresh air, and the oxygen filled with natural fragrance makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

"It's really rare that you actually go out for a walk with us."

Lias looked quite surprised, because Wuchen seemed to be the kind of lazy person, not to mention taking a walk, he wouldn't even do sports after meals.

Eat and sleep, this is the most realistic portrayal of Wuchen.

"Don't say it so harshly. How can I say that I'm also your fiancé. You have to maintain my image, especially when there are other people here."

Wuchen glanced at Rias dissatisfied. Akeno and Aisha were also listed. As for the other girls, they were all militants who liked to practice.

"Ala, ala... What is the existence of other people? It seems that Jun Chen treats us as outsiders, isn't our relationship not close enough? I'm so sad, are you also sad, Elsa?"

Zhu Nai said in a low voice, full of resentment, but she had a smile on her face, more like a joke.

"Yes, Elsa is also very sad."

The jewel-like eyes flashed a touch of disappointment, and Aisha nodded closely, and said sourly: "Since classmate Wuchen became the minister's fiancé, we have spoken only a handful of times, and our relationship has plummeted. The dust-free classmates in this world are Elsa's most important relatives!"

After saying that, Aisha locked onto the dust-free face tightly, for fear that he would slip away.

"That's your illusion, how could I abandon you."

Gently flicking between Aisha's brows, Wuchen rubbed her long blond hair to comfort her, and gave Zhu Nai an angry look, who just shrugged her shoulders with an expression that had nothing to do with me.


Suddenly, the dark forest brightened, beating with an unusual light.

A stunning girl with exposed clothes and every move exudes charm. She slowly walks out of the light. She has cute cat-like ears, and her blurred eyes also carry spring.

A real big leprechaun!

"It turned out to be you, Tacheng Heige, finally came? It is estimated that he planned to change jobs and betray White Dragon Emperor Vali." Wuchen was very calm, completely opposite to the three women who were facing the enemy.

"Keep the formation, Akeno is in charge of air support... Aisha is in charge..."

"These are all superfluous, no need, you three go back, she will leave it to me to deal with."

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