Hearing this, Archangel Michael and Asachel, including Odin, the main god of Northern Europe, all flashed a displeasure in their eyes.

Aqiuka's words meant shocking mountains and tigers, after all, a few of them belonged to outsiders.

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. You have a sick head, so let me, a living person, obey the dead?"

If it was limited to conflict just now, then Wuchen is now a naked/naked provocation, mocking a demon king with a sick head in front of the entire underworld!

Everyone was stunned, Lias was like this, Zhu Nai and others were like this, and Sazex was no exception.


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Chapter 1386 The Demon King has been counseled [fourth more]

"How dare he? How dare he? How dare he?"

There was only this sentence left in Theodora's mind. He originally thought that Wuchen would bow his head and confess his guilt, but now it seems to be just a ridiculous idea of ​​his wishful thinking.

Not only will this fellow not confess his guilt, but he will recklessly provoke the Demon King!

"You said I was sick?!"

Blue veins suddenly appeared on his forehead, and Demon King Ashuka Astaroth was furious. He originally wanted to make big things smaller, but this guy was trying to make small things big without giving face.

"You heard that right."

Wuchen replied with a smile.Said in a very serious tone.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

However, the moment Wuchen's voice just fell, the momentum of the sky suddenly erupted, like a hurricane sweeping the audience, and the young demon generation with strength and status was crushed to the ground.

Each of them was full of sweat, wet their clothes without even realizing it, and cursed in their hearts, cursing Wuchen fiercely.

Don't implicate us when you are courting death!

"Achuka, don't be impatient, he's still young and doesn't know the rules."

Not only the younger generation of demons, but also Sackes and the others who were standing next to Achuka, did not expect that he would suddenly attack, and was forced to go backwards by the violent momentum.

"Do you think you can be lawless by killing Loki?" He locked Wuchen with awe, and Achuka's killing intent was undisguised.

Hearing this, Wuchen sneered and countered sharply with disapproval: "Do you think you can cover the sky with one hand if you are a demon king? I'm sorry to tell you that your ridiculous identity has no deterrent force in front of me!"

"Good, good, good!"

Gritting his teeth and saying three good things, it is enough to witness how angry Achuka is.

"Just let the horse come over if you want to."

Hooking his fingers, he said casually.The people at the venue only suffered from a small part of the momentum, and Achuka's a lot of momentum deterred, all of which slammed on Wuchen.

But what is shocking is that this fellow has nothing to do, completely turning a deaf ear to the majesty of the Demon King, as if it does not exist like air.

"Hurry up and kill him!"

Theodora was extremely excited, waiting for the miserable appearance of Wuchen being hanged and beaten. Otherwise, the hatred of his disfigurement being kicked by Wuchen would be too unjust.

"This guy...."

Although Aqiuka burst out with all his aura, he didn't dare to make a move, and everyone frowned.

"Lord Sazex, are we going to assist Lord Achuka to capture Wuchen?"

Gurefia approached Sazex and asked quietly, although as Wuchen said, he is human and is not qualified to obey the rules of the devil world. After all, he is not a devil, but everyone understands the principle of following the customs, not to mention the lack of The object of Chen's offense is one of the four giants of the devil world!

"Let's take a look at it for a while, it's really interesting..." Sazeks waved his hand, with an unexpected smile on his face, he bowed his head and chose not to help each other.


Gurefiya was speechless. If there was a civil war in the demon world, the impact would be no less than the sky being stabbed to pieces!

At that time, the three major forces and some people in the calamity group will take advantage of the situation. The tragic wars of the past few hundred years may be kicked off again, and the bad influence created is absolutely deadly.

"Ha ha……"

Sazex smiled indifferently, glanced at the gloomy Demon King Achuka, and smiled at Gurefia in a low voice: "You haven't seen it yet, it's not that Achuka doesn't want to do it, but His opponent is too terrifying, and Achuka is afraid to attack!"

Hearing the words, Gulefeia inevitably looked at Wuchen, only to see that he had a calm demeanor, and was not affected by the power of the Demon King. The land is safe and sound, and it has actually explained everything.

In fact, this sudden duel started from the moment Achuka released her breath, but Achuka, who did not receive the result of the battle, was a little shy.

On the contrary, Wuchen has not had a backhand since then!


Fallen Angel Azazel, Archangel Michael, including the Lord God Odin are all very interested, and have different attitudes towards the grievances between Wuchen and Achuka.

In their eyes, the provocateur was originally Theodora, not to mention the disfigurement of him just by kicking him, even if he killed him, he deserved it, and the provocative powerhouse would have to pay the price!

Not having enough strength, but angering higher-dimensional creatures, is this not an idiot?Even if he was actually killed, it would be his own fault.

"If you don't do it, I'll come!" With a sneer, Wuchen took the lead, his body whizzed out, his hands clenched into fists, his skin instantly became extremely dark, filled with an indestructible edge, "Armed color hardened!"

"Hmph, I'm the Demon King, so I'm afraid of you?!"

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