Aqiuka groaned, feeling despised, Wuchen actually chose to fight him hand-to-hand, isn't it underestimation?No, that's just contempt!

In a fit of anger, Demon King Achuka also smashed into Wuchen with fists!

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull impact swept away, and the erupting air waves directly destroyed the villa. Everyone thought that Wuchen would be killed. After all, the opponent was a demon king-level player.

But the result was just the opposite. The shadow that was thrown out was the Demon King Achuka!


The crisp sound was terrifying, Achuka's face was pale, and the bones of his arm were destroyed with strength, and the strength of each other was almost one-sided.


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Chapter 1387 Beating the Demon King [Fifth More]

This unprecedented scene made everyone's eyes widen, and they all looked at the Demon King "Beelzebub" Achuka in disbelief, and everyone screamed in unison.

"Come on, just kidding, how is it possible, that's one of the strongest demon kings in the underworld, how could it be beaten by a mere human being and have you retreated, has Lord Demon God abandoned us???"

"You idiot, you don't understand this? It's obviously that Lord Achuka deliberately released water when he saw Wuchen was young, otherwise, he would be able to kill him by blowing his breath!"

"You are the idiot, but I heard a while ago that Wuchen killed the Nordic evil god Loki, and even his pet Fenrir, the hungry wolf who had eaten the god, was killed in an instant. The two of them together are like beating a dog. Killed by Wuchen!"


The younger generation of demons were shocked. Looking at the pale Aqiuka, the Demon King's invincible world view collapsed in an instant, and the Demon King was repelled with one punch. What kind of monster is this guy? !

"No wonder this guy is so defiant."

Licking the corners of his dry mouth, Sairaorg, who is also Rias' cousin, smiled bitterly. He was also frightened by Wuchen's nightmarish strength. He was proud of his strength, but he wanted to beat the Demon King with one punch. It's like dreaming.

On the other hand, Wuchen did it effortlessly, and this is the gap.

"Are you really the Demon King?"

Glancing at Aqiuka lightly, Wuchen pouted and said, "That's really disappointing!"

"Boy, give me enough time!"

Hearing this, the furious Achuka erupted with even more majestic magic power. If Wuchen was not given a look today, he would definitely lose face.

Later became the laughing stock of the world.

"Enough? You think I'm afraid of you?!"

Wuchen sneered, turned into a shining Hongguang and swept in front of Aqiuka, and raised his shining feet, and greeted him fiercely.

"Boom boom boom!"

Unexpectedly, Achuka, who was so fast without dust, was hit again and was knocked away by the berserk power.

After experiencing three worlds in succession, Wuchen's physique in all aspects is extraordinary, whether it is taijutsu or ghost, or strength and ninjutsu, he has entered an incredible level.


Although Wuchen was kicked away again, this time Achuka was obviously prepared, and his face was only slightly scratched and a little bit of skin was broken.

But even so, Achuka felt that he had lost his old face to his grandmother's house. He was one of the four demon kings in the underworld, not a vulnerable passerby.

"You think this is over?"

Wuchen turned into golden light and soared to the sky, looking down at Aqiuka who was on the ground, his pupils were full of raging rays of light, and an icy murderous aura froze time and space.

"What if you're the Demon King?! To be honest, I think you're very upset!"

With a look of disgust in his eyes, Wuchen said bluntly, "I'm just a demon king. Calling you a demon king is to look at you. If I make me unhappy...the next second, you can turn your face ruthlessly and hit you." Your mother doesn't even know you!

I saw Wuchen's hands gather a large flash of light, like the sun in the sky with a bright moon, which makes people dare not look directly, and the eyes with torch-like eyes are even more chilling.

"You leave quickly, this place is not for you people to stand on!"

Demon King Sazeks shouted angrily, he had already guessed how exaggerated the tricks Wuchen prepared were, how could the tricks to deal with the Demon King be ordinary?

"The gods fight, the devil suffers!!!"

The young demons wailed in their hearts, all scattered like ants on a hot pan.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The golden light bullets without an edge slanted down, and the sky was dyed bright gold, the number of which could not be counted, and each light bullet was filled with palpitating power.


Rao is also secretly shocked because of the character of Demon King Aqiuka, who is also secretly shocked, and secretly exclaimed: "Why is this kid so perverted? What kind of virtue is he? Who did he learn from?"

Demon King Aqiuka Astaroth opened his mouth and saw Wuchen's grim expression, but finally stopped. In fact, he really wanted to say: Call your master out, and I want to be a teacher too!

"It would be too easy to defeat me so easily!"

Demon King Aqiuka's face flashed a ferocious look, and the surging magic power continued to pour out of the body, revolving around his body, and finally he waved his hand, and a magic circle as solid as a diamond was formed in an instant.

"Clang clang!"

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