I have to say that Achuka, who is the Demon King, has two brushes. The range of light bullets is large, but the power is not concentrated. For the time being, he cannot break through his tortoise shell, and he is bounced off the magic circle.

"I made a decision!"

Looking down at Achuka, who was protected by the defensive magic circle, the corners of Wuchen's mouth raised a few sloppy arcs.

"The devil is in the position of the powerful, you are too annoying, let me replace you!" Wuchen patted his chest and said with an expression that I am more suitable for the devil than you.

"It's just you?!"

Hearing this, Demon King Achuka's nose was crooked with anger, and he roared with an angry smile: "Don't forget, you said you were a human just now, and now you want to become a Demon King? What are you kidding me!"

"This kind of problem is not a problem."

Glancing at Rias, Wuchen said lazily: "Just let Rias turn me into a reincarnated demon, Akeno and Xenovia, including Yuto, are all reincarnated demons, what can't I do? "

One sentence made Demon King Aqiukali's face turn blue. With his sharp eyes, he looked at the other three Demon Kings, and strangely discovered that the three Demon Kings including Sazex did not object to Wuchen, but remained silent.

In a way, silence means acquiescence!


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Chapter 1388 The Boundary Prison of the Tomb of the Wheel [First Update]


Demon King Aqiuka Astaroth's bones were trembling with anger. He didn't expect these friends who usually call themselves brothers and sisters to be silent with him at this moment.

Does this explain?It means that Sazex and others acquiesce to Wuchen to seize his position as the devil!

"Ah, ah, ah... don't stare at the three of us so cruelly. To put it bluntly, this is your devil's business, and it has nothing to do with the fallen angels. Demon King Achuka, I will not participate in your struggles, by the way. Let me give my personal opinion, survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest, this is the law that has remained unchanged throughout the ages.”

Azazel shrugged, and on the surface he put himself aside, but actually quietly stated his position. The implicit meaning is that whoever is stronger is more suitable to be the Demon King.

"This has nothing to do with our angels. The internal problems of the devil are solved by ourselves, and other forces will be brought into trouble if they participate."

Archangel Michael also decisively distanced himself from the relationship.

"Young people nowadays really like to be competitive, but Asachel and Michael are right, this is really not an issue that we can intervene in."

After brushing his beard, the Lord God of Odin flashed a strange color, indicating that he would not interfere.

"You guys..."

Up to now, Demon King Achuka knows that he has been abandoned, and they all think that the future is better than himself, so he is abandoned.

If it were ordinary people, they would have been suppressed by their gods and demon kings.

It's Wuchen's turn to be special here. This is the benefit of being powerful, and it can control the will of others.

Not to mention Azazel and the others, and Achuka's only Sazeks were silent, their eyes changing back and forth planning something.

This made Demon King Achuka feel betrayed and angry!

"You bastards think this guy is better than me? Is he more suitable for the Demon King than me?"

Demon King Achuka, who was full of flames and had nowhere to scatter, roared indignantly, blushing and thick-necked hideous as if possessed by an evil spirit.

"You get a problem wrong, it's not a question of whether it's suitable or not. No matter whether every world is a place where the weak and the strong prey on the weak, it's a matter of time when you have no ability but stand at a high position and be brushed down."

Wuchen was not surprised by the reaction of Sazex and others, he even guessed it.

The rulers of the demons are the Four Demon Kings, and the strongest among the four is undoubtedly Sazex. Now, under the threat of the "Bang of Calamities", he has formed an alliance with fallen angels and angels, including the Nordic mythology system. Such an unprecedented super strength is bound to be able to ignore all enemies.

But when the leader of the "Bang of Calamity", the infinite dragon god Orpheus, surfaced, it meant danger. There was no character who could match him at all. Only the great red one could be on par with Orpheus. and drive.

But will the Great Red help them?Obviously not, so a strong character must appear, and Wuchen is precisely the best choice.

Whether it was killing Loki in an instant or killing Fenrir instantly, including now facing the Demon King Achuka, they all showed unparalleled strength.

Although Sazex and the Demon King Achucas are close friends, but for the safety of the underworld, between his close friend and the life and death of the entire underworld, he decisively chooses the latter, so the victorious Libra tends to be clean.

"It seems that this guy's position as the devil is a matter of course."

Seraph glanced at a few people, and was also full of sighs in his heart. I am afraid that as long as he defeats the current demon king, Achuka Aestalot, Wuchen will jump to the sky and replace him.This matter does not want Achuka, the initiator is his stupid, self-righteous junior - Theodora!

"If you want to beat me, the strength you show now is not enough. I am not Loki, and I will not repeat the same mistakes!"

Demon King Aqiuka silently kept everything in his eyes, and chose to swallow it in his stomach, so what if he was upset?Is it possible to fight against the other three demon kings, as well as the archangels Michael, Asazel, and the Lord God Odin?Of course it's impossible, that way he would die faster.

"Stupid stuff, you're actually surrounded."

The reincarnation writing wheel eye of the left eye swayed faintly, and Wuchen said inexplicably.

Looking at the entire sky, there are only Wuchen and others, and no other reinforcements.

"Hahaha... I'm surrounded? I think you're more suited to be a visionary than a demon king, so... bang bang bang!"

Before the wildly laughing Achuka could finish speaking, he suddenly spit out blood, his face turned extremely pale, and his body was smashed from the sky to the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"

He was lying miserably in the deep pit, with an obvious fist mark on his abdomen, hitting the lower limit of Achuka's chest.

"How did he do it? Who among you saw him do it?"

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