One fights the disabled, two fights together, and three still cannot change the tragedy of being disabled. All the conspiracies and tricks in front of absolute strength are self-inflicted humiliation.

"Drive away the original demon king and replace it yourself. This kind of thing is rare in the world. You are now on the cusp of the storm. You don't need others to ask about it deliberately. You are famous all over the world."

Tacheng Heige approached Wuchen, blew the scent of pandan in his ear, and whispered in a very small voice.

After a while, Wuchen frowned and asked calmly, "The old demon king faction is going to make trouble in this ranking game? It's not too daring, but it has nothing to do with me, just leave it to Sazex to deal with it. already."

Wuchen said indifferently, his eyes ignored the void in front of him, the value of this world had been drained, and the great red was also forced to sign a psychic contract by him, becoming his own plaything. In general, the infinite dragon god Orpheus It doesn't seem to be the enemy, and the remaining group of shrimp soldiers and crabs are even more worthless.

"You Demon King is too irresponsible!"

Hearing that Wuchen was going to hand everything over to Sazex, Tacheng Heige was speechless. This guy was obviously disgusting to take the position of the Demon King, more like interest.


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Chapter 1391 The attack of the old demon king faction [fourth more]

irresponsible?Maybe it is, but becoming a demon king by accident is a matter of accident. He is unfamiliar with the profession of demon king, and he is not interested at the same time.

Doing such a hard thing as the Demon Lord, leave it to Sazex!

"Go and call Gurefia, I have something to give her." Wuchen suddenly said in a deep voice.

"It's really inspiring."

Tacheng Heige pouted, dissatisfied, but did not refuse, Wuchen is indeed her BOSS, and she absolutely obeys Wuchen's orders.

"Ta Tata..."

After a while of jogging, Tacheng Heige disappeared.


At the same time, Tacheng Heige had just left, and the main space rippled faintly like water patterns.

"Huh? Come to peep/peep again?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Wuchen thought of a little loli with unique hobbies, and said gloomily: "The infinite dragon god Orpheus... Stealing/peeping is not what the dragon god should do!"

In the past, she stole/peeked at her when she was smack/smack/smack, but now it's impossible to ignore her.

"Can you find me? But your words are normal."

A crisp and sweet, cute-sounding voice entered the ear, and then a crack appeared in the void, and a girl in a Gothic Lolita stepped out.

His swarthy eyes glittered brightly like black agate, staring at the naked and clean body without paying any attention, with no expression at all.

Wuchen was speechless for a moment, and scolded in his heart: "You erotic dragon is at least a little shy, don't act like it should be."

"Is something wrong?" Wuchen frowned. He and Orpheus didn't have any deep hatred, especially after taming the great red last time, Orpheus favored him instead.


The plain tone did not bully at all. Orpheus will always have this kind of plain tone that is neither happy nor angry. He is ignorant of the world, and it seems that everything has nothing to do with him.

"Then why did you come to see me? It's still this kind of occasion." Wuchen said depressedly, and immediately began to put on his clothes.

"Are you leaving?" Orpheus asked, with a rare ripple in his plain tone.

"Presumably you and the great red should also understand that this world is not my starting point, and it is definitely not my end, and leaving is inevitable."

Wuchen got dressed and answered frankly.

Orpheus was silent, she also knew that there were many other worlds besides this world, and Wuchen was not a character in this world, because each mythological system did not have such a character at all, otherwise she and the great red would not be the same. It will become a legend and be invincible by the world.

"Why, do you want to go for a walk in other worlds with me? You can go there too."

Wuchen smiled and said that his impression of this girl dragon is not bad. Although he is the boss of the "Bang of Calamity", he is also an innocent girl who is used. Orpheus, who is not familiar with the world, doesn't understand everything.

"Really? Are you sure?"

Gently pursing his lips, the bright eyes of the infinite dragon god Orpheus flashed brightly, and a smile appeared on his face, as if he had finally heard the long-lost answer.

"of course."

Wuchen replied happily, there is no problem with bringing Orpheus anyway, and there will be multiple free thugs.

"You must not lie to me!"

Raising his fist, the infinite dragon god Orpheus warned that the demonstrative fist seemed to say, if you dare to lie to me, I will kill you.

After the actual great red left, Orpheus was the only one left in this world. It was indeed full of loneliness. Alone in the gap between the dimensions where life was forbidden, he would inevitably die alone.

"Master Wuchen."

At the same time, Gurefia also hurried over, looking at the infinite dragon god Orpheus for a moment, and suddenly became murderous, and she was familiar with this Gurefia in front of her.

"Stop, he's his own." Seeing the magic power overflowing from Gurefia's body, Wuchen said with a serious face.

"My own person? She is the leader of the calamity group - Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, is this also my own person?" Gurefia refuted, this is their demon, no, can be regarded as the enemy of the whole world.

"I'm his bodyguard, not the enemy." The green jade pointed to Wuchen, and Orpheus said earnestly, slapping his unimproved career line.

"Bodyguard?" Wuchen was speechless, not thinking who could protect him, but he waved his hand and said with a smile, "Gurefia, go tell Sazex, the old devil..."

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