"Boom boom boom!!!"

Before Wuchen's voice could fall, violent tremors came from afar, and even due to the excessive force, the entire villa fell apart in an instant, awakening the sleeping women.

"Ah, ah, ah... It seems to be a step too late, they have already started to attack." Wuchen stretched his waist, it is certain that people from the old Demon King faction attacked this ongoing ranking game.

"Okay, it's not bad to sweep you all away, and then hand over this broken world to Sazex."

Through the window, ignoring the void in the distance, the swarms of black shadows are clearly visible, the number is like locusts, and it is impossible to count the number of intruders.

But in Wuchen's eyes, no amount of numbers can change the problem. This is destined to be a bloody massacre, and the strengths of the two sides are not equal at all.

"The White Dragon Emperor Vali is also here... If you are willing to hide in a low profile, it would be okay to spare your life, but you don't seem to understand the kindness of others."

The silver figure roaming the sky in the distance is arrogant and domineering, like a god who dominates the sky, looking down at the messy underworld, sweeping his eyes as if looking for dust-free.

With his arrogant demeanor, he didn't even pay attention to several demon kings, as if they were all small characters worth mentioning.


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Chapter 1392 Sazex is dead? 【Fifth more】

Wuchen's pupils shrank, and he looked at White Dragon Emperor Vali for two laps. Then he pouted and said, "No wonder this guy dares to show his superiority again. It seems that his strength has improved a lot recently."

When you become stronger, you will come out to die, and this time, you will die completely!

Wuchen secretly decided in his heart: "After killing you black sheep, retreat, there is no need to continue to entangle/entangle, everything will be scratched today."

"Where did that guy go?"

The White Dragon Emperor Vali in the void looked left and right, looking for traces of Wuchen. His urgent voice could not wait to immediately beat Wuchen out of anger.Since the person named Wuchen appeared in his eyes, his life has fallen into a trough, all kinds of misfortunes roared, and because of Wuchen, White Dragon Emperor Vali has become a god of great decline.

Even the most trusted palm, Tacheng Heige, left him ruthlessly and jumped into the embrace of Wuchen instead.

"Be sure to beat him to the point of bruising his nose and face!"

Thinking of his own tragic deeds, White Dragon Emperor Vali gritted his teeth in anger. The hard training that was almost self-mutilating made him a great improvement in strength, and the artifact - "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings" also made great progress, expanding to new area.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A sharp piercing sound suddenly sounded, and the azure void suddenly turned golden.

"This is……"

Looking up at the sky, a large piece of golden light occupied the sky, all of which were tragically dyed golden, which was extremely beautiful, but it felt very strange to the White Dragon Emperor Vali.

"A little familiar."

White Dragon Emperor Vali muttered to himself, seeing the golden sky, he always felt a bit familiar.

"Can't remember?"

The vast and ethereal voice came suddenly, and when I looked up, the boundless void was empty.

"Who? Come out to me!"

White Dragon Emperor Vali shouted in displeased sky, this mysterious voice made him extremely annoyed, and the clear and arrogant tone made him have a kind of inferiority complex.

"Even I forgot... Since that's the case, then I'll be generous to help you restore your memory!"

This ethereal voice fell, and the large golden light gathered in the sky was rapidly compressed, controlled by some unknown force, and finally presented a vague outline of a human being.

"This ability to control light, as well as the annoying tone just now, and this faintly visible outline..."

Eyes narrowed slightly, White Dragon Emperor Vali remembered something, and immediately shouted: "Damn Wuchen, this time I will definitely send you to hell with my own hands!"

Instead of going to trouble you, I'll call you at the door, arrogant enough!

"You are the one who should die!"

Lias and the other girls also flashed at the same time, looking up at the White Dragon Emperor Vali unkindly.

"I might die, but someone might die before me, haha..."

White Dragon Emperor Vali laughed wildly, pointing to the distorted sky caused by the fierce battle in the distance, "Sazeks Gremory is estimated to be killed soon. We must have spent a lot of time this time."

When these words fell, Wuchen and others frowned. He saw a touch of insidious cunning in Vali's eyes, as well as a calm and confident look.

As if certain that Sazex was about to fall.

"You bloody bastard..."

Hearing this, Rias's body overflowed with a large amount of crimson destructive magic power. Due to her over-excited emotions, it erupted all at once. If it wasn't for the infinite dragon god Aofi's quick-witted eyes, I'm afraid a few people would be instantly killed.

This unusually high-density magic is terrifying!

"Sazex is different from ordinary people. Although he is a demon king, his own strength exceeds that of a demon king." Falling beside Rias, Wuchen comforted softly.

"Really? That's really a coincidence, his opponent is also a player beyond the level of the devil!" White Dragon Emperor Vali sneered calmly: "And it's not just one person!"

When these words fell, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. If Sazex was besieged by several opponents of the same level, it would be almost impossible to get rid of his whole body in the end.

"So what? It's just a matter of life and death for me!"

Wuchen still sneered disapprovingly, even if Sazex really died, the resurrection was just a momentary trivial matter, and there was no need to worry at all.

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