"Thank you, Wuchen." Lias felt a little better now, and the rampant magic slowly stopped.

"Instead, you... come to trouble me without knowing what to do. Do you have the consciousness of going to hell?"

The murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised, Wuchen's imposing aura like a vast ocean was completely resolved, and an invisible energy ripple converged into a long and narrow dragon rushing towards the White Dragon Emperor Vali!


The White Dragon Emperor Vali, who was caught off guard, instantly retreated hundreds of meters away, his face was extremely pale, he was spitting out blood, and his eyes looked at Wuchen in horror.

"This guy can hit me hard just by his own momentum? It's impossible, and it's not an adult bullying a baby. This kind of ridiculous result is too playful, and I absolutely won't accept it!"

White Dragon Emperor Vali motivated to refute his own failure. After several months of frantic training without sleep or food, he has now fallen to the point of being killed by someone else's momentum. He absolutely cannot accept it!

It seems that the more he lives, the more he goes back, how can White Dragon Emperor Vali not be angry?

"Not convinced yet?"

Sensing the angry White Dragon Emperor, Wuchen smiled contemptuously, crossed the space in an instant, ignoring the definition of distance, and came to the White Dragon Emperor Vali with a flick of his fingers, mercilessly moving his big feet towards his stunned expression. face to say hello.

"Light speed kick!"


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Chapter 1381 Kill the White Dragon Emperor in seconds [sixth more]

The speed of light is too fast, if you want to capture his trajectory, let alone the current White Dragon Emperor Vali, even if a god wants to do it, it is as difficult as going to the sky, or even impossible.

Therefore, it was inevitable that Wally, who couldn't keep up with the dust-free speed, could only be depressed and beaten!

"Light speed kick!"

The merciless sleep all slammed into the face of the White Dragon Emperor Vali, and the armor covering his face made a crisp sound of "kakaka", and then burst open.

All the bright beams hit his face!

"Boom boom boom!"

White Dragon Emperor Vali was kicked down mercilessly, and a shocking deep pit was smashed into the ground. His face was covered in blood and there were burn marks lying in it.

One kick knocked him to death!

"Well, yes, the hardness of the armor seems to have become stronger. No wonder it dares to be so arrogant and open to invade the underworld to challenge me, but I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell you before, when the last battle against you came, it was not my full strength at all. "

The dustless muttering to himself in the floating sky.

"You bastard."

White Dragon Emperor Vali stood up tenaciously, spit out blood, a few pale teeth were clearly visible, his face was sunken, his nose was kicked crooked, and his face showed a large footprint .


There was a burst of violent drinking from the sky, and then the void above Wuchen's head suddenly darkened.

"It's you guy again."

Looking up at the falling giant iron rod, Wuchen frowned, combined with the slightly familiar voice and this unique wishful rod, there seemed to be no other sneak attack except the man who claimed to be the beautiful monkey.

"I didn't kill you last time, that's because you have the value of sending a message. As for this time.... please disappear. It's annoying to see the stalker dangling around."

A high-density spiritual pressure erupted in the body, and the earth was subject to dust-free and began to vibrate violently.

A fiery red knife-shaped flame is clearly visible, and the moisture remaining in the air is quickly evaporated, as if the end of the world is terrifying.

"Ninety-six and one-knife cremation of the broken way!"

The flame sword rose from the ground, and the invincible power directly swallowed the silver and the whole wishful stick together... So the monkey disappeared together with his beloved weapon.

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth-shattering explosion swept through the sky, and the strong impact emanated from it made everyone go backwards.

"The monkey is dead?"

White Dragon Emperor Vali said stunned, his eyes were straight, it was difficult to accept this situation, it was just a trick, why can it be so simple?Not a cat or a dog!

"As I said just now, the last time he was alive was because he had the value of transmitting news, and it is useless now. If he dares to provoke me, he will surely die."

Wuchen said in a natural tone, and then looked at the White Dragon Emperor and said: "Don't worry, don't be sad, you have no use value, and you will go to the underworld to continue the relationship soon! Don't thank me, I am the person. So kind!"

With a large amount of light in his hand, Wuchen glanced at it coldly, and thousands of light bombs poured down.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The locust-like light poured down, and Vali forced his body to stand up, his eyes were full of determination, and he chanted an obscure ancient incantation, which sounded quite extraordinary and solemn.

"I, wake up to

Falling the absolute law to the white dragon emperor of darkness——

Through the dream of dawn with infinite destruction, to domineering——

I, to be the Emperor of the Unsullied Dragon——

Lead you to the extremes of silver fantasy and magic! "

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