As soon as the voice fell, Vali's body shone brightly, and his tiny body enlarged without limit, turning into an unprecedented behemoth.

And the magic power fluctuations are also incredibly strong, and the dustless dust that was caught off guard was blown away.

"It's no wonder that this guy is so confident that he's going into this mode...a kudos to him."

Wuchen nodded slightly and gave a rare look of admiration. Vali soared in the sky, and the void was completely occupied by his huge body.

"What mode is this?!"

The dragon roar, which is unique to ancient times, resounded through the heavens and the earth, and looked up at the behemoth occupying the void. Everyone felt that they were extremely insignificant, like an hourglass, and they didn't need Vali to crush them, just slightly inciting the two sides. Feather wings can easily destroy them.

"What a big one... a lizard!"

In this mighty and solemn environment, extremely discordant ridicule came, and the huge dragon eye of the White Dragon Emperor Vali surged with gloomy killing intent, entering this unique and powerful state, he paid a lot of price.

And the initiator is this lawless, hippie smiling person in front of him.

"Does this guy despise people so much?"

White Dragon Emperor Vali's huge longan looked down at Wuchen, dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and Wuchen's condescending face obviously didn't take him into the new mode to heart.

Totally treated as a joke.

"I am in this state, and the model just now is completely different, you better be serious to me... Otherwise, it will only be a moment to kill you, if that is so boring, the shame you brought me , I'm going to give it back double!"

"No,'ll be wrong, it's you who should be worried, Vali."

Shaking his fingers, Wuchen chuckled lightly, and then pointed to the depths of the void. The lazy white clouds seemed to touch the heaven and the earth, and disappeared instantly without a trace. The doomsday natural disaster, the whole world turned into oppressive dark black.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1382 Meteorite falling from outer space! 【First Update】

As the saying goes, there must be a demon if you use it very much. What does it mean for everyone to shake with such a superficial truth?

What does the good sky suddenly cloud cover the sun mean?It is certain that someone is using a powerful trick, and this sudden black afterimage covers the entire demon world!

"You're so big, it's definitely inconvenient when you're going to run." After carefully examining Vali, who was soaring in the sky, the boring dust-free rubbed his chin and joked.

"Don't pretend to me, you don't have any magic fluctuations in you, the sky is dark, it can only mean that it is a lunar eclipse phenomenon in a certain location, you don't give me there..."

The voice at the corner of his mouth stopped abruptly, and the dragon's eye of the White Dragon Emperor jumped. He quickly noticed that the dust-free right eye had changed, and the good-looking right eye turned white.

"What kind of eyes are those? Some kind of artifact?" Vali guessed inexplicably.

Wuchen belongs to human beings, and human beings generally have black hair and black eyes. Those weird white eyes are different from ordinary people, and the surrounding is irregular like lace. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are not eyes.

Vali instinctively turned to the artifact.

"Don't put on such a confused expression, don't worry, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, for the sake of your impending fall, I will tell you reluctantly, this is called Tenseisen..."

Wuchen said, smiling slightly, and a word made Vali Longan jump, "The effect is also very simple, his gravitational and repulsive forces can even control the moon!"


Valli's heart thumped violently, and suddenly he thought of why the sky was getting dark, he looked up in a strange way, and the bad premonition in his heart turned into reality.

"Huh? Do we still need to fight? Such a big thing falls down and everyone perishes together!"

"Damn it, what did I do to the world, why did I get such a punishment? This ruthless attack will destroy the whole world, and God can't escape it."

"Meteorite? Meteorites shouldn't be this big. This is completely a planet!"


All the two sides in the fierce battle stopped fighting, and looked up dully at the meteorite falling from the sky. No, such a large range has exceeded the scope of meteorites.

Because that shadow... almost covers the whole world!

"Yes, did you do it?!"

Valli's face turned green, and he almost bit his tongue/head. He could be sure that this falling planet could be related to Wuchen, and at the same time, he was sweating because of Wuchen's madness. He even summoned a planet to hit this world. How do we fight? !

"Don't worry, I just use my pupil power to suck the moon over. Even if this world is really destroyed, some powerful people can escape."

Wuchen said lazily, and said very calmly: "It's just that the only people who can survive in the end are the strong ones such as the devil and the gods. As for ordinary people... I can only say sorry."

"In this case, those women of yours will never want to continue to live!" Vali said grimly, his tone was full of sneer and pleasure.

"Then you're going to be disappointed, Rias and the others will live like me."

The void suddenly twisted into a vortex, and Wuchen activated the power of the pupil technique a little, and absorbed all of Rias and the others.

"Divine power!"

Several people disappeared instantly.

"This bastard!"

Seeing this, Vali's old face twitched, and he felt like he wanted to cry without tears. Wuchen's move was too great. When the moon and the meteorite collided with each other, the catastrophic consequences caused his soul to tremble.

"I have to stop you, kill you before the moon falls, this sleazy trick should stop!"

Vali said in a hoarse tone, if the moon and the earth really collided, he might also fall, and the chance of surviving is zero.

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