Although it is not as terrifying as the residual fire dagger, the moisture everywhere is also evaporated.

"Boom boom boom!"

The flames hit Beast King 666 from the front. His mighty and extraordinary body was black, as if he had just come out of the mud, and his body smelled of burning.

"Don't ignore my presence."

Orpheus raised his fist and waved it, obviously saying, if you ignore my existence, you will be beaten to death!

"It still doesn't work..."

Wuchen frowned deeply, and saw the scorched scar of Beast King 666, which recovered in just the blink of an eye, but the pain of being beaten and beaten by Orpheus was real.


Beast King 666 stretched out his head and screamed, as if saying that none of your tricks would work.

"The madness has no bounds."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth swept a slight arc, and he ignored the angry roar of Beast Emperor 666. This fellow can only take advantage of words.

Since he came out to the present, he has almost been beaten by himself.


In his rage, Beast King 666 lowered his body, and recklessly opened his mouth to bite Wuchen and the others. His wide mouth was several meters long.

Looking at it like this, I want to kill Wuchen and Orpheus.

"Super Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The reincarnation eye of Jiugouyu exudes dangerous fluctuations, and the overwhelming repulsive force erupts.

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth slammed into a number of huge deep pits of dozens of kilometers, as if smashed by an alien falling meteor, all over the territory of the Gremory family.

Rao Yi's cute face of the infinite dragon god Orpheus also changed slightly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Beast King 666 exploded into blood mist again, but only a few seconds later, he appeared in front of Wuchen again.

"This guy... is really a bit difficult to deal with."

Up to now, Wuchen refuses to accept it. This guy is like his ten-tailed body. Even if it is cut into pieces and only cells are left after being beaten, it can still be reborn from the cocoon.

"This is the fundamental reason why he can only be sealed." Orpheus's face always remained calm.

"If that's the case, then seal him, and banish him from the universe to make him live better than death!" Taking a step back, he has already blasted this guy dozens of times before and after, and the dust-free qi has disappeared. Continue to seal him. Yes, out of sight is pure.

"It's easier said than done."

Orpheus's tone became a little speechless. This is Beast King 666, an existence of almost the same level as her, and it is as difficult to seal it as the sky.

"Don't worry, I'm very good at sealing."

Wuchenqi smiled calmly, and then threw a black body into the void, the ground suddenly trembled/shaking, and the majestic gravitational force shot down from above.

"Earth Blast!"

Mao used all his strength to cast the Earth-Blasting Star, which immediately produced a change in quality, and large pieces of the ground were torn apart, including Beast King 666, which was several hundred meters high. His huge body ignored the existence of gravity and floated up inconceivably.

The moment the gravitational ball appeared, the whole world began to slowly rise!

"What trick is this?!"

Orpheus' face could no longer remain calm, and for the first time since she had given birth, she was stunned. Not to mention Beast King 666, even she felt like she was about to be torn apart.

The high-density gravitational force enveloped her, and her body lost control. This was because Wuchen did not deliberately target Orpheus, otherwise she might be like Beast King 666.


Beast King 666 screamed in panic, shaking and struggling with his body that covered the sky, but in the end it was of no avail, and his body, which was several hundred meters high, was gradually integrated into the sky.

Seeing that he was about to be sealed, Beast King 666 had no power to backhand. Under this destructive gravitational force, it was a thousand times difficult for him to move his arms and feet. , can only look desperately at the super-large meteorite that is getting closer and closer.


His eyes froze slightly, Wuchen's eyes glared lightly, and Beast Emperor 666's body disappeared completely, and was sealed inside the "Earth Burst Star".


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1398 Demon High School, God Killer Begins! 【Sixth more】

The whole world was silent, staring blankly at the meteorite expanding in the void.

The moon was slowly falling, and Wuchen created a more exaggerated "planet" by himself. This sky-defying method stunned everyone.

Even though Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, has a ruddy mouth open, and the eyes of the Arabian Nights are full of shock, this can be equivalent to creating a world indirectly.

"It's over, don't have to fall."

Glancing at the meteorite, and the Earthburst star that sealed Beast King 666, Tensei's pupil power was activated again, and the moon returned to its original orbit.

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