And the tragic Beast King 666 was directly banished from the universe by Wuchen!


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a month passed quietly.

The underworld, which was scorched by the last war, has begun to rebuild, and many areas have returned to their original appearance, but no one can forget the painful lessons left by the war.

For example, the unexpected fall of Sazex.

Gurefia, Rias and others, including his mother, were extremely sad. When Sazex's body was found, what he was destroyed was wrong.

Inside the luxury villa of the Gremory family.

"Can such incredible things really be done?"

Lias's tone was crying, and there was a touch of emotion, thinking that Wuchen was comforting him, and it was too illusory to talk about bringing people back to life.

"Of course, I can use my [Heavenly Reincarnation Technique] to revive Sazeks." Wuchen nodded affirmatively, resurrecting a person was just a trivial matter for him.

"Look carefully."

Under the expectation of the crowd, Wuchen walked up to the charred body of Sazex and shouted: "The art of reincarnation in the outside world!"

Sazex's body, covered with an emerald-colored light that contained majestic vitality, was originally broken and scorched, but began to gradually recover as before.

The burnt black skin also began to slowly heal.

"Can you really do it?!"

The girls exclaimed, and among them, Grefia and Rias were the most excited.

"This, where is this?"

After a while, Sazex's eyebrows moved slightly, then opened his eyes and looked at the world in front of him in confusion, "I'm not dead..."

"And, who are you?"

A voice made Grafia and Rias, who were crying with joy, froze.

"Is there something wrong with the memory... This kind of thing has never happened before."

Wuchen frowned and said, and immediately guessed: "It may be that there is a problem with his soul. Lizevim and the others are ruthless. Just in case, it is estimated that even Sazex's soul has moved his hands and feet."

"That's enough."

Although Gurefiya was a little disappointed, she still took the initiative to walk up to Wuchen to express her sincere thanks.

"No need to care."

Wuchen smiled and said, resurrecting a person is simple and easy in terms of his pupil strength.

"It's time to take them away."

Glancing at the girls, Wuchen knew that the trip to this world was over, and he was about to take them back to the system and then invade the next world.


Demon King Serafel raised her eyebrows and said in an unpleasant manner: "It's you, not us! Pay attention to the wording of your own words, or others will misunderstand!"

"It's your own business that you refuse..." Glancing at Seraph, he said playfully, "But I still forcibly kidnapped you."

"You.... shameless!"

Seraph stomped his feet angrily, feeling extremely depressed.


The girls couldn't help laughing. Seraph was tragic enough. When the dignified Demon King encountered the unreasonable Wuchen, he could only helplessly bow his head and admit his fate. Who made his fist the biggest.


Gurefia's face was full of complexity, she didn't expect what would happen, and she felt a tingling pain in her heart when she was looked at by Sazex's unfamiliar eyes.

"Seraph and I will both leave... In the future, the Demon King will be the only one left. It's better to give him a promotion and let him be a carefree Demon God." Wuchen suggested.

"And I..."

Before Gurefia finished speaking, Wuchen glared back.

Now that Gurefia is also regarded by Wuchen as an inverse scale, how could he let Gurefia continue to stay in the demon world?There is no door if you want to stay!

As for him resurrect, and give him a unique position of the devil, Wuchen doesn't feel that he is sorry for him there.

Including Seraphel's younger sister, Canna Sidi, and her whole bunch of dependents, Wuchen took all of them away.

Although I was ready to leave, Wuchen was not in a hurry, but ran to each mythological system and wiped out all the messy mythological systems.

Even Wuchen didn't do it. The two super combinations of the infinite dragon god Orpheus and the great red exist. Do you still need the Wuchen deity to do it?Obviously not needed.

Like Hades in the underworld, and the mythological system of India/India, these are even more important targets, and they were all destroyed in the hands of Wuchen.

When he was about to leave, Wuchen held another big wedding. After dealing with all the trivial matters, Wuchen planned to leave this world with the girls.

All mythological systems were almost completely destroyed, and they were all ruthlessly slaughtered. They were all wiped out without any mercy. There was no character who could threaten Sazex at all, so his position as a demon god could also be made comfortable.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !

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