Pheasant Godou relentlessly shouted, he tried to ask for help, but this place seemed to be an isolated world, a dead silence, and no one responded to Kusaka Godou.

"Being a godslayer is too reluctant for you, leave it to Lord Wuchen, and make sure you live in peace in the future." Bai Jue slowly strolled over.

The pheasant Godou's face became more and more ugly, and it was difficult for him to accept his grandfather's relic to a stranger from unknown origin, and he could never cross that hurdle in his heart.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1405 God?If you don't want to die, get me away! 【First Update】

For such a small human being like the Pheasant Godou, Wuchen disdains to do anything, so the name of bullying the weak is naturally replaced by Bai Jue!


Bai Jue approached Godou with a smile, his nondescript face was especially terrifying.


Kusanagi Godou choked up. To be honest, he was a little afraid of Bai Jue. After all, he had always lived in human society, and the two monsters in front of him did not belong to the category of human beings.

One defeated a building with a snap of his fingers, and the other Bai Jue was yin and yang. On the other hand, Kusanagi Godou was only a human being, and he was really a little surprised.

"do not come!"

The pheasant Godou was forced to the corner, and the retreat behind him was blocked by the ruins, and there was no escape.

"The little devil who didn't grow up!"

Wuchen couldn't help sighing, calling out the magic book and nothing happened, isn't it bad for An An Lele to be a human?What's more, in terms of Godou's character, God Killer, a profession where he lives almost all day in battle, is really not suitable for him.


At the same time, there was a sudden violent vibration in the sky on the other side, as if the ancient murderer had woken up, and everything was trembling/shaking.

"This high-density power... Bacheng is the wild boar of the war god."

There was a sudden look in Wuchen's eyes, and he felt the power and nodded secretly, which was not bad, stronger than he imagined.

"Hands-on is in vain."

Influenced by the power of the "wild boar", Wuchen couldn't wait to give orders.

"Bring it!"

Hearing this, Bai Jue shouted violently and rushed over. Unexpectedly, just at this moment, a turbulent hurricane suddenly struck, as sharp as a blade.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Bai Jue's body was immediately torn apart, mercilessly chopped like pieces of meat.

"You are...."

Witnessing such a scene, Wuchen frowned and looked intently. Amidst the tornado, a young man with purple hair and a cape came into view, very similar to a certain god in Wuchen's impression.

"Is this guy the god that Kusanagi Godou killed?"

Wuchen's eyes flickered strangely, and he still asked uncertainly: "That...Are you the [Oriental God of War] Veleslana?"

"Human? You know me?"

The purple-haired boy's bored eyes rose with interest, and he immediately asked, "What do you want? See if your subordinates are going to steal my slate?"

"That's my slate!"

Wuchen glared at him to correct, and then said gloomily: "Just a god, listen to me, and if you don't want to die, get away from me!"

"What did you say? Did I hear it wrong? You told me to get away?!"

The purple-haired boy was stunned for a few seconds, obviously surprised. It was the first time he heard such ridiculous words when he grew up so big!

"You heard it right, I'll repeat it again, get me away!" Wuchen repeated impatiently, it's just a mere god, how many gods have he killed?This kid is stubborn, and Wuchen doesn't mind adding another god-killing record!

"It's just human, but the tone is very crazy."

Welleslaner's tender little face trembled with anger. If Wuchen didn't know about it, forget it. The so-called ignorant person is innocent. As a god, he can also forgive a human being's ignorance.But this guy has his own name everywhere, obviously knowing that he is a god, yet dare to be so arrogant, even let him get out!

Welleslaner just felt like his lungs were going to explode.

"Human, use your blood to quell the wrath of God!" Veleslaner roared with great majesty and momentum, and then his body burst into a sky-high aura.


The imposing manner of God is unparalleled, and even the earth around Wuchen is torn apart, and the house is collapsing, but Wuchen himself is still not changing his face.

"If you want to kill me, do it."

Hooking his fingers, Wuchen said without fear: "No matter what your relationship with this kid is, the [Prometheus Secret Book] in Godou's hands is my thing, if you want to stop me... only crushed you!"

For a god, Wuchen really didn't take it to heart, not to mention other worlds in the past, it was the previous world of Demon High School, when he left, he killed all the mythological systems, and there were countless gods killed.

"That's my stuff!"

Welleslaner's face twitched and said, how can he endure this ignorant human being who dares to openly rob God's things?Knowing that he will definitely become a joke in the mouths of all gods.

"No, no, no..."

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