Shaking his fingers one after another, ignoring the livid face of Welleslana, a faint light emerged from Wuchen's body, which turned into a divine rainbow with a flickering light, and appeared in front of Godou the next second.

"Wellerslana, you are mistaken, what I like is mine. The former host of this magic book is at most you, and the current owner is me."

Arrogantly grabbed the magic book in Godou's hand, Wuchen looked down at him with a frightened expression, and said coldly: "I will use my pupil power to erase your memory, and then give you a lot of money, An Live in peace, Godou, the world of godslayers is not suitable for a character like you."

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, and even dare to ignore me as a god. This kind of speed... has the qualification to become a demon king."

Turning his head and looking at Wuchen in surprise, the fleeting speed of light is beyond the reach of Welles Laner, and excitedly smiled: "Very good, very good... Compared with this cowardly boy, you are indeed more suitable to be a warrior, that kind of Even I can only vaguely perceive the speed of the dark clouds."

The implication of these remarks is to acquiesce to Wuchen to get the Prometheus cheats!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1406 Robber Erica! 【Second Update】

Wuchen didn't even look at Welles Laner when he heard the words. This little brat is too narcissistic. The "Prometheus" cheat book has already hurt him, so he still needs his acquiescence?

Jiugouyu's Samsara's eyes opened, looking at the eyes of the grass pheasant Godou, Wuchen's pupil power activated, and glanced at him lightly.

The memory of this paragraph will also be erased, the "Prometheus Cheats" will also be forgotten, and he will also change from the hero's identity to a passerby.

"Strange, where is this?"

After a while, Kusanagi Godou was puzzled, stood up and looked at Wuchen and asked embarrassedly, "Well, what is this place?"

"This is Sardinia, Italy."

Wuchen briefly explained that Godou's reaction to Sophia Godou was extremely calm, and by the way handed the bank card that Luo Hao gave him to Sophia Godou, "Secret six zeros, [-] billion yen, this is you Earn from participating in public games."

"Is there such a thing?"

Pheasant Godou frowned and said, why don't you have the slightest impression?In the end, a large number of unfamiliar pieces of information poured into his mind. After a while, after thinking that what Wuchen said was true, Pidianpidian left.

Only the dumbfounded Welleslaner was left in place.

"What's going on here? He doesn't remember me!" Welleslaner's expression was gloomy, unconcealed in disbelief, then he looked at Wuchen and said in a hoarse voice: "You are not an ordinary human, where did you come from? Godslayer? The only six godslayers in the world don't seem to have you."

"It didn't exist before, but it won't be long before a brand new king will be born, and in a few days, an unlucky god will be killed by me."

Wuchen said with a joke on his face, stroking the slate in his hand, and becoming a godslayer is close at hand.

"Which god is it?" Veleslaner asked. He sincerely felt good about Wuchen's strength, and the unlucky god who was killed deserves his sympathy.

"Don't know who it is?"

Pointing at his head, Wuchen said helplessly: "Ah Lie Lie... Your head is really slow to respond, that god who is about to be killed by me... It's you [God of the East] Wellers Lana!"

"court death!"

Hearing this, the murderous intent in Welleslana's pupils exploded, and he waved his hand and took out a large golden sword. The figure flashed, and the golden edge was drawn towards Wuchen's head.

"Die, human!"

Thinking of Wuchen's arrogance, Welles Laner's strength increased a bit.


Lifting the soles of his feet indifferently, covering the domineering armament color and the ability to win the fruit, Wuchen also kicked away.

"Light speed kick!"

"Clang clang!"

Welleslaner didn't expect the dust-free speed to be as fast as lightning, and even his strength was unbelievable. He was blasted several meters away to barely stabilize his body. Extraordinary dust.

"Hahaha... Are you really human? I feel like you are some kind of god. It's ridiculous that you have great power. Sure enough, it's right to give you the slate!"

Welleslaner suddenly gave a wry smile, and just as he was about to attack again, a deafening and irritable voice spread throughout the world.


The violent shock swept the entire city, and the affected buildings collapsed one after another, turning into ruins and rubble, and strong vibrations could be felt hundreds of meters away.

"This is…"

Seemingly realizing something, Welleslaner was overjoyed, and when he was about to dodge back, he suddenly stopped and asked, "What's your name, human."

"No dust."

"Is it dust-free?" Welleslaner muttered, and then said with awe in his heart: "I will show you the power of God someday!"

After speaking, Welleslaner disappeared.

Wuchen turned a deaf ear to Welleslaner's domineering declaration, and carefully stroked the rough slate in his hand, feeling the unusual fluctuation of power, and said happily: "This is the power of the [white horse]? No wonder he pursues the slate, Welles Rana is very generous, he confiscated the power of [White Horse] and gave it to me, so he hopes to be defeated and end the myth of invincibility?"

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and Wuchen turns around and leaves with a smile.

"That guy over there, stop for me, call me the magic book in your hand, don't force me to shoot, an ordinary human is not my opponent."

Just as he was about to walk out of the alley, a fiery red figure descended from the sky, blocking the dust-free approach, and his clear and melodious voice clearly belonged to a woman.

She has long golden hair that dances without wind, her round/moist little mouth/mouth opens and closes, her skin is white and beautiful, and her jeweled eyes are pleasingly pleated. Her movements are vigorous and sensitive, and she does not have the congenital frailty of women at all.

"It's you?"

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