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Chapter 1433 Athena who is willing to worship the inferior [second more]

Looking at Wuchen with dumbfounded eyes, Erica was finally able to understand Athena's interest, and it was indeed tragic to have such a wonderful enemy on the stall.

"Get out of the way!"

Athena's eyes were full of badness, and her eyes glowed with a blue light.

"Get out of the way, Erica!" Aware of the danger, Dust Storm shouted.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Although she didn't understand Wuchen's intention, Erica, a knight, chose to obey the king's order and retreated to stand beside Wuchen.


The wall behind Erica was suddenly unlucky and turned into rotten stones.

"What a dangerous and powerful ability, worthy of being a god."

Erica was stunned and rejoiced in her heart, if it wasn't dustless, she might have turned into stone too.This is the power of God, the so-called genius is not an opponent at all.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Athena flashed, and a stride appeared in front of Wuchen, wielding a gleaming sickle to kill.

Wuchen frowned, the rays of light gathered in his hands, compressed into a golden sword, it was impossible to force her to submit without showing his strength a little.

"Clang clang!!!"

Bright sparks swept up, and the edge of Tiancong Yunjian was in close contact with the sickle wielded by Athena.

"Even if the power is not applicable, it is still so strong?"

Erica admired that even if the power was not applied, Wuchen could still face the so-called god head-on, and even faintly suppressed Athena.

"Bang bang bang!"

Wuchen swung the Tiancong Cloud Sword vigorously, and the roar of steel resounded continuously. There was no skill at all, but it was the most rude and powerful force.

Defeated Athena.

"What kind of monster is this guy?!"

Athena sensed the numbing power of the tremor in her hands, and a storm surged up in her heart. Now that she has regained her divine position, she originally thought that she could crush dust-free, but now the situation seems to be completely opposite.

"Boom boom boom!"

The rough sword strike had no skills, but it forced Athena to retreat again and again.

"Although I have countless abilities, my strength is not small."

Wuchen smiled confidently. After experiencing the training of four worlds one after another, the strength of his fists has long reached a limit, and the strength is strong enough to easily shatter the mountains that cover the sky.


The voice fell, and the strength in Wuchen's hands increased dozens of times, and Athena was forced back at once.

"I'm not as good as you..."

Athena said in a deep voice, her hands holding the scythe weapon were even tighter, sweat stains had already appeared, and the power of the Mount Tai made her feel hopeless.

And it is rare to have a little respect for Wuchen in her heart. After all, which world is respected by the strong, Athena can't deny that Wuchen has the capital to act indiscriminately.

Strength is everything.

"Really? Willing to give up? Finally willing to leave... No, finally willing to be my servant?"

Wuchen originally wanted Athena to get out of the way and left here quickly, but in the end, he changed his mind decisively. It is indeed a good thing to have a god as a servant to serve tea and water.

"You are dreaming!"

Athena, who was choked with red face, retorted, and swung her scythe and swept over.


Eyes widened, a large group of flames appeared in Wuchen's hands, burning fiercely, and he immediately shouted with all his strength: "Add a life!"

Amaterasu immediately formed a sharp-edged black sword!

"I'd rather see the difference."

Athena, who did not believe in evil, snorted softly, and a large group of black light condensed in her hand, her appearance was extremely ferocious, and she vaguely showed a snake-head posture full of fangs.

"Bite him to death!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black snake head that had been painstakingly condensed spewed out like a cannonball.


With a light stroke of the arm, a ray of cold light in the void swept up out of thin air, and the giant snake was instantly eroded by the black flames.


The miserable roar was completely opposite to the mighty apprenticeship just now. It was full of endless pain. In just a few seconds before and after, the huge snake body was buried in the flames.

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