"So strong..."

Seeing this, Athena's eyes flashed with ripples, and she instinctively took a step back. This overwhelming force was too strong, making it difficult to raise the bloody heart of rivalry.

All that was left was pure despair.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The scene floated, and a divine rainbow came across time at an incredible speed, and when it landed in Athena's eyes, it was much faster than the speed of light.

When she reacted, the invincible black sword had already touched her throat.

"It's over, Miss Athena."

The boy's dry mouth opened slightly, like a flash of jumping space in front of Athena, the peerless divine sword ended this boring and meaningless battle.

"Still dissatisfied?"

Seeing that Athena was silent, Wuchen smiled calmly, "It's better than this, you can choose a powerful duel method, any location is up to you, and the rules are also designated by you."

"no need."

Athena shook her head, her arrogant self-esteem collapsed in an instant, and the tragic failure taught her the true meaning of a mountain outside a person. What shocked her most was that Wuchen used all her own power, Velesla. The power of accepting is useless.

"The conditions before my trip, I am willing to be your servant."

Hearing this, Wuchen stretched and thought to himself: "It's not too bad. Sure enough, everything before is superfluous. Just use a powerful fist to make her speechless."


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Chapter 1434 Athena Check In [Third]

"Do I need to take the Gorgon Stone back?" Erica asked quietly after the scene paused for a few seconds.

Although Erika's tone was as delicate as a mosquito, which could be ignored, Athena, the goddess, could still hear it clearly, and she was nervously looking at Wuchen at the moment.

If Wuchen takes it forcibly, she has nothing to do.

"It's useless to give me a stone, keep it." Without thinking about it, Wuchen refused in one breath.

With Gorgon Athena, she has the strength of the heyday, and she will return to her original appearance after peeling off the Gorgon Stone, and she will become a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, and there is a fatal factor - the strength is greatly reduced!No one wants their strength to drop sharply, especially when Athena has just regained her strength, and she also doesn't want her strength to be short-lived and lose its brilliance after just one night.

Therefore, with a heart-to-heart attitude, Wuchen did not forcefully seize the Gorgon Stone.

"It's not too late, go back to sleep." Wuchen said, entering the room first.

"Speaking of which... there is no extra room at the moment, where do you sleep?"

Turning his head to look at Athena in the form of the royal sister, Wuchen asked with a headache, although Godou's room is still empty, but Athena cannot be allowed to sleep in a dead room.

"this is very simple."

Athena said lightly, looked at Wuchen seriously, and said, "I am willing to admit defeat. Since I promise you that if you lose, I will definitely follow the agreement, so just sleep in your room."

Athena's natural tone immediately aroused Erica's dissatisfaction, disregarding Athena's status as a god, and said: "I am firmly opposed!"

"have a finger in the pie."

Wuchen pouted and understood Erika's thoughts, because often in the middle of the night, she would be attacked by her. If Athena joined in, would it be worth it?

Definitely not allowed!

"Go to Godou's room, anyway, you two are good brothers." Erica made up her mind for Wuchen, not even giving Wuchen a chance to speak, and took Athena directly to Wuchen's bedroom , It seems that Athena wants to occupy the magpie's nest and take away the dust-free room.

"I... Damn, is she really a servant? There's something wrong with this script, how come it's me who got kicked out? It seems that the master-servant status has really changed!"

Hundreds of thousands of crows and an army of [-] grass-mud horses whizzed past Wuchen's head.

"Stop for me."

A stride blocked in front of Erica and Athena, and Wuchen asked with a serious face: "To be honest, I am afraid of ghosts, why don't you..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Athena, and the dust-free appetite opened up.

After regaining her status and age, Athena's hot figure is undoubtedly revealed, and the stalwart career line is not inferior to Erica. Her clothes are bulging, especially the clothes she wears are quite special, which falls in the eyes of Wuchen. Inside, the skin is looming, as if it were transparent.

Snow-white skin/skin is looming, especially Athena belongs to the status of God, like a deadly poppy/poppy, stirring up the already turbulent heart of Wuchen.

Such a good servant, who can fight against the enemy, and can warm the bed!Wuchen suddenly felt that such a servant was too cost-effective!

"Why don't I feel wronged and squeeze with Athena!"

After saying that, Wuchen grabbed Athena's soft/soft arm, but suddenly realized that the touch was not right, hard, not like a soft and boneless hand.

Turned his head instinctively.

"Damn, it's so fast to make up the knife? Why don't you react so fast when you draw the knife to kill the enemy?"

Wuchen slandered in his heart that what he was holding was a long gun, and Erica looked at him with a bad look, her eyes obviously saying that she wanted to steal food.

"Don't you want me to sleep alone?" Wuchen said silently, although he didn't believe in ghosts, but he slept in the room of a person who just died, and Wuchen beat him when he was alive, so he couldn't help being obedient. of.

"It doesn't matter if your concubine is here."

Athena's delicate face was turbulent, her expression was calm, her purple-black crystal pupils stared at Wuchen, and a fleeting strange color flashed in her eyes.

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