In my heart, I was a little dissatisfied with Qingqiuyuan Huina. This condition is obviously a treaty of overlords, and it is impossible for anyone to accept it. Besides, the dust-free strength itself is extremely powerful, and the knight is just superfluous to him.

In fact, Wuchen's true thoughts are just like what Wanli Gu Yuri guessed. If he can, he needs it, but if he can't, he won't lose anything.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1471 The War Between Women [Second More]

Wanligu Yuli and Qingqiuyuan Huina were silently looking at Wuchen's distant back, and they were silent for a while, and then Qingqiuyuan Huina stomped her feet abruptly and annoyed.

"Yuri, what you just said was right!" Qingqiuyuan Ena said, wrinkling her nose.

Hearing this, Wanli Gu Yuli was stunned for a while, with a bewildered expression, and asked doubtfully, "What is true?"

Qingqiuyuan Ena rolled his eyes at Wanligu Yuri, and reminded angrily: "Have you not seen it yet? This guy is really nice, and the previous trick to lure him is the right choice!"

At the end, Qingqiuyuan Hui Na smiled proudly.

"Where did you see it?" With his watery eyes wide open, Wanli Gu Yuli was even more puzzled, frowning and recalling the trivial things that happened just now, Wuchen didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

"If you get one me, you have to lose two beauties. Of course, you can't do this kind of loss-making business." Qingqiuyuan Ena expressed her strange point of view.


Hearing this, Wanli Gu Yuli couldn't help laughing and laughing. I didn't expect this reason to be so funny. It was completely unreasonable!

"All in all, Wuchen is the king of our Japan, and it is absolutely not allowed to be interfered by others. That Erica and Liliana are not locals and must be put aside to cool down."

Qingqiuyuan Ena left awe-inspiringly, a look of hostility flashed in his eyes, as if he had made some kind of decision.


"Ding ding ding..."

At dusk, the bell for the end of get out of class finally rang, and all the people from Chengjia School went home one after another, and Wuchen and Athena also returned together.

About ten minutes later, there were only a few people left in Chengjia Academy, and most of them were left to clean up.

"Erica, go faster." Liliana complained resentfully.

Looking up, Erica stared at the distant scenery with longing on her face at the moment, her dazed eyes looked a little lost, and her demeanor was slightly frivolous and gentle. It was the time of late autumn, and the golden leaves were flying all over the sky, and the scenery was pleasant.

"You can leave this kind of thing alone." Waving her hand, Erica dismissed it to Liliana.

Liliana is an almighty genius. She does a good job of cooking, she also has a unique set of housework, and she has a good control of all skills.

"Boom boom boom!"

Strong fluctuations suddenly swept in, the beautiful scenery outside the window changed dramatically, and the inexplicable sand and dust burst, filling the entire sky in the blink of an eye.

"What's the situation? God is so disrespectful? Isn't it just lazy to enjoy the summer scenery for a while, does it need to be so exaggerated?"

Erica, who was speechless, complained, but her face was full of vigilance, and her lazy eyes returned to awe.

His eyes swept to and fro, and the corners of his eyes flashed awe-inspiring light from time to time. Such abnormal weather violated physical conventions, and instinctively thought that this was a scene caused by the appearance of some kind of god of disobedience.

"Damn, who and what bastard did it?!"

Liliana's eyes burst into flames. She finally cleaned the classroom. When the dust storm blew, it was a tragedy, and the classroom was covered with thick dust.

She was caught off guard just now and ate a mouthful of sand.

"Clang clang!"

The roar of steel sounded, and she looked closely, Liliana's saber had been drawn, and in such an abnormal weather, she also guessed that the god of disobedience flashed.

"Ah ah ah... The appearance of the two fully armed is really scary."

A frivolous and mocking voice came, and a black shadow was approaching at an unbelievable speed.

"So fast!"

Liliana and Erika were shocked and said that even with their strength, they could only capture the fleeting shadows.

Can't tell if it's male or female.

"Bang bang bang... ka ka ka!"

The sound of glass breaking followed, and the loud noise made the sluggish Erica and Liliana come back to their senses, staring vigilantly at the black-haired girl who suddenly appeared in the classroom.

"What the hell are you doing?" Liliana asked with a frown, a hint of ill will in her words.

Although she is quite afraid of the girl in front of her, she also has her own dignity, and being afraid doesn't mean that she doesn't even have the heart to resist.

"It's my meeting ceremony. Please give me some advice when we meet for the first time. My name is Kiyoshi Akihara Ena."

The girl replied with a chuckle, looking at Erica and Liliana, who were a little embarrassed, with a hint of pride in her words, and the three-point arc of the corners of her mouth was undisguised.

"It's really uneducated!" Erica sneered: "It shouldn't be a god of disobedience, it seems to be a witch from your own country. Is this how you greet guests when you first meet!"

"That's right!" Although Liliana and Erica are not known to deal with each other in normal times, but at the moment when the enemy is facing the enemy, the two resolutely abandoned their previous hatred and jumped into a trench.

"You say I'm uneducated?" Hearing this, Qingqiuyuan Huina sneered and sneered without showing weakness: "Did you forget that this is Japan? How dare you to seduce / seduce our king, it's too despicable, foreign countries guy!"

"This guy's mouth really sucks!"

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