Liliana and Erica looked at each other, and the corners of their eyes twitched at the same time. The vulgar name of Gringo was more uncomfortable than slapping them both.

"These little girls are really a headache."

I don't know when, Wuchen was already sitting on the roof, and he could hear the noise of the three women clearly. This was obviously Qingqiuyuan Huina deliberately picking up trouble, especially with such a big battle, an arrogant declaration. Even more provocative.

To put it bluntly, Qingqiu Yuanhui is here to fight, and the method is quite simple and direct, whoever loses will get out!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1472 Metis's Sneak Attack [Chapter Three]

Between the three women, it was like dry wood hitting a raging fire. No one else needed to light it.

"I'd better keep silent."

After pondering for a while, Wuchen chose not to help each other. In this kind of thing, it's all men who take advantage of each other in the end. When the situation becomes uncontrollable, they will try to save them.


"Where did the wild girl come from!"

Liliana's words were also not good, of course, this was secondary, she also captured a strong alternative meaning from Qingqiuyuan Hui's words.

This bastard shakes his head and wants to take the dust alone, it's totally unreasonable!

Liliana gritted her teeth and cursed Qingqiuyuan Ena fiercely in her heart. This guy is too shameless. After all, he still wants to take power and kick them all away, which is even worse than Erica. !


Knowing that they couldn't resolve their grievances, Erica also drew her sword and said with a smile, "Since that's the case, it seems that everyone has nothing to negotiate, so it's better to leave if you lose."

"Exactly what I want!"

"Exactly what I want!"

Liliana and Qingqiuyuan Ena agreed, and the three girls were full of fighting spirit, releasing a huge momentum, blowing their full heads of hair into the wind.

"You still have time to watch the show? They're all fighting because of you."

A slightly suspicious voice came from behind, which was quite pleasant to the ear, but Wuchen's face was always the same, and there was no change in emotion.

Without turning his head, Wuchen also knew who it was.

"Athena, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, or..."

Turning his head suddenly, Wuchen touched his chin and asked jokingly, "Could it be that you, like them, came to me."

"Of course!"

Athena's face was bright red, and then she was quite shy and close to dust-free.

"It's not right."

Seeing this, Wuchen was dumbfounded, and some dementia saw Athena who was approaching gradually. According to her own thoughts, after hearing what she said just now, Athena would definitely ridicule a few words, and if you can, come again. most!

"You're not... um um..."

Before the voice fell, Wuchen suddenly found that his mouth/lip was blocked, and the touch was soft and quite comfortable, but Wuchen couldn't get up.

There is a feeling of being stared at by a fierce god.

Looking at Athena with wide eyes, I saw that she was pouting a dust-free mouth, and the corners of her mouth had a three-point strange arc, swooshing like a poisonous snake.


Taking advantage of the dust-free paralysis, a sharp cold light came oncoming.


Wuchen, who was caught off guard, was able to avoid it in the future, and this icy cold light sealed his throat with a sword, beheading Wuchen, and beheading him all at once.

"Who are you guy?"

Wuchen, who was cut in half, asked with a frown. He just realized that something was wrong, and when he was about to push Athena away, it was too late, and he was instantly killed by the sharp scythe.

"Me? I am your Athena." The "Athena" smiled mysteriously.

"You are.... I know, it turns out to be you." Staring at the girl for a while, Wuchen suddenly replied: "You should be Athena's mother Metis, in order to get close to me, wearing a Athena is exactly the same, you really put a lot of effort into it."

"Be careful, you can't go wrong." Metis replied indifferently, her voice was very cold and dark, and then she stared at Wuchen, whose face was cut in half but remained calm and said, "But your vitality is really strong. , if you were not a godslayer, I would have taken you for my own use."

Shouldn't being cut in half mean death on the spot?How come this guy has nothing to do!

"My life force is not only strong, but as a ten-tailed me, I am immortal." Wuchen smiled complacently, not at all worried about his body being divided into two halves.

"Immortal? Liaring nonsense!" Metis curled his lips with disdain, and then he was too lazy to say nonsense, "Where did you hide Athena? That guy actually gave up the dignity of God and killed a god with you. All in the same company, she is... degenerate!"

"Degenerate? I feel that Athena has sublimated." Wuchen quibble with a smile.

"Can this damn guy die?"

Seeing Wuchen being separated by the corpse, but talking and laughing like no one, Metis couldn't help twitching, and this annoying fly also picked up words she didn't like.

"Sorry, you didn't hit the real me, how could you die?" Ripples swept across the void, and the indifferent tone was neither sad nor happy, just full of pure sympathy and pity.

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