"This bastard still has such a box-pressing trick?!"

Metis was shocked. She could feel the changes around her. She naturally knew that these words were not nonsense. Any creature with water in the body could feel the blood in the body disappearing quickly.

No need for dust-free hands, just need him to hold the residual fire sword for a moment and a half, and all the people in this city will eventually die!

"Don't look at me with such incredible eyes, I know you are the kind of person who doesn't cry without seeing the coffin, so if you don't show the body a little bit, you won't turn around." Wuchen used a serious seriousness said the tone.

"Going back to the shore? You seem to be the Buddha who hangs the pot to help the world!"

Metis' face turned black, and he felt the same as Wuchen.

"However, it is undeniable that this guy does have powers that surpass me, not the so-called powers. These seem to be his own strengths. Damn, when did humans become so perverted?"

Metis slandered in his heart, reluctantly recognized Wuchen in terms of strength.

"Men are not good things!" Thinking of his painful experience, Metis' sympathy disappeared instantly, and his eyes were as sharp and terrifying as blades.

"Don't think that everyone is a merciless person like Zeus, the god of the sky." Wuchen refuted, you can't kill a boat with one shot!

"Hmph, it's just half a catty. I'm not the kind of Athena. If you are fooled by your rhetoric at will, I will throw my arms around like a nympho girl." Metis said coldly.

"After all, you still have to force me to do it." With a sigh, the soft and restrained in Wuchen's eyes, Cunhuo Taidao swung a cold slash.

"Remnant Fire Taidao North - Ashes of Heaven and Earth!"

A huge blade of the knife gang stood out, and Metis, who realized the danger, refused to give up, and summoned a large number of pythons to fight, but the thing that came into contact with the knife gang disappeared in an instant!


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Chapter 1485 Depressed Metis [First More]

Metis panicked, realizing the danger of the sharp edge of the knife, his heart skipped a beat, the blood flowed faster, and his breathing became more and more difficult.

"Damn pervert." With a curse, Metis decided to take a detour.

Although it is a little bit sad, but compared with Xiaoming, what is a temporary humiliation?Moreover, this is just looking for a better and more suitable opportunity to take revenge on Wuchen.

"Aren't you a god!"

Stepping on the void, Wuchen asked while chasing: "If you are hiding, let alone defeat me, it is impossible for you to touch my body. Now you are hiding like a mouse!"

Hearing this, Metis was furious, and when he raised his hands and feet, he saw black light churning.


In an instant, countless giant pythons appeared, all of them biting away at Wuchen with fangs and sharp teeth, and the movement of the perverted body hundreds of meters long was desperate.

"It's useless."

Shaking his head slightly, Wuchen responded indifferently, only to see a large amount of golden fire overflowing from his body, spreading rapidly, wrapping the entire body in the blink of an eye.

"Remnant fire is too big to the west - remnant sun prison clothes!"

The golden firelight covers all parts of Wuchen's body, the light is extremely dazzling, and the moisture in the atmosphere evaporates rapidly, giving people the illusion that they are advancing under the sun and are unstoppable.


The thick black python, which was close to dust-free, roared all day long again. Different from the arrogant and arrogant cry just now, this time it was full of endless sadness.

Before touching the dust-free body, the flames of more than [-] million degrees emanating from the "Cunning Sun Prison Clothes" evaporated everything.

"Damn... how can you fight like this?"

Seeing this, the corners of Metis' mouth twitched wildly, and a sense of sadness swept through the whole body. She had a splitting headache, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "Where does this guy come from?"

The high temperature of 1500 million degrees is enough to crush everything, and any attacking tricks will be wiped out at this terrifying temperature.

Metis calmed down, took stock of the tricks Wuchen had used so far, and couldn't help feeling entangled, the God of Disobedience didn't seem to have as many abilities as him.

Including all kinds of things, countless!It often gives people the illusion that there are only the unexpected, and there is nothing that he can't do.

"By the way, let me see what makes you different..."

Eyes narrowed slightly, Metis devoured Athena, and her abilities can also be used naturally. The two of them are now one.

Even today's Metis is stronger than Athena. Metis [Athena], the most wise goddess, has the ability to see through the opponent's character and divine power.

Therefore, everything of the dustless past was exposed to Metis.

"You will regret it." As if aware of Athena's intentions, Wuchen said faintly.

I have to say that Metis' ability is not bad, just like the dust-free reincarnation eye can extract other people's memories, this ability has the same effect.

A few seconds later, everything from the dust-free past appeared in Metis' eyes.

Under normal circumstances, knowing the trump cards of the enemy can achieve the situation of knowing yourself and knowing the enemy and winning a hundred battles, but there is no absolute in everything, there are exceptions.

And Wuchen is an exception. After knowing Wuchen's past, she thought she would be smiling, after all, it is very likely that she will discover Wuchen's unknown weaknesses.

But Metis burst into tears, and soon realized he was wrong.


After a while, Wuchen greeted with a chuckle, touched his chin and asked expectantly, "Have you found a weakness against me?"

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