"How could you guy have that incredible experience, what a joke!"

Metis regretted it too late. She had hoped to find Wuchen's disadvantage to regain some advantage, but after seeing through Wuchen, she became more and more desperate and shocked.

The more you know, the luckier you get!

The strange flower with a cynical smile on the corner of her mouth in front of her is a perverted existence that is enough to make her jaw drop. Compared with the so-called god, it is even worse!

All in all, Metis' high fighting spirit was not lightly hit, and he fell from the cloud to the deep sea, and his heart was filled with an indescribable sense of powerlessness.

"An immortal body, eternal and infinite energy, eyes that can create and destroy the world, weapons that can destroy the world, and the experience of killing countless gods, and..."

Metis was stunned, she did not see hope, but was full of despair!

She has always felt very proud of being a Trinity God, but all the abilities of Wuchen can be summed up. Although there is no so-called godhead, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is an almighty God!

It doesn't seem like he doesn't know or doesn't understand!

"Do you feel despair?" Wuchen said extremely unscrupulously, with a condescending expression on his face, "As you can see, I really don't belong to this world... As for strength..."

Wuchen scratched his head, he has not met a competent opponent for many years!

"But that's fine... Knowing my origin, are you still going to fight against me?"

Wuchen asked with great interest: "You should know that no matter how hard you try and cheer yourself up, you can't be my opponent. The gap between them is too great. For the giants who are in the swaddling clothes, It's just a jolly potion to adjust to a boring life!"

Hearing this, Metis was speechless. This time, instead of fighting back as hard as before, he calmed down.No way, this is an outright fact.

"Do you really want to be his servant like Athena?"

Metis gritted her teeth unwillingly. At this moment, her form is stronger than people. There is nothing she can do if she doesn't bow her head. She currently does not have the strength to shake Wuchen, and it seems that she can only follow the arrangement.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1486 All Banned [Second]

Metis felt powerless in his heart, exhausted physically and mentally, and clenched his teeth to lock the dust-free.

Defection?Of course she didn't want to, as a god, to be a dust-free servant, what a humiliation, and it will definitely be disgraced in the future.

Especially Wuchen's oily eyes, Metis felt cold all over, combined with the evil smile outlined by the corner of her mouth, it was difficult for her to think about it.

"I want to die with you!"

After a long time, Metis gave a foolish answer.

"Your bravery is commendable, but with all due respect, can you do it?"

Wuchen's voice was very light, but with a shadow that could not be lingered away, it fell as heavy as a thousand pounds in Metis' ears.

It's a good idea to want to die together, but the key question is can it be done?Metis already knew that Wuchen had the ability to revive the dead not inferior to him, and would recover from any injuries.In addition, there is another thing that will recover no matter what kind of physical attack - "elementalization"

No matter how you calculate it, the victorious Libra is one-sided. Metis is a god, and the object is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It has advantages over Metis in all aspects.

"There is no other way?" Metis asked silently.

"The truth is so cruel." Wuchen replied with a smile, his voice was quite light and full of confidence.

Metis frowned when he heard the words, and snorted softly: "It's not that easy, even if you die, you will be peeled off! It's a big deal, everyone will be finished together."

"The mouth is quite poisonous, and the eyes are also good."

Wuchen looked at Metis with pondering, and her plain eyes were somewhat surprised. She didn't seem to have any deep hatred with Metis.

"Knowing that there is no chance of winning and continuing to continue... What a boring woman."

Wuchen sighed lightly and put on the expression of a savior: "Why don't we do this, let's play a game, within three moves, as long as you can force me back, how about you win?"

"What can I learn?" Metis asked, paying more attention to loot than this boring game.

"If you can win, I will deal with you." Wuchen said bluntly: "But if you lose, be my servant obediently!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Best to say, it was a disturbing grin.

"This bastard..."

Metis' eyes spit fire, and Wuchen's eyes fixed on her, which made her particularly unhappy, as if she was like fish on a chopping board to be slaughtered.

And dust-free, sharpening knives.

"Don't dare to gamble?" Wuchen sneered, "The so-called god is nothing more than that."

"I'm afraid of you?!"

Metis finally chose to grit his teeth and agreed, "No problem, because you don't look too ugly when you lose, but there is a premise that the trick that can be immune to physical attacks must not be used."

If it doesn't work, then it's better to admit defeat as soon as possible. If you can't beat him, how can you force Wuchen to retreat?

"No problem." There was a flash of starlight in his eyes, and the dust-free face agreed to Metis' conditions, which was enough for him to cheat too many tricks!

"Then let's begin."

As soon as the voice fell, Metis launched a stern attack, wielding her deadly sickle, and a dark red sheen stood out.

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