It's just that Wuchen noticed that someone was watching him from time to time. There were only three people in the huge room. There was no doubt that the person who observed him was one of Ji Hiirah Shelley and Huangsaka Sayaka.

"It's weird..."

After drinking a few cups of hot tea, Wuchen's loose brows wrinkled again.

"That Hwangsaka Sayaka...Is he peeking at me?" Wuchen thought it was Ji Hiiragi Shelley who was watching him secretly, but he didn't expect it was Hwangsaka Sayaka.

Although she did a good job of covering it up, Wuchen, who was naturally sharp, had experienced several worlds, and could feel the thorough alternative meaning in the vigilant eyes.


After a while, Hwangsaka Sayaka suddenly raised her voice and said loudly, "I live here!"


For this sudden oath, Wuchen and Ji Hiiragi Shelley were caught off guard, and looked at Huangsaka Sayaka, who was stunned, and was a little dazed for a while.

"Could this guy be..."

After being sluggish for a while, the face of Wuchen, who was the first to recover, was a little ugly, and even deep in his eyes, there was a flash of burning anger.

"Eighty percent of the time it's to monitor me... Damn [Lion King Agency], don't mind meddling, and even monitor me. Could it be that my existence has threatened the peace of mankind!"

Wuchen guessed in his heart, a burst of fire.

"No wonder that Yaase Kiki told the secret?"

Recalling the scene of the battle at Ostach at that time, and when Agulola appeared, and the scene of bullying Xiao Gucheng, this guy seems to have observed the changes on the battlefield.

"As for Ji Hiiragi Shelley..."

Looking at Shelley, Wuchen didn't think she would betray herself, and there was no need to ask the Lion King agency, because the two were originally roommates.

"Hmph, if you dare to trouble me, then I'll just take revenge on you."

Wuchen sneered, although he didn't know where the den of the Lion King organization was, but he knew Xian Gu Yong, one of the three saints of the Lion King organization very well.


As we all know, the Lion King agency specializes in sending wives for 20 years, and the Lion King agency specializes in marrying daughters for 20 years... You can be ambiguous, live together, warm/bed, and no one will know even if you slap/pop, Ming is supervising , what a great (gentleman) organization.

However, this kind of thing fell on Wuchen's head, and he was really not happy.

"Anyway, let's go to the trouble of [Xian Gu Yong] first. I remember she is a girl with eyes and double ponytails. Her real name seems to be Hiidao, one of the strongest magicians in Japan."

Wuchen recalled the relevant information about Xian Gu Yong, and heard that the "Three Saints" of the Lion King organization are quite powerful, and even the true ancestors among the vampires are extremely afraid of them.

Xian Koyong has the ability called "PaperNoise", which can insert his own attack time points that should not exist in the interval of time. It is an absolute preemptive attack power, although it cannot stop time or The effect of teleportation is achieved, but after the ability is activated, only the reality that the opponent is knocked down by the attack is left. With this ability, he becomes a monster attack magician who even the ancestor of the vampire will respect him by three points.

This means that no matter whoever encounters Xian Gu Yong, he will be at a disadvantage.

"It's really interesting, the ability of [Silence Breaker]? This ability is invincible... tsk tsk..."

Standing in front of the window, Wuchen silently looked down at the feasting Isogami Island, ignoring the distant sky, and in a trance, he saw Xian Gu Yong who was concentrating on class at Caihai Academy...

"It seems that we can only let it go at the moment, and we can't drive her out of the house."

Wuchen has a headache, this is a shared apartment, and it is impossible for him to drive out Huangsaka Sayaka, but Ji Hiiragi Shelley agrees.

"In this case, I can only go to your [Lion King Agency] for trouble."

Stretching, Wuchen is also too lazy to meddle in his own business. Anyway, Huangsaka Sayaka will definitely sleep with Ji Hiirah Shelley, so he doesn't have to worry about anything.


When I went to the closet to take out the pajamas, and was about to take a shower and sleep, Huangsaka Sayaka's voice came over, and it was also full of jealousy.

"Don't you think it's rude to live in an apartment with a big man and two girls! Especially in the past few days when I'm away, have you done anything outrageous to Shelley?"

Huangsaka Sayaka stared at Wuchen like a torch, her clear eyes were extraordinarily wise, as long as there was a loophole, she could catch it.

"This girl's film is really curved..."

Wuchen shuddered at Huangsaka Sayaka's alternative interest, why did this guy join this apartment so much?In fact, treat yourself as a rival!

"I think you're more wretched. You know I'm a man, and you live in this apartment shamelessly. You're here to talk to me!"

Wuchen responded sharply.

"To chat with you?"

Hearing this, Huangsaka Sayaka's mouth twitched fiercely, feeling that Wuchen was too shameless, and he might get pregnant if you talk to him too much!Living in this apartment, as Wuchen thought, the purpose is to monitor his every move.

"Miss, you probably don't know yet..."

Wuchen sneered again and again, and the Lion King agency also has a nickname - the agency for sending women, Ji Hiirai Shelley is an example, who was given to Xiao Gucheng as a princess, but was mixed up by Wuchen, and now Huangsaka Sayaka is also Being sent to monitor Wuchen, I am afraid that the order he received is similar to that of Ji Hiiragi Shelley.

If you can win, you will win. Once you realize that it is harmful to human beings, immediately cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1512 This is a force majeure factor [fourth more]

Huangsaka Sayaka stared at Wuchen with indignation, this guy is too rude, he doesn't know gentleman's etiquette at all, there is still a lot of market in this world of women's priority.

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