However, sadly, Wuchen will not work here!

"You're ruthless!" Hwangsaka Sayaka felt helpless as she stomped her feet in resentment.

In the final analysis, she is just a sleeper, and the right to speak is always on Wuchen and Ji Hiiragi Shelley, and the one who decides the fate is Huangsaka Sayaka.


After a dry laugh, Wuchen put on a benevolent expression and said, "If you are willing to beg me, I am willing to give you a quarter of the corner of my bed for you to sleep in!"

"A quarter?"

Hearing this, Huangsaka Sayaka's face turned dark, and she subconsciously looked at the dust-free bedroom, where the fart was a little bigger, at most a quarter was enough for half of her body!

"Hmph, I'd rather sleep on the sofa!" Glancing at Wuchen coldly, Huangsaka Sayaka simply turned her head away, she would rather be broken than tiles.

"Sayaka sleep with me." Ji Hiragana Shelley said.

"Sure enough, Shelley, you still love me!"

Hearing this, Huangsaka Sayaka was so pleased with her eyebrows that she poured Ji Hiragana Shelley into her arms, and looked at Wuchen with ecstatic expression, her face full of pride.


Glancing at Huangsaka Sayaka, Wuchen turned around to take a shower and sleep.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the next morning.

Since Xiao Gucheng still needs to go to school, Wuchen and Ji Hiirai Shelley, who are in charge of monitoring him, will naturally follow. Although Nangong once said that month, she is responsible for all actions of Xiao Gucheng Caihai Academy, but she deliberately seeks The troublesome dust-free "Lion King Agency" still followed decisively.

But what made him speechless was that Huangsaka Sayaka was still following him closely.

"This world is really crazy..."

Wuchen was very speechless and complained that he and Ji Hiiragi Shelley were monitoring Xiao Gucheng, while Huangsaka Sayaka was in charge of monitoring himself. He always felt that the world was completely messed up.

In the subway, the space is limited, and now it is peak time, so it is very crowded, and bumps are inevitable.

"Bastard, where are your hands?"

At this moment, a harsh scream came, Wuchen was stunned, he suddenly realized that his hand was grabbed by a soft/soft arm.

Subconsciously swept past the source.

The person who caught the eye was an extraordinary beauty/girl/woman, with soft golden hair as dazzling as gold, big watery eyes and piercing eyes, wearing the school uniform of Caihai Academy, and her slender legs were exposed. under the sight of dust.

"This is..."

Wuchen was a little dazed, and asked tentatively, "Lan Yu...Shallow?"

"you know me?"

The blond girl was obviously stunned, and looked at Wuchen with some surprise, then grabbed her hand and said coldly: "Since I dare to touch my ass/butt, this is knowing the law and breaking the law, and the crime is one more class!"

The person who attacked Lanyu Shallow just now was Wuchen.

"This is force majeure!"

Wuchen replied with a serious expression using Xiao Gucheng's classic lines. In fact, it was really force majeure. The space was limited, and it was very crowded. Lan Yu Shallow was walking around again, and it was normal to knock her down.

"Cough, cough... This lady, it was a misunderstanding just now, please believe my friend." Ji Qi Shelley found that there was a conflict with Wuchen and Lan Yu Shallow, and hurriedly came up and said: "He and I are roommates. , please believe him."

"Sure enough, you can't afford to know the ancient city cheaply."

He glanced at Ji Hiirah Shelley quite moved, and it was indeed right to save her from the demons of Xiao Gucheng.

"It's better not to let me see you next time!" Throwing away Wuchen's hand, Lanyu Shallow glanced at Wuchen, and continued to walk quickly in the direction of Xiao Gucheng.

"He De, how can this kid...?"

Seeing this, Wuchen was quite puzzled. Looking left and right, Xiao Gucheng didn't seem to have any special place. Sometimes it looks nasty.

"This time it's me and Shelley, next time you won't be so lucky!" Huangsaka Sayaka said in a proud tone.

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled and waved his hand. It was indeed Shelley who helped him clear the siege. If not, there might be something unnecessary and important.

"Looks like I've arrived at the station. After today, I'll invite the two of you to dinner."

However, Huangsaka Sayaka shook his head decisively, with a disgusting expression on his face, "I refuse, if I eat with you, I will definitely get pregnant."

"This guy is really..."

Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn't bother to argue with Huangsaka Sayaka. He looked through the glass at the magnificent teaching building in the distance, where he was today's destination - Caihai Academy.

"What grade is that Xian Gu Yong in..."

The dust-free muttered to himself.He really didn't know this, so he could only choose to find Nangong that month to unravel the confusion. Her news spread in all directions, and he should have known that Xian Guyong belonged to that class.

As for Nangong Nayue's office, it is easy to find. The highest floor of the teaching building of Caihai Academy is Nangong Nayue's office.

"It should be there."

Looking up at the majestic building dozens of stories high, even if it is hundreds of meters away, Wuchen can still see it clearly, especially with the windows open.


Wuchen turned into a shining light and rushed straight up. The speed of the light was too fast, and no one could see it clearly. It just fell into Nangong Nayue's office along the open window.

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