Not to mention the scroll beast of the true ancestor, it is the scroll beast of ordinary vampires. It is also extremely lethal to students. If it is wrong, the island of Itogami will be blown up.

What's more, Xiao Gucheng is the fourth real ancestor, and the magic power he possesses is above the dragon veins of the earth, and the scroll beast is even more devastating. This is also the capital of the real ancestors' arrogance.

"It doesn't matter, I can now perfectly control the fifth volume beast - the lion's yellow chicken, no... it's the lion's gold!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Xiao Gucheng said with a black face.Unconsciously, he was also brought into the ditch by Wuchen.

"Come out, lion's gold!"

The magic power exploded to an unbelievable level, and the beasts of Xiao Gucheng appeared a large number of mysterious patterns, and then a golden divine beast descended from the sky.

"So strong!"

Xian Guyong and Nangong Nayue's expressions changed slightly. True Ancestor's scroll beast was no joke. Destroying Xianshen Island could definitely be done easily.

"Then let me be a little more serious." Staring at the golden lion falling from the sky, Wuchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then the corners of his dry mouth opened slightly, "The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"

The black crescent moon descended from the sky, and the number was thousands. Looking closely, each black light was actually a shocking blade, and the dense number covered the void. In an instant, the world was dim and light, and all of them attacked the beasts in Xiao Gucheng.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

A few infiltrating cutting sounds suddenly came, and the golden lion in the bright sun disappeared several times, and the dense black shadowless blade killed it in an instant!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1516 Xiao Gucheng is a comrade! 【Second Update】


The harsh sound of cutting resounded continuously, still echoing in the ears of Nangong Nayue and Xian Guyong, staring blankly at the beast that was torn apart in the sky, its body motionless like petrification.

This is the scroll beast of the true ancestor, even if Xiao Gucheng is half-assed, there is no doubt that the strength of these scroll beasts is strong!

"Am I dreaming!"

Xiao Gucheng, who was deeply hit, was stunned, and subconsciously pinched his right hand.

"Damn it hurts."

The severe stinging pain made Xiao Gucheng's face darken, but the stinging pain on his body was far less than the blow he suffered mentally.

In this world, it is recognized that the strongest ancestor is the true ancestor. The three true ancestors almost divided the world, and although Xiao Gucheng, the fourth true ancestor, is a rising star, his strength may not be as good as them, but there is no reason why even mere humans can't kill it. what!

"What am I going to do with you now? Classmate Xiao Gucheng." His eyes approached Xiao Gucheng with playful eyes, and Wuchen's face was full of laughter.

That expression on encountering a fun toy, let alone Xiao Gucheng, even Xian Guyong and Nangong that month, also raised a trace of pity for Xiao Gucheng, Xiao Gucheng is a life-threatening, wanting revenge, it is good to wash away the shame , but you can't joke about your own life!

"There's no need to be nervous, just relax." Wuchen was very friendly, like meeting an old friend of more than ten years, so Xiao Gucheng couldn't help but relax his guard.

Taking advantage of this short time when he was careless, Wuchen walked in front of Xiao Gucheng, and in a voice that only the two of them could hear, he said a word that caused Xiao Gucheng to collapse.

"Actually, I'd like to ask, who's blood did you suck in the awakening of the fifth scroll beast?" Squinting, Wuchen was very interested.


Xiao Gucheng hesitated to speak, and finally lowered his head with a flushed face, secretly cursing Wuchen in his heart, this guy obviously deliberately embarrassed him and couldn't get off the stage.

"Could it be Yaase Kiki?"

Wuchen yin and yang said strangely: "I feel the same aura from him as [The Lion's Gold]. You should have sucked his blood to awaken the fifth volume beast, right?"

"This kind of question is very serious, please don't talk nonsense!" Xian Guyong said with a livid face.

"It's not impossible."

Compared to killing the unbelieving Xian Gu Yong, Nangong was much easier to accept that month. Xiao Gucheng was often squeezed by Wuchen, and the impulse to suck blood was born, and the urge to wake up the beast was understandable.

"What all have something to do here?"

In the corridor, there was another sound of hurried footsteps, and as the figure approached quickly, the graceful and wonderful outline gradually became clearer.

This person is Ji Hiiragi Shelley who is in charge of monitoring the "Fourth Primogenitor" Xiao Gucheng.

"It turned out to be Shelley. It's okay, it's just that Xiao Gucheng and Yase Kisuki are engaged." Wuchen said casually, his eyes turned cunning.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this special word, not because they had no culture, but because they had never come into contact with this unfamiliar phrase.

"What do you mean?" Ji Hiirah Shelley looked blank.

"That is to say, Xiao Gucheng's sexual orientation is crooked..." Wuchen unceremoniously exposed the scar on Xiao Gucheng.

"Asshole, don't give me any nonsense, be careful I'll sue you for slander!" Xiao Gucheng retorted with a dark face: "I'm a very normal man, and you are gay!"

"Everyone is there."

Just as Xiao Gucheng's voice fell, a figure that Xiao Gucheng didn't want to see suddenly appeared. He had headphones on his neck. The most conspicuous thing was that there were two tooth marks on his neck.

This person is Yase Kiki!

"This is bad!"

Xiao Gucheng's head was dazed, and his gaze subconsciously swept to Wuchen, only to see that he had already walked towards Yase Kisaki, and was going around Yaase Kisuki.

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