"Everyone, look at the two tooth marks on this guy's neck."

Wuchen's remarks immediately attracted everyone's attention. The two tooth marks were extremely conspicuous. Although they had healed, there were obvious scars.

"Kishu, give me an explanation." Xian Guyong suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

Although she and Yase Kiki are not really boyfriend and girlfriend, but the relationship between the two has long been known, and now suddenly there is news that Xiao Gucheng and Yaase Kiki are engaged...

Xian Gu Yong is about to vomit blood!

"I came across this accidentally!" Yase Kishu hurriedly denied, and was caught by Wuchen for being sucked blood by Xiao Gucheng, and he would have no face to meet in the future.

"is it?"

Wuchen smiled without saying a word, staring at Xiao Gucheng, and a beam of light suddenly appeared from his fingertips.


The straight beam of light hit the face and shot straight at Xiao Gucheng.

"This kind of thing wants to beat me? You underestimate me!"

Xiao Gucheng's face showed disdain, and a golden halo appeared all over his body. Where he stood, a golden air hood bounced off the attacking edge.

It is the ability of the fifth volume beast - "The Lion's Gold".


Seeing this, Yase Kiki felt a chill in his heart. As a blood medium of "lion's gold", he was naturally also affected by special influences, exuding a special same temperament throughout his body, which was consistent with the lion's gold.


Xian Guyong snorted coldly and left with disgust on his face.The same is true of Ji Hiiragi Shelley. Originally, Xiao Gucheng gave her a very bad feeling, but now she is still doing it, so she hurriedly walked away, and Nangong shook her head and left that month.

"Please continue!"

Wuchen also retreated decisively, leaving the stage to these two gays.

"This is the end of offending me, my girlfriend should run away, she deserves it!"

Wuchen felt dark in his heart, it was the kid Yase Kishu who tipped off the news, so the Lion King agency sent someone to monitor him. Now that this kid is labeled gay, I am afraid Xian Guyong will never pay attention to him again.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1517 Dimitory Yevatora [Third]

Yase Kiki and Xiao Gucheng looked at each other, their expressions full of sadness.

"Damn, I blame Wuchen for that guy." Xiao Gucheng complained, feeling lost for a while.

Because of the relationship between Wuchen and provocation, Xiao Gucheng was already notorious and turned into a street rat that everyone shouted and beat. Today, it is even more pitiful to wear a big gay/sex/love hat.

Being treated like a gay man!

"Hmph, it's not all my fault!" The army of a million grass-mud horses galloped in Yase Kishu's heart, and it was because of Xiao Gucheng that he was inexplicably sucked blood.

Now even Xian Guyong, a good friend who has been with him for many years, has left him, especially unlucky and depressed. For the first time, he complained about Xiao Gucheng, a good friend.

"Cough cough... That Yaase-kun, there is something I want to tell you." Xiao Gucheng was embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

"If you have a fart, let it go!" Yaase Kiki was displeased.His girlfriend ran away, he was very upset!

"That... I was injured by that guy Wuchen just now, can you see if..." Xiao Gucheng pointed to the wound on his abdomen, there were obvious burn marks, and looked at Kisaki Yaase eagerly, that meant nothing. And metaphor.

"You want to suck blood? Don't come here, bastard!" Yase Kiki warned loudly, looking at Xiao Gucheng suspiciously, "Wouldn't it be the same as that guy said, are you really a homosexual?"


Xiao Gucheng vomited blood, and looked at Yase Kiki with a speechless face. Wuchen doubted him, forget it, even this best friend who has been with him for many years now suspects that he is a comrade.

"We've known each other for a few years, don't you know who I am?" Xiao Gucheng said angrily: "That's all made up by Wuchen!"

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly give me blood to heal the wound!"

Regardless of whether Yase Kiki refused or agreed, Xiao Gucheng jumped on it indiscriminately, and Yaase Kiki, who was caught off guard, was directly pushed to the ground.


Akatsuki showed his sharp fangs and bit down on Yaase Kiki's neck.

Wuchen was very ruthless, Xiao Gucheng had a wide range of serious burns on his belly. If it was an ordinary injury, it would be fine. !

"Tsk tsk tsk... Sure enough, it was right to go back and forth. Fortunately, I borrowed a camera from that month."

In a corner, Wuchen excitedly stared at Xiao Gucheng and Yaase Kisaki who were rolling on the ground, and quickly picked up the camera to take a few close-up shots of the two people who were fighting fiercely.

"Tomorrow the photos of the two of you in love will spread throughout Caihai Academy!"

Wuchen laughed twice, without disturbing the good deeds of Xiao Gucheng and Yase Jishu, left quietly, and gave them the rest of the time to play to their heart's content!


In the early morning of the next day, in the spacious teacher, Xiao Gucheng was very lazy on the desk, touched the scar on his stomach, and nodded in satisfaction.

"The resilience of a vampire is amazing. I'm afraid that guy Wuchen doesn't have the resilience of mine. If I'm willing to work a little harder, I can definitely surpass him!"

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