"Let's go, I want to see what tricks that snake charmer is going to play." Holding Wuchen's arm, Nangong Nayue and Wuchen boarded the luxury cruise together.

"As expected of a local tyrant."

After boarding the ship, the overall appearance of the cruise ship was exposed to the dust-free moment. It was not luxurious, and there were countless entertainment devices similar to swimming pools, as if they were still on land.

"Is it Miss Nangong? It's light here."

The servant dressed as a maid took the initiative to walk in front of Wuchen and Nangong Nayue, pointed to a quiet corridor, and the two nodded and walked over.

"I don't know if that kid from Xiao Gucheng will come..."

Wuchen was quite curious. In the original book, Xiao Gucheng was naturally here, and his female companion was Ji Hiirah Shelley, but now when Ji Hiiragi Shelley saw Xiao Gucheng, it was dry wood and fire, if there was not a Huangsaka Saya Hua was pulling, maybe Xiao Gucheng had already been ripped off by Ji Hiirah Shelley.

"Rich people really enjoy it."

Walking up the stairs, the area that catches your eye is a spacious state-of-the-art cabin. Luxury is naturally a must, especially at this moment when the cold wind suddenly stops and becomes much smaller. The cool sea breeze blowing on the body is particularly comfortable. And the night view of Itogami Island from this cruise ship is very beautiful.


At this moment, a hysterical roar suddenly came from the void, both Wuchen and Nangong Nayue were stunned, and turned to glance at the place where the penetrating voice sounded.

"That Vatora really is a bad bat."

A group of purple-black rays of light slammed into the face, and the locked target was Wuchen and Nangong Nayue.

"That's right." Nangong Nayue nodded in agreement and confessed to Wuchen's words.

"Don't do it yet!"

Seeing Wuchen standing stupidly, Nangong Nayue jumped up and grabbed Wuchen's ear, "You have to understand, I brought you here to make him disgraced!"

"This guy is really uneasy and kind."

Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, although he was not happy with Nangong's actions that month, this stinky bat who likes to provoke people is even more hateful.

"The [-]st Break of the Dao!"

With a light drink, in front of Wuchen and Nangong Nayue, a barrier as thin as a cicada's wings condensed, transparent and extremely thin.

"Ah ah ah... It seems that I have been underestimated. This kind of fragile enchantment wants to be attacked by my beast, Nangong's vision is really vulgar that month, you even found such a... "

Halfway through his voice, Vatora's voice stopped abruptly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The purple-black light group slammed into the dust-free barrier with all its strength, but the barrier that was supposed to be shattered with a single poke turned out to be hard.

"The light of the firefly is only a flash in the pan. It's difficult to climb the hall of elegance!" With a light glance at Vattola, Wuchen stopped talking nonsense and continued to stare at the night scene of Xianjin Island.

"Playing with snakes, pay attention to your wording! My male companion is an existence that even the true ancestor fears!" Nangong Nayue deliberately narrowed the distance from Wuchen, and even could feel her small breasts. .

The size is negligible, though...

"This guy did it on purpose."

Wuchen keenly smelled an alternative meaning, Vatora is a fighting maniac, knowing that he has the strength comparable to the true ancestor, he will definitely pursue it.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1519 Shocked Vatora [fifth more]

However, Nangong had bad intentions that month, and wanted to use the hands of Wuchen to teach this defiant guy a lesson, and it was best to make him lose face.

"Really? That's really exciting."

Sure enough, just as Nangong had expected that month, Vattola stared at Wuchen with gleaming eyes, with pleated pleats, a happy expression like a hunter encountering his prey.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this moment, the voice of schadenfreude suddenly sounded.

Wuchen and Nangong Nayue were stunned. This voice, especially Nangong Nayue, was very familiar and could even be heard every day.Following the source of the sound, a young man with silver hair came into view.

"Xiao Gucheng?"

Wuchen and Nangong both frowned that month, especially Wuchen's face was sore, no matter where he went, he could meet this unlucky broom star.

"This guy instantly killed my curly beast, much more powerful than me." Xiao Gucheng said with admiration, and gave Wuchen a thumbs up.

Only the mean smile at the corner of his mouth did not seem like a real compliment.

"A human being can kill the real ancestor's scroll beast in seconds? How is this possible!"

A look of confusion appeared on Vattola's elegant and calm face. He became more and more curious about Wuchen's background and personal strength.

Although it is said that the true ancestor of Xiao Gucheng is very incompetent, but it is too shocking to say that the scroll beast that can kill the true ancestor in seconds.

"Although Xiao Gucheng's strength has not improved much, his scheming has deepened a lot. Is this the sequela of being bullied by Wuchen?"

Nangong Nayue frowned and said, the more Xiao Gucheng, as the fourth true ancestor, praised Wuchen, the more Vattola's obsession with Wuchen must be.

"It's just that a certain True Ancestor is too weak, and he can't even handle a human being. The identity of the Fourth True Ancestor is like giving a pig!" Wuchen retorted unceremoniously.

"What did you say?!"

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