When Xiao Gucheng heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and his eyes stared at Wuchen. If it weren't for the difference in strength, he really wanted to teach Wuchen a lesson. Doesn't this mean that he is a pig!

But after thinking about it carefully, Xiao Gucheng felt shameless. As the true ancestor, he was nothing compared to the other true ancestors who ruled the world.

"But then again... If I remember correctly, the banquet held on this ship can only be attended with a female or male companion?"

Wuchen said with meaning, and then looked at Xiao Gucheng with a smile.

"That bastard!"

Xiao Gucheng suddenly giggled in his heart, knowing that Wuchen was about to reveal his scars again, he was very depressed, and could not wait to find a crack to burrow in temporarily.

"Then Mr. Xiao Gucheng, where is your girlfriend?"

Looking left and right, Wuchen didn't find Xiao Gucheng's female companion, and then sneered maliciously: "Ah ah ah, I almost forgot that you are a comrade, just bring Yaase Kiki. !"

"Don't slander me!" Xiao Gucheng counterattacked with a dark face: "I was personally invited by Mr. Vattola."

Xiao Gucheng said this with a touch of pride, everyone must bring a partner of the opposite sex to participate, but he is a special case among those countless people.

"This idiot..."

Wuchen and Nangong Nayue looked at each other, and they could see the strange look in each other's eyes. Xiao Gucheng's reaction seemed to be a little slow, as if he didn't know what Vatora's private invitation meant.

"I'm afraid he wants to devour Xiao Gucheng. I heard that the snake player has devoured two [Elder] level vampires, and his strength is the closest to the true ancestor."

Nangong pondered that month, vaguely why Vatora invited Xiao Gucheng in a private capacity.

"Xiao Gucheng can appear here, maybe it is to detect how far he has grown. Once the standard is reached, Vattola will probably immediately start against Xiao Gucheng. I really don't know what this idiot is so proud of. Nayue Sauce, you My students are too bad, they are as unresponsive as wood, and it may not be long before the Fourth Primogenitor will leave office and be replaced by the brand-new Fourth Primogenitor Vatora."

Wuchen looked at Nangong that month with a playful face.


Hearing this, Nangong just turned his head and snorted heavily that month, but his eyes looked at Vatora unkindly, but this guy was too unscrupulous.

"Playing with snakes, what's the matter with me? If it's just this kind of boring reminiscence, with all due respect, now I'm... really angry!"

When he said the last few words, Nangong was obviously angry that month.The purpose of her dressing up was not to see Vattola's self-righteous show.


A lazy and boring voice came out of Vattola's mouth, he sighed and said: "I actually hate this kind of boring banquet. The henchman of the Black Death Royal faction - Christopher Jadexiu, you may be this character. Have you heard of it? He is now the leader of the new Black Death Emperor faction. He used to be a little-known soldier in Europe, but now he has degenerated into a terrorist. Now he is infiltrating the Isogami Island with the purpose of sabotage.. ."


Wuchen waved his hand and suddenly interrupted Vattola's speech, "That is to say, that terrorist is from Europe, and is from your Warlord Domain, right? You should be solely responsible for this matter!"

"That's right!" Nangong Nayue nodded in agreement.


Staring at Vattola, Wuchen laughed dryly, "I know that terrorists are doing damage, but in the end, he's all from your Warlord Domain, you can pay a few trillion yuan at will, or cede millions of square feet of land. Kilometers are enough!"


Hearing that, Rao is also very angry with Wuchen's remarks because of Vatora's temperament, and the money is not worth it, but is it casually compensated for things like territory!

How big is the whole earth?Also Nima compensates millions of square kilometers!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1520 I'm here for you! 【Sixth more】

Vattola's forehead obviously has blue veins floating, and a raging color flashes in his eyes. Just the arrogant remarks of Wuchen can completely kill him!

Although the "Fourth Primogenitor" Xiao Gucheng lost to Wuchen, Vattola was not afraid.The current Xiao Gucheng, in the final analysis, is just a true ancestor of scum, and he is also confident of defeating Xiao Gucheng.

"Dare to ask [Battle King's Domain] to cede land... Your daring is really extraordinary." Vatorapi smiled.

"Your family is really a broom star, with you, maybe I will be killed by a true ancestor one day, I have only known you for a few days? You have provoked the fourth true ancestor, Xiao Gucheng, and now it is the first in a row. A true ancestor dares to provoke, bad luck!"

The wonderful condition of Wuchen, not only was Vatora being scorched inside and out by the thunder, but even Nangong was so stunned by the thunder that month that he almost couldn't help but fall down.

The first true ancestor, the Forgotten Battle King, is definitely not comparable to the scumbag true ancestor like Xiao Gucheng. Others are real god-level players who can destroy the world!

"Sorry, compensation is impossible, so..."

There was a hint of cunning on the corner of Vattola's mouth, and he said sternly: "When you find those terrorists, you just need to notify me, and I will rush to Xianjin Island to destroy them!"

"I reject."

Nangong Nayue's mouth was full of determination, with a firm tone that didn't even have the slightest wiggle room.

Let Vattola go to exterminate terrorists?What a joke!This kind of fighting maniac can do anything crazy, maybe he is happy to defect and help terrorists!

It sounds exaggerated, how could the nobles of the "War King Domain" help terrorists?But the truth is, he can abandon his position in order to enjoy the battle, and Vattola is such a person.

"Are you sure about this?"

Vattola was not surprised, shrugged and said, "If that's the case, then please help me to exterminate the remnants of the Black Death Emperor's faction. I am very grateful!"

"This bastard..."

Seeing this, Nangong Nayue stared at Vatora with unkind eyes. This guy's methods were too despicable. No matter what happened afterwards, Vatora would not be implicated.

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