I'll go to the island to help you arrest people, but you don't want to.Then you do it yourself, even if Itogami Island is bombed and sank by terrorists, it has nothing to do with me... This is what Vatora wants to show.

"Well, allow me to interrupt. I want to ask, are you sure you want us to help you eliminate the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction? Are you sure you won't regret it?"

Wuchen stood up and questioned, his eyes shining, revealing an alternative meaning.

"of course."

Vattola nodded earnestly. Although he didn't know what Wuchen planned, one thing was certain. He also hoped that these remnants would be annihilated.

"This guy is really shameless, do you think I don't know that the Black Death Emperor is on his boat?" Wuchen sneered in his heart, but he was indifferent on the surface and remained calm.

"When you exterminate the Black Death Emperor's faction, you must be more careful. Those guys have mastered the weapon of the ancient gods-Villakvila!" Vattola said solemnly, but his expression was condescending.

"Since Your Excellency asked us to exterminate the Black Death Emperor faction... Then I will start working now!"

A ferocious smile flashed across his face, looking at the eye-catching luxury cruise ship under his feet, a large ray of light suddenly condensed under the dust-free feet, and the dazzling flash made people dare not look at each other.

"Light speed kick!"

The flashing big foot fell, and the luxury cruise ship named "Deep Sea Tomb" suddenly trembled, and an exaggerated charred pit appeared, which was twenty or thirty meters long!


Under such a heavy attack, the tomb of the deep sea really couldn't hold back, and it began to sink slowly!

"Are you crazy, Wuchen? You're actually provoking him on Vatora's boat!" Nangong Nayue asked with a dark face. Although she was very relieved and comfortable, attacking other people's ships at will, this is naked/naked Slap in the face.

"You'd better give me an explanation, otherwise... the consequences are at your own risk!" Vattola's face turned green, and there was also a majestic magical overflow in his body.

"You asked me to do this." Wuchen said with an innocent face, yin and yang strangely: "You just hoped that we would help you to exterminate the Black Death Royal faction, those guys are on this ship, and I attacked this ship. Destroy the stronghold of the Black Death Emperor faction!"

"So... I kicked out your boat for your own good, Mr. Vattola, you should thank me!" Wuchen said with a serious expression: "If you don't thank me seriously, I won't take it lightly. Let you leave Itogami Island, after all, I solved such a big trouble for you."

Thank u?Vattola almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard the words, his eyes spit fire and stared at Wuchen, and the blue veins on his forehead burst. You kicked Laozi's boat for no reason. I want to thank you, you can't bully people like this!

Especially the last sentence of Wuchen, Vattola was even more angry, and seemed to warn himself that if he didn't thank you, he would not let you go!

"The Black Death Emperor is on my ship? Funny, this is a complete slander!" Vattola suppressed his anger and refused to admit it.

On the other hand, Nangong looked at Vatola with a different eye that month. She and Vatola were also familiar with each other. She knew the character of this guy. In order to enjoy the battle, he hid the Black Death Emperor faction on the ship, and then let them secretly land on Xianjin Island. Absolutely do something.

"Please show evidence that I'm hiding the Black Death Emperor Sect. Otherwise, my beasts will never bypass you easily!"

Vattola said coldly, as for the ancient city of Xiao, which he had forgotten to the outside world, and his cruise ship was kicked and scrapped by others, let's not ask for an explanation. In the future, he has no face to continue to mix in the "War King Domain".

On the other hand, Wuchen remained calm and treated Vatora's threat like a feather.


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Chapter 1521 I said yes [first more]

Vattola's stomach is about to explode. Although it is said that each strong person has a different personality, it is normal to be arrogant, but you can't be so arrogant!

"Kicking and scrapping my ship for no reason, I can't stand this kind of provocation!" Vattola's body erupted with a lot of magic, and it seemed that he couldn't hold back.

"Idiot, is there any evidence? If you create something out of nothing, then I can't protect you!" Nangong raised several tones that month, very serious.

"you are awesome!"

Up to now, Xiao Gucheng is full of admiration for Wuchen.Although he said that he was the "Fourth Primogenitor", he was also in name only. Although Vatora was quite concerned about himself, deep in his eyes, there was always contempt that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"You want witnesses? Are you blind? The witnesses are shaking right under your eyes."

After a random scan, Wuchen found that there were panicked servants everywhere, and all the invited guests were panicked. Who would have thought that someone would dare to attack Vattola's private cruise?This guy claims to be the closest monster to the True Ancestor.But the current scene made them all understand a truth, there are still people who dare to kick Vattola's ass!

"Lord Valtola!"

Just as Wuchen and Vattola were confronting, an unusually respectful voice suddenly came. The visitor was about fifteen or sixteen years old. He was a beautiful boy with a petite/small and gentle appearance, with gray hair and emerald-colored hair. Eye pupils, white skin and long eyelashes give people a very dreamy feeling, and people can't help but want to protect him.

"Is something wrong?" Vattola was on fire, looking at anyone with ill will.

"Yes, it is…"

The young man was stunned at first, but after being sluggish for a few seconds, he nodded dumbly, leaned close to Vattola's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Those people from the Black Death Emperor Sect have already left. ."

"very good."

Vattola's eyes lit up, nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Wuchen with a triumphant look, and sneered secretly: "Even if I hide the people of the Black Death Emperor faction on board, they are all evacuated now, you still have The evidence accuses me?"

"I found a witness!" Wuchen's sudden remarks attracted everyone's attention, only to see his eyes shining brightly at the beautiful young man who had just come to tip off.

"Could it be that……"

The corner of Vattola's mouth twitched, and Wuchen's malicious eyes, he naturally saw it.

"This kid is a member of the Black Death Emperor faction!" Wuchen said with great certainty.

"It's over!"

When these words fell, Nangong Nayue and Xiao Gucheng were both heartbroken. They both knew this kid. This person is a subordinate of Vattola, and he is also a noble in the "War King Domain". Dave Valdezlava, Nangong had seen him that month before.

When Xiao Gucheng met Vattola before, the beautiful young man introduced himself.

"Don't worry, since you've worked for me for so many days, I'll definitely buy you an extra-large coffin!" Nangong looked like I arranged your funeral that month.

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