What caught his eye was a huge machine, strangely shaped, surrounded by a large number of Naraqvilla, and half a fly could not fly past.

"What is that?" Vattola asked in a daze.

"It can be understood as controlling the mother body of these Narakvira. As long as he is defeated, all problems will be solved... These machines will also be destroyed." Wuchen explained lightly.

"But there are so many, it's easier said than done to destroy the Matrix." Nangong said with a frown, regretting what he just said. If it can't be solved, it will definitely lose face in the end.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It seems that the guy who spoke just now was Christopher Judexiu, which means that he is in the mother body? If so, I have an excuse to do it... Why don't you? In this way, I will remove those minions next to the mother body for you?"

Vattola suggested, quite pertinent.

"Sorry, I refuse." However, Wuchen just glanced at him coldly, with a firm tone that had no room for manoeuvre.

"This idiot..."

Nangong patted his forehead that month and gave Xiang Wuchen a helpless look, what a good thug he is!Why reject him?

"You don't want to?"

Vattola was stunned. He didn't expect Wuchen to be so decisive. Seeing his frowning expression, he realized something in a trance, "Are you worried that you are not the opponent of the Matrix? It's better than this, and the minions next to you will leave it to you to solve it. I take care of the mother's body."

"You guy doesn't seem to understand what I mean... I mean, I can solve these things alone, and I don't need others to meddle in their own business."

Nangong Nayue and Vatora were both stunned, their eyes filled with brilliance.

"Give that student to me, it must be very inconvenient to hold her to fight." Nangong reminded Nangong Nayue, pointing to Yease Xiayin who was still holding Wuchen.

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded, but still said, "It's unnecessary, it's a matter that can be solved in an instant."

"Bastards, don't ignore my existence. And that abominable little white face, don't think that if you look bad, your strength can compete with ancient artifacts. I'll make you regret it soon!"

From the mother of Narakvila, Christopher Jadxiu's anger came, and he was angry with the dust-free people. These arrogant bastards completely regarded themselves as randomly distributed rations.

Especially this guy called Wuchen in front of him is abominable, holding a woman, he can't even get his hands out, and he said that it is unreasonable to teach himself a lesson!

"Give it to me!"

The furious Christopher Jadxiu gave an order, and the densely packed Naraqvilla swarmed in, definitely not less than a hundred such numbers!

"I want to see what's special about you guy..."

Vattola stared at Wuchen attentively. This kid looked down on himself over and over again, and kicked his boat to ruin for the first time. Just now, he even accused him of being useless. He was looking forward to Wuchen's performance.

"Let's just disappear like this, there are enough farces today, and... there is no salary increase for overtime work!"

Wuchen complained with dissatisfaction, and immediately his pupil power extended to the extreme, and he shouted in awe, "Divine power!"

In an instant, a giant black hole with a scale of several hundred meters appeared in the sky, and it exuded a violent gravitational force, and the group of shrimp soldiers and crabs was devoured by the electric light and flint!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1527 Rolling [First More]

Nangong Nayue and Vatora opened their eyes wide, staring at the black hole that gradually became larger in the void, the majestic gravitational force almost tore them apart.

"This, this, what trick is this?!"

Vattola's face changed greatly, even if the gravitational range of "Shenwei" was not aimed at him, his boundless gravitational force made him tremble.

It seems that at any time, it may be killed by the black hole hundreds of meters long above!

"Ghost knows!"

Nangong rolled her eyes that month. She didn't actually know Wuchen for a few days. It was an unintentional move to recruit Wuchen to be the special zone security team. Now it seems that it is gold hidden by sand!But gold is always gold, and even if it is submerged, it will still shine brightly once it is unearthed.

"Damn, what the hell is that?!"

Christopher Judd in the mother machine was terrified. Under this super abnormal gravity, he flew uncontrollably!


The mechanical arm can only hold the ground tightly, and if it is swallowed by the black hole, it will be finished!

"Do you still want to struggle?"

Nangong frowned that month, this guy is simply over his own strength, although the power of these ancient weapons is a bit amazing, but in the final analysis, it is not his own strength.

Just some utensils.


After about tens of seconds, the huge black hole in the void also disappeared, and everything around it calmed down, but the whole earth was in a mess.

razed to the ground!

"Now that your minions have been killed by me, are you still not going to surrender?"

Wuchen flickered, and the next second appeared on the head of the worm-shaped machine. Through the special barrier, he could clearly see the frightened Christopher Judexiu!

"Sneak attack? Fart!" Christopher Judexiu not only did not realize, but shouted: "This machine of mine is different from other garbage, it is..."

"Light speed kick!"

A thick flash of light bloomed from the soles of the feet, which was more than a star and a half stronger than before.Not to mention how violent the impact of this foot will be, the high temperature alone will melt the mother Naraqvira.

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