"You bastard……"

Christopher Judd's face was extremely ferocious, and he glared at Wuchen. The carefully prepared plans were all destroyed by this inexplicable kid, and he swallowed his heart alive.

"There is no sign of repentance."

He looked straight at Christopher Judexiu calmly, and looked at the eyes that were as dignified as a knife.

In the end, it's just a loser.


He shouted like a madman, seemingly to cheer himself up, and then the Christopher Judd show swooped down in a very oppressive manner.

"You must be buried with me!"

Christopher Juddhew rushed in quickly, and shouted with his mouth open on the other.

"Forget it. You will spend the rest of your life in prison!"

A burst of purple light suddenly appeared in the blue sky, and then a mysterious magic circle appeared in the void, and dense chains shot out from it.


Christopher Judd, who was caught off guard, was unaware, and was tightly bound by the chains, like a zongzi, and tied him with five flowers, and he could no longer move.

"Bastard, let me go!"

Christopher Juddish roared, full of flames and revenge for Wuchen!

"It's better to stop. She saved you. If you are provoking that man, maybe your life will be ended in the next second."

Taking a pitying glance at Christopher Jadexiu, Vattola shook his head, this idiot really thought he was invincible!

"It's beautifully done and dust-free."

Unexpectedly, the incident would be so simple and resolute, Nangong nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the land destroyed by Shenwei, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, but you even swept the entire port and suffered such a huge loss, I'm afraid it will take at least tens of billions to maintain!"

"This should have nothing to do with me, this loss should be borne by you." Wuchenpi said with a smile, his meager salary and hundreds of years were not enough!


At this moment, Wuchen suddenly remembered something, looked at Vattola with bright eyes, and smiled cheerfully: "Duke Vattola is looking very good today,"

"What do you want to say?"

Vattola frowned, seeing Wuchen's smiling face, he couldn't relax, instead he felt a creepy feeling.

Wuchen didn't hide it when he heard the words, and directly stated his thoughts, "You have a debt and a debt, after all, those terrorists came off your boat, shouldn't you compensate me hundreds of billions to make up for my losses? Also, I helped you [Battle King Domain] to catch the terrorists of [Black Death Emperor Sect], shouldn't you treat me a little bit, you don't understand the rules too much!"


Vattola couldn't hold back his saliva, but fortunately Wuchen escaped with a god-level dodge.

"You asked me to compensate you hundreds of billions? What a joke! Even if the loss this time is only tens of billions at most, you asked me to compensate you hundreds of billions?"

His face darkened involuntarily. For the first time, Vatora discovered that today's savage and unreasonable people only lost tens of billions of dollars, while Lao Tzu has to compensate hundreds of billions of dollars. Why? !

Moreover, the most unacceptable thing for him is that the loss of Wuchen destroying his cruise ship has not been recovered, and now he has to compensate him with hundreds of billions of dollars, absolutely not!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1528 A hundred heads are not enough! 【Second Update】

"Evidence is there? You still don't admit it?"

Glancing at Vatora lightly, Wuchen's tone changed obviously, the sunny day turned cloudy, and he said coldly: "If you don't lose money, I can kick you out of this island, your [First True Ancestor] It doesn't matter if you come!"

"Kick me out of the island?"

Hearing this, the corner of Vattola's mouth twitched fiercely, and the long dull flame finally no longer concealed it, and it erupted like a volcanic eruption.

"Boom boom boom!"

The exaggerated magic power caused a slight earthquake, as if the entire Itogami Island was shaking slightly!

"Do you think I'm a useless trash like Christopher Juddish? Kill if you want? Catch if you want?" Vattola's tone was cold and undisguised.

After being provoked by Wuchen one after another, and still being suppressed to this level, he asked himself that he had done enough!However, this guy is born to be beaten, and he doesn't know how to advance or retreat.

You have to completely anger him to be content!

"Kicked and scrapped my ship, falsely accused my subordinates, wanted me to compensate, and even gave you the land..." As he gritted his teeth and scolded the dust-free crime, Vattola's heart was filled with more and more evil spirits.

Everyone has a limit of patience!

"and then?"

Shrugging lazily, Wuchen ignored the discomfort caused by the high concentration of magic power, put his chin in his hand and said, "After all, do you still want to default on your debt?"

"Bad debt? Nonsense!"

Vattola snorted and said coldly, "It doesn't matter if the terrorists go there to destroy me. Even if the rest of the [Black Death Emperor's Sect] are hiding on my ship, it doesn't mean I'm hiding them!"

"In the end, it's still a default!" Wuchen asked boringly, a raging demon light flashed across the depths of his eyes.

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