Xiao Gucheng looked around and shouted loudly. In the past, he resisted the identity of the Fourth Primogenitor, but now he has admitted his identity.

As for the reason... Just kidding, when he was the true ancestor, he was not a matchless opponent. If he abandoned his identity as the true ancestor, wouldn't it be courting death!

"Tsk tsk... You two are really ruthless. We haven't been apart for a day. Did you two see me out of the sky?"

There was a ripple in the void, followed by a crack in the sky.

"It's you?!"

Seeing the smiling figure walking out of the crack, Xiao Gucheng immediately put on a constipated expression, which was uglier than eating [-] tons of flies.

That smile that never changes, always remains natural.

"The bastard is laughing at me again!"

Xiao Gucheng's old face turned black. In his opinion, as long as Wuchen smiled at him, he would be out of luck.

When I met Wuchen for the first time, this guy wore a fox smile, but was caught inexplicably. The second time he was treated as a perverted pervert by Ji Hiiragi Shelley. The third time was even more tragic. He didn't do anything, but Lan Yu Shallow inexplicably called him a rapist, the fourth time...

All in all, every time Wuchen smiled at him, it was not a good thing in Xiao Gucheng's opinion.


His body fell on the ground, his hands were lazily in his trouser pockets, and Wuchen said in surprise: "Xiandumu Youma, your methods are not bad. I thought you would seize the right to use the ancient city of Xiao, after all, this simple An idiot is simply a brain-damaged person, and his body is often taken by others... I expected that you could take his body, but I didn't expect you to turn Xiao Gucheng back and simply pull this kid into your mother Xiandu Muyou In the camp of hemp."

In the original book, Xiao Gucheng is the first to be taken advantage of, either being controlled or taken away by someone, and he is extremely bitter and grieved, and the identity of the true ancestor was ruined by him.

"Abandon your unrealistic plans, and I can bypass you."

Looking directly at the two of them, Wuchen's tone sounded kind-hearted, but in fact, he wished to know that the ancient city would liberate Xiandumu Aye, so that he could just avenge his personal revenge and kill this unsightly bastard in one fell swoop!

This sudden change was a godsend for Wuchen.

"Abandon the plan? I don't!"

Hearing the order in Wuchen's tone, Xiao Gucheng refused without hesitation, what Wuchen likes, he will refuse, and everything Wuchen doesn't like, Xiao Gucheng accepts all!

"Really, it seems difficult to negotiate, let's do it." Staring at Xiao Gucheng with a sneer, Wuchen hooked his fingers when he heard the long-awaited answer.

"If you want to die so much, I will fulfill you! Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Xiao Gucheng will naturally not be merciful. He and Wuchen have a deep feud, and his mother is forced to dance/strip/dress/dance. Xiao Gucheng's dignity and heart have been hit. This time, the shame must be washed away, otherwise , I will live in the shadow of pain all my life!

"Boom boom boom!"

God seemed to hear Xiao Gucheng's anger, and in the boundless night, a dazzling thunder and lightning immediately jumped out!

At the same time, the thunderous sound of the sky fell, immediately attracting the attention of the four or eight aspects of the magician, and an unexpected figure suddenly appeared.

"It's really surprising, there's a good show to watch now!" Wuchen laughed secretly, this person is Xian Gu Yong, one of the three saints of the Lion King organization, and she is staring at Xiao Gucheng with a livid face!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1550 All spikes [sixth more]

Wuchen stared at this scene with great interest. Xian Gu Yong was probably disappointed with Xiao Gucheng. Originally, this guy valued Xiao Gucheng's character very much, but now he didn't expect to do such a "good thing".

"Yo yo yo... Long time no see, Miss Xian Gu Yong." Wu Chen greeted with a smile on his face, and there was a sound of schadenfreude in his words.

Xian Guyong turned her head and glanced at it. After seeing that it was Wuchen, she didn't answer. She could hear Wuchen's overtones, but she didn't get angry. First of all, Wuchen had the right to mock her, and secondly, this was indeed their "lion". The failure of the King's Authority.

"You surrender, Xiao Gucheng."

Taking a deep breath, Xian Guyong stabilized his emotions. Now there is no need to worry about who the prisoner is. The key is not to let the prison barrier be broken.

"give up?"

Xiao Gucheng stubbornly shook his head and said softly: "I have no grievances or enmity with you, so please don't meddle in my own business. My goal is only one clean, and I will not hurt others."

Looking at Wuchen, who was hanging around, Xiao Gucheng's plain sight immediately made a world of difference, and he resumed his stern murderous intent.

"Just you? Or is it just this flamboyant beast?"

Pointing at the lion that was faintly forming in the sky, Wuchen sneered, "The beast of the true ancestor? After all, it's just a beast. What do you think a mere beast can do? Do you think he can help you turn defeat into victory?"

The sarcasm was undisguised, Wuchen raised his head, and his hands condensed a large flash of light.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The boundless light bombs flew out of Wuchen's hands, as dense as a torrential rain, carrying the unpleasantness of Wuchen, and the destructive light bombs plunged into the depths of the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The golden lion has a wide body, and it is impossible to avoid it. After all, there are too many and his physique is too large. Although he avoided some deadly attacks at the first time, he was inevitably hit.

"It's unbelievable. This kind of large-scale attack is definitely more terrifying than the real ancestor's scroll beast. The surrounding sky for several kilometers was attacked by him!"

Xian Guyong was extremely shocked and shocked. Looking around, the originally dark and icy sky, but due to the excessive number of light bombs, was too bright, and the sky was rendered into a large piece of golden light!


A miserable howl came from the big mouth of the "Golden Lion", and when he looked closely, the lion's gold was penetrated by terrifying attacks all over his body, leaving shocking wounds.

The originally majestic golden lion suddenly turned into a chicken, which was terrible!

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