"Bang bang bang!"

In the end, unable to withstand the crushing and crushing of the light, the "lion's gold" was defeated and turned into countless golden lights that dissipated, and the boundless sky was only filled with countless flashes.

"Another one-shot kill?"

Seeing this, Xiao Gucheng vomited blood, and almost didn't catch his breath and choked to death. He couldn't help but wonder, is this really the beast of the true ancestor?The junk that was killed in one move!

"It's your turn next, Xiao Gucheng!"

Wuchen revealed murderous intent, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally found a suitable opportunity to kill Xiao Gucheng.

"Hmph, don't get carried away. Do you really think I'm still the half-hearted person I used to be? It's not what I used to be!" Xiao Gucheng retorted sharply, but his confidence did not collapse.

I saw Xiao Gucheng's right hand turned black again, and dark red lines appeared.

"This guy……"

Seeing this, Wuchen was stunned and stared at Xiao Gucheng in surprise. He was no stranger to Xiao Gucheng's actions. This kid seems to be summoning the beast again!

"Awakened other Beasts? Where did the psychic come from?"

Wuchen was puzzled, and he didn't rush to attack. He could kill this kid at any time. Now it's okay to see what he wants to do.

Even if Xiao Gucheng summoned all the beasts, Wuchen was confident enough to suppress him.

"Could it be..."

She moved her gaze and landed on Xiandumu Yuma. If she was a psychic medium, she was not bad, and it was understandable that she could summon other beasts.

"Although our [library] has evaporated in the past few years, it does not mean that our power has collapsed, especially when I consider that the ancient city has become the fourth primordial ancestor, I have prepared a lot of suitable psychic mediums."

Xiandumu Youma gave Wuchen a slight salute, which is a respect for the strong. Wuchen's strength is not inferior to that of the true ancestor's beasts, which is worthy of respect.

"Really? I thought it was your blood. The little girl is young and has a mature mentality. She knows how to plan ahead. It must be good to create your Xiandumu Aye."

Wuchen nodded lightly, and handed him admiring eyes.Staring at the girl with a petite appearance but a mature mind, she was much stronger than the idiot Xiao Gucheng.

"This guy is too calm, is it possible that he has the confidence to face several of the ancestor's beasts at the same time?" Xiandumu Youma frowned and thought, while secretly vigilant against Xian Gu Yong, this guy is also the strength of the true ancestor's three points. Pie monsters.

"You don't plan to stop Xiao Gucheng from summoning the scroll beast?" Wuchen asked curiously, Xian Guyong seemed to be okay, watching silently, without any intention of doing it.

"What am I afraid of?"

Xian Guyong shook his head indifferently, and immediately said with a smile: "Anyway, the sky is falling, isn't it the tall people like you who will be smashed first!"

"This guy wants to watch the fire from the other side, sit and watch me and Xiao Gucheng fight to the death?"

Wuchen looked at him with admiration, and was quite speechless about Xian Gu Yong, one of the three saints of the Lion King agency. This is to let him fight Xiao Gucheng to the death and death, and the Lion King agency will not help anyone.

Very simple truth - the winner is king.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1551 The deep crimson of double horns! 【First Update】

Wuchen stared at Xianguyong, who had nothing to do with it, for a while, and finally retracted his gaze. This guy clearly knew that the war between the two might lead to the sinking of Xianjin Island, but he still ignored it, and undoubtedly had the consciousness of sacrificing one of them.

The truth is that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

"That magic book..."

Moving his eyes, staring at the mysterious magister floating in the void, Wuchen frowned and walked over slowly.

"This magic book and the huge magic power of the true ancestor can make the prison barrier appear, right?"

Wuchen said leisurely while walking: "In other words, as long as this magic book is destroyed, the [Prison Barrier] may disappear, and your plan to rescue Xiandumu Aye will also go bankrupt."

"Could it be that he wants to destroy the magic book?"

Xiandumu Youma's delicate little face tensed. She is very eager to liberate Xiandumu Aye. Once her mother gets out of trouble, it also means that her mission will come to an end and she will be free from now on.

"Do you think you can fly high after completing the task and live according to your own ideas?"

Gently glanced at Xiandumu Yuma, whose face was full of longing, and Wuchen said mercilessly: "This is impossible. According to your mother's character, she may kill you in the end. The meaning of your existence. It's like a chess piece. It's just a prop for her resurrection. After Xiandumu Aye's recovery, it also means that you are useless as a prop, and Xiandumu Aye doesn't need a stand-in like you. , death is your best destination."

"So, continuing to imprison Xiandumu Aye will also save you. You should thank me. It's really sad to be my enemy now." .

"Gu Gucheng, stop him!" Aware of Wuchen's intention, Xiandumu Youma quickly urged Xiao Gucheng to stop Wuchen.

"I don't need you to tell me this, but this guy and I are inseparable!"

Xiao Gucheng's eyes were like torches in front of Wuchen, with a proud expression full of confidence, as if the great defeat just now was just a dream that will never return.

"Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten is always one after the other, but... he also has a time when his vitality is exhausted."

Completely ignoring the majestic and domineering Xiao Gucheng, Wuchen raised his right hand and pointed to the magic book in the sky, enough to burst through the mountain's edge.


Under the night sky, a straight ray of light cut through the sky, rose from the ground, and headed straight for the magic book.

"Don't try to succeed!"

Xiao Gucheng was not to be outdone, and a lot of magic power erupted all over his body. Buildings hundreds of meters high were shaking, and a behemoth jumped out of the crack in the void.

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